Student Elected Trustee

OpenSTV version 1.6.1 (

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Loading ballots from file student-elected-trustee.blt.
Ballot file contains 6 candidates and 4207 ballots.
Ballot file contains 4174 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Student Elected Trustee using Instant Runoff Voting.
6 candidates running for 1 seat.

Round Alexander Bores Felema Yemane Katherina Balram Lauren Ritter Nathaniel Rosen Samuel Daly Exhausted
1 1671 562 548 214 989 190 0
Count of first choices.
2 1720 582 567 245 1017 43
Count after eliminating Samuel Daly and transferring votes.
3 1791 617 621 1066 79
Count after eliminating Lauren Ritter and transferring votes.
4 1988 736 1189 261
Count after eliminating Felema Yemane and transferring votes.
5 2311 1426 437
Count after eliminating Katherina Balram and transferring votes. Candidate Alexander Bores is elected.

Winner is Alexander Bores.