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April 17, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting
Friday, April 17, 2009
12:15 - 1:30pm
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order


Members- Marisa LaFalce, John Ludders, David Proctor
Ex-Officio- Judy Eckard, David Lieb, Inda Mahler, Helen Steh
Excused- Jim Gibbs, Melissa Hardstone, Lois Levitan

M. LaFalce called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM. The minutes from the February meeting were approved.

II. TCAT Route Project

H. Steh said she attended the TCAT Public Forums and most suggestions from the previous forums were addressed.

Route 82 North Campus to Central to East Hill Plaza will run every 15 minutes, Monday — Friday, 7:00 AM — 6:00 PM during the academic year. D. Proctor suggested mining passenger data to see who rides this route. If it is mostly faculty, staff and professional students they’ll need it year around. Route 51 and Route 93 — In response to CommonLand residents, that stop was added back in. Route 54 Varna and Turkey Hill — East Hill Plaza and Campus service was added at commuting times for AM and PM.

III. Sustainable Commuter Program

D. Lieb introduced the draft of the Sustainable Commuter Program. He said it’s been about 20 years since we piloted OmniRide and introduced other demand management programs. About 30% of the faculty and staff participate and we have maintained that percentage over the years.

To get more people in TDM and reduce single occupant vehicles, we needed to change/enhance the programs. The new program is designed to reward commuters who choose a sustainable commute.

In the TIMS from t-Geis, we focused on moving people not vehicles. Highlights of the Sustainable Commuter Program include:

  • OmniRide
  • RideShare
  • Ithaca Carshare
  • VanPool
  • Flex Commute
  • Commuter Credits

We have looked beyond the university and have included the Ithaca Community in some of our programs — Ithaca Carshare and VanPool. Commuters and survey data have asked that our programs add flexibility and we have tried to do that with the flex commute program.

If you don’t purchase an individual parking permit, you enroll as a Sustainable Commuter and get ten credits to use as you wish. Credit Redemption Options are: Books of parking permits CarShare membership Campus to Campus bus service Wellness Program OmniRide

J. Ludders asked if this replaces OmniRide as it is today. D. Lieb noted that a part on what we are trying to convey is that everything has a cost. For instance OmniRide isn’t free. Transportation pays for rides as well as the parking provided by books of permits. We are looking to add to these credits, for instance: Meal Choice.

D. Lieb commented that the Flex Commute parking is only in perimeter parking areas. Prices are based on a percentage of an annual parking fee. D. Proctor noted that this gives people the opportunity to try something slowly and then work up to more.

D. Lieb commented that CarShare is an enabling service for those without a car. There are currently 730 members. The usage on cars is 4 hours/day to break even. D. Lieb said that RideShare is getting a facelift. There will no longer be cash rebates, instead they will receive credits and use them for books of permits.

D. Lieb noted that Transportation Services is building Grad/Prof students into the RideShare program in two ways: All student rideshare Mix of faculty/staff/student

D. Proctor asked why the program is different for students. D. Lieb said there is no funding source for students. D. Proctor asked if the GPSA wanted transportation benefits, what it would cost. D. Lieb said that Transportation Services would review any such official request and be able to put numbers to it.

I. Mahler said that the chart is baffling but the commuter credits are good concepts. M. LaFalce noted that the “what’s in it for me” has gotten better. Marketing will be the issue and will need to encourage environmental change. J. Ludders said that there is always the perception that some things are free. He thinks that the option of commuter credits is a plus. M. LaFalce noted that anyone who wants to stay the same can, Transportation just give more options. D. Proctor commented that being able to pick what you want is great.

M. LaFalce made a recommendation that we call out for agenda items for the May meeting. If nothing materializes, she’ll cancel the meeting.

IV. Adjournment

This meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.

Contact TAC

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F