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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 05, 1997 Minutes

Employee Assembly
November 5, 1997
Day Hall Board Room
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 12:15 p.m. by M.Purvis.

II. Open Forum

a. Adult Education -

C.J. Lance -Duboscq reported that she recently had a meeting with Mary Opperman, Associate VP of HR, Chet Warzynski, Director of Organization Development and Education Services, and Glenn Altschuler, Dean of Continuing Education and Summer Session. G.Altschuler had several strong objections to the adult education program as presented (see 9/17/97 ea minutes). Therefore, the program was modified, changing the mandate. C.J. Lance-Duboscq explained that this was not what she had envisioned. The original idea was a program geared toward the educational needs and interests of employees. Certificates would be offered instead of degrees, with classes held weekends and evenings. The modified version will be a pilot program and will incorporate several areas of learning and different formats; for example, classes in the traditional format and also classes in a workshop format.

b. UA and EA Joint Workshop -

M.Esposito proposed that a joint workshop with the UA be held on the topic of Robert’s Rules. According to M. Esposito the UA does not adhere to these rules at its meetings. Because it is in both the UA’s and EA’s Charters, following these rules is important, especially if a decision could be reversed on the grounds that the proper procedure was not followed. M.Esposito will propose this to the UA and would like the EA to consider the usefulness of such a workshop.

b. Project 2000 Training Facility -

L.Caswell informed members that the training aspect of Project 2000 is having a hard time finding a room with computers in which training sessions could be held. L.Caswell asked that members inform her of any available rooms that could be used for this purpose.

c. Leadership Development-

G.Brandt inquired if there is a leadership development program at CU similar to those programs some Chambers of Commerce offer. After some discussion, G.Brandt said he would prepare a short outline or proposal.

d. Computer Kiosks -

L.Clougherty suggested that some of the excess computers on campus be used to set up kiosks that employees can use to check their-email. There are many people who do not use their e-mail due to a lack of access. These kiosks would allow greater access to the network and, therefore, may increase the use of e-mail and other network resources.


The minutes were approved as submitted.

IV. Announcements and Reports

a. Opperman/Rogers Meeting -

The next Opperman/Rogers meeting is on November 10 and questions were due on the first of the month.

b. Letters of Resignation -

M.Purvis had two letters of resignation to read to members. The first was from D.Walter who stated that he was resigning due to lack of time to serve on the EA. His resignation is effective immediately. The second letter , from D.Poland, said he was resigning because he is leaving Cornell. He will not leave until January and will serve until January 9. 1998. Members were asked to think of people who might be willing to serve on the EA.

c. Report from Trustee -

Cyndy Tyachuck informed members she is trying to arrange for M.Overstrom to address the Board of Trustees. They are working together on this since there is a certain procedure that must be followed. Also, in October, the Board met on campus. C.Tyachuck noted that the tone of the meeting was very positive. There were two issues addressed that deal with employees. First, the Board of Trustees decided that faculty and staff compensation are to remain a priority. Second, the Employee Night at the Court is to be held on January 24. The first volunteer planning committee will meet on November 12. Anyone is welcome to help this committee.

V. Business of the Day

a. Campus Planning Committee -

Peggy Haine said she joined this committee during the summer. She had served on this committee before but has never given a report to the Assembly. The committee suggested that she report to the Assembly and she would like to do so on a regular basis.

The last meeting of this committee was held on October 17. There is still no site picked for Duffield Hall. They are still speaking to various departments that may be included in the building of this hall. This building is controversial since it could release some chemicals into the air. However, the committee believes there is adequate technology to prevent this, and similar facilities operate at Berkeley and Stanford.

There have already been sites located for the new dorm to be built on North Campus. One of the possible sites is north of Helen Newman.

Martha Van Rensselaer is up for renovation. It is hoped this will be tied in with the renovation of Bailey Plaza. Bailey Hall renovation is still awaiting funds from New York State.

Mallot Hall is to house statistics and math after the Johnson School of Business Management moves into the renovated Sage Hall.

Allan Lentini has recently moved to ILR. Clint Sidle is replacing him as the Director of Space Planning and Management.

Lincoln Hall will be expanded. The current plan is to build the expansion into the parking lot behind it. This expansion is needed for performance space and practice rooms.

A facility condition survey is underway for all the Greek houses.

Tjaden is on schedule. This is good for Sage because the workers who were at Tjaden can now work on Sage.

There is a plan to add a softball field near the tennis and equestrian facilities. This will be available for whoever needs them.

The planning office is currently interviewing transportation planners for a position to be jointly funded by transportation and planning.

Maintenance management is now responsible for road repairs.

The town of Ithaca has required that Cornell University develop and submit a plan before additional work is done on Snyder Hill around Baker Institute.

P.Haine stated that she would report again to the Assembly after more information is available.

VI. Old Business

a. Paw Print Contributions -

L.Caswell reported that three issues were discussed at the November 4 board meeting. First, there will be some volunteer information and public service articles. The first article is supposed to be in the January edition. Also, the proposed “Did You Know….” column was discussed. The problem with the column was whether there will be enough room for it. However, the board decided there are a couple blurbs that could be eliminated so the column would fit. The question now is how will the information be obtained. Finally, the board was favorable toward the idea of expanding the newspaper into an eight-page, biweekly. Currently, Dennis Stein is putting together a budget proposal for the expansion. When it is ready, it will be brought before the EA for endorsement.

b. Fall Project 2000 Open Forum -

M.Purvis informed members the forum will take place on February 3 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. It will not be called the Project 2000 Forum. President Hunter Rawlings has agreed to speak, but he has yet to communicate this fact to his scheduler.

c.”Frontline Feedback” -

L.Clougherty informed the Assembly there was a meeting on October 27. A definition of office professionals is needed. They also discussed holding forums and lunch meetings for office professionals. There will be a focus on women’s groups as a channel to spread the news of this program; however, they are aware that some office professionals are men and these individuals should not be excluded. The next meeting is scheduled for November 13.

VII. Committee Reports

a. University Benefits Committee -

G.Brandt reported that at the last meeting of the UBC, Dr. Rob Mackenzie gave a presentation about the cost of medical care, the options researched, and how these options might affect current medical plans offered by the University. One incident Dr. Mackenzie pointed out was about 280 endowed employees covered under managed care, losing their primary provider, Binghamton University Medical Associates in Candor, when this provider pulled out of the managed choice group. There will be another meeting in the next two weeks. The agenda will consist mostly of examining cost and availability of medical care

b. GPSA -

D.Marsh said the GPSA considers employees who take classes to be students and are interested in what issues concerns these employees. She will send more information about this meeting later.

c. UA -

M.Esposito reported that at the last meeting on October 29, Dianne Geohring resigned. She was replaced by L.Clougherty. There were two resolutions placed before the UA. The first proposed to make members of the Committee on Committees ex officio members of all non-confidential committees. This will be addressed at the next meeting and voted on at the next meeting. The second resolution, brought up by the Student Assembly, was to have SA representatives to the UA be elected directly. This resolution failed.

d. Communications Committee -

C.J. Lance-Duboscq said the DSA reception for nominees who were not selected and their nominators will be on February 2 at the Memorial Room in Willard Straight. The President will be there to speak, and there will be a light reception.

e. Employee Education -

L.Caswell reported that Anita Harris, HR Consultant, was present at the last meeting to give needed information to members. The committee decided they will meet every two weeks instead of once a month since the policy is very important. The draft minutes were passed out to EA members.

f. IOC -

M.Purvis requested that members inform the IOC if they know anyone interested in joining the EA.

VIII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:31 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715