Student Assembly Undesignated at-Large - unrestricted

OpenSTV version 1.6.1 (
Loading ballots from file student-assembly-undesignated-at-large.blt.
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 5400 ballots.
Ballot file contains 3311 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Student Assembly Undesignated at-Large - unrestricted using Meek STV.
5 candidates running for 2 seats.

Round Jay (Jaeil) Lee (jl2729) Melissa Lukasiewicz (mrl88) Merna Y. Abouelmaaty (ma532) Mo Cho (mjc339) Nicholas F. Vasko (nfv4) Exhausted Surplus Threshold
1 1185.000000 814.000000 141.000000 715.000000 456.000000 0.000000 81.333333 1103.666667
Count of first choices. Candidate Jay (Jaeil) Lee (jl2729) has reached the threshold and is elected.
2 1331.000000 1005.000000 855.000000 120.000000 267.333333 1063.666667
Count after eliminating Merna Y. Abouelmaaty (ma532) and Nicholas F. Vasko (nfv4) and transferring votes. All losing candidates are eliminated.
3 1063.667319 1077.708062 964.062093 205.562526 71.083731 1035.145825
Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who have exceeded the threshold: Jay (Jaeil) Lee (jl2729), 0.799149. Candidate Melissa Lukasiewicz (mrl88) has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Jay (Jaeil) Lee (jl2729) and Melissa Lukasiewicz (mrl88).