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20080423 Minutes

Transportation and Advisory Committee Minutes from Wednesday, April 23, 2008 12:15 PM — 1:30 PM, 316 Day Hall Boardroom

Dan Brown, Judy Eckard, Rebecca Harbison (for Waiching), Marisa LaFalce, David Lieb, John Ludders, Inda Mahler, Sue Powell, David Proctor, Helen Steh
Arnim Meyburg and Waiching Wong

M. LaFalce called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the March meeting minutes. Minutes were unanimously approval.

M. LaFalce reviewed a response from TCAT on several issues brought up last month:

  • Customer support will continue after 5:00 PM. Phone will be forwarded to dispatch from 5:00 PM — 8:00 PM.
  • Naming of bus shelter is progressing. The following have been signed: A Lot,

B Lot and Sage Hall with more to come.

  • The TCAT Transportation Development Plan has begun its survey process. The data will help determine service needs now and into the future.

J. Eckard will send the TCAT response to Bonnie Ferguson who attended the March meeting.

H. Steh reviewed the emergency communication plan for the out-of-county transit riders.

Dryden Bike Trail

J. Ludders said that at a previous meeting the possibility of extending a bike trail along the railroad bed from East Ithaca to Dryden was discussed. He talked with Dan Kwasnowski who is the environmental planner for the Town of Dryden. J. Ludders reported that the Town of Dryden is the agency that is working to develop this trail. The object is to have it as an alternate transportation route. Cornell is funding the section from Mt. Pleasant Road to Route 13. The town owns a segment of land, as does Cornell. From Route 13 to Freeville, they are still acquiring land from owners and will take time to complete. Currently they are working on the path from Dryden to Freeville.

D. Proctor commented that a lot of bike trails in Oregon have paths that go under the roads which assure safety and no stopping.

Campus Bike Paths

S. Powell talked about the work the Bike/Pedestrian Committee is doing to update the shared walk system at Cornell. Originally, Transportation used diamond symbols for dismount or shared walk (early 90’s) zones. The diamonds symbols confused people so we changed to a bike symbol. The shared symbols were put only where people could ride. The dismount symbols are put only in hazardous areas. Bikes should not be ridden on sidewalks by law. We use the yellow symbol to designate shared walkway. The group is trying to address where we need bike access with the removal of some due to construction (e.g. Duffield Hall). We have had requests for bike paths up Libe Slope. We are looking to designate an up hill only bike path. Down hill bikes travel almost as fast as cars so they can use the road safely. We are working with Risk Management as well.

I. Tse asked if there is a way to get to Vet School from East Hill. D. Lieb noted that Pine Tree Road is the problem and that is a project that we can be involved in with the Town of Ithaca.

J. Ludders said that in the 25-year plan, there is a bridge − he heard they were considering a Veterinary barn across Route 366 (in the Orchards) and will have to consider an underpass for pedestrians.

D. Proctor noted that a comprehensive plan should be developed that shows what can be done and how much it costs.

Letter on RideShare

M. LaFalce summarized a letter from a RideShare person who carpools with four staff members, two who work at Seneca Place. Transportation no longer sees this as a four-person rideshare and has taken away the reserved parking space. H. Steh explained this situation: the RideShare Program is where a parking permit is shared and the cost of the permit is reduced. This group is a four-person rideshare and met the requirement of working in an area where a permit is required. Two members moved downtown at Seneca Place and no longer work in an area where a permit is required. We allowed them to continue to rideshare at no cost but we could not give them a reserved space. We are suggesting that they take their issue to the Transportation Hearing and Appeals Board.

D. Lieb said that this is one of the demand management programs. It has to work for the individuals but it must be verifiable. We have to make reports to the City of Ithaca on how many people are in TDM programs. There has to be a set of limitations so the program is not defrauded; we made an exception because of their long-standing participation.

H. Steh said that the individual claims that she can not find a parking space when she comes to work. With a “D” permit (which the rideshare has) she can park in the Sage Lot, Hoy Road Lot, and the Garage.

May Meeting

M. LaFalce said she would email the committee in May to see if there are enough agenda items to warrant a May meeting.

This meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.

Contact TAC

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F