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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

2007 Spring Members

Spring 2007 Campus Planning Committee
Budish, Daniel--dlb89By SAFriday, 1 June 2007de facto
Wein, Lauren--lmw44By SAFriday, 1 June 2007de facto
DiBernardo, Diana--dbd25By SAFriday, 1 June 2007 
Perez, Jeanette--jp377By SAFriday, 1 June 2007 
Leinfelder, Michelle--mml32By GPSAFriday, 1 June 2007 
Stein, Dennis130 Day Hall607–255–8206dws3By EAFriday, 1 June 2007 
Sutfin, George0002G Barton607–255–7305gls5By EAFriday, 1 June 2007 
(vacant)By FacultyFriday, 1 June 2007 
(vacant)By FacultySunday, 1 June 2008 
Presidential Appointments
Cole, Thomas437 Day Hall607–255–7018tec2By President  
Hubbell, Kent401 Willard Straight Hall607–255–1115klh4By President  
(vacant)By President  
(vacant)By President  
Position appointments and designees
Ovaska, Arthur145 Sibley Hall607–255–5236fs48position, Chair, Architecture- 
Knuth, Barbara117 Fernow Hall607–255–2822bak3position, Chair, Natural Resources- 
Rakow, Donald1 Plantations Rd607–255–6139dr14position, Director, Plantations- 
(vacant)position, Vice President, Facilities and Campus Services- 
Whang, Kyu-JungHumphreys Service Bldg607–255–4394kw253Vice President, Facilities Services-note
Gleason, Kathryn L.446 Kennedy Hall607–255–1649klg16position, Coordinator, Landscape Architecture- 
Reardon, Ken108 West Sibley607–254–5378kmr22position, Chair, City and Regional Planning- 
Schmidt, Stephan313 West Sibley607–254–4846sjs96designee, Chair, City and Regional Planning-co-chair
Spector, Buzz222 Tjaden Hall607–255–4213fs48position, Chair, Art- 
Bertoia, Bob224 Tjaden Hall607–255–5178rgb4designee, Chair, Art- 
Tomlan, Michael210 West Sibley607–255–7261mat4position, Director, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation- 
Non-voting members
(vacant)liaison, From UAFriday, 1 June 2007 

Note: The Vice President of Facilities Services and Campus Services is now the Vice President of Facilities Services

Note: The de facto flag indicates positions not currently specified in UA charter that are currently being staffed and utilized in practice.

Contact the Campus Planning Committee

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F