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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 18, 1998 Minutes

Employee Assembly
February 18, 1998
Day Hall Board Room
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 12:20 p.m. by M.Overstrom.

II. Open Forum

a. Penny Drive -

C.J.Lance-Duboscq suggested that the EA hold a penny drive. Containers would be placed in areas employees frequent so that they may put change into them. The funds gathered would be used to benefit employees in need. Members noted that the Union already had a similar program. It was suggested that the EA work with the Union in order to expand this to include all employees.

A concern was raised as to how the funds would be collected and distributed.

C.Gardner noted that there was once a program similar to this when the health insurance plans were changing. Employees who needed financial assistance would have to fill out an application, and the EA would then review the application and a determination would be made as to how much money each applicant would receive.

b. Leadership Program -

C.J.Lance-Duboscq suggested that employees nominated for the Dedicated Service Award be offered placement in a leadership program and be introduced in various circles. In this way, these employees would have the chance to move into leadership positions. Members noted that until there is a campus-wide leadership program, this idea cannot be implemented.

G.Brandt mentioned that there is a new program forming through OHR called Leadership 2000. He passed around a pamphlet for members to look at and suggested that this program might be used in order to implement the idea.

c. PawPrint Insert -

T.Hoebbel stated that the EA had planned to place a four-page insert into the next issue of PawPrint. This issue was to focus mainly on the candidates for the election. However, since there are only four candidates running in the election, it might be better to use the insert for something else.

Members suggested that the elections be promoted in PawPrint before petitions are due in order to find more candidates. This has been done in past years.

C.Gardner stated that there is no reason to do an insert on the elections because no real election is taking place. There are four candidates running for seven seats and so they will all be elected. Also, the EA only has seven days to put together the insert, and this will be hard to do in such a short amount of time. Therefore, this insert should be put off in order to have the time to do a good job on it.

Members suggested that the committees be advertised in the insert because employees sign-up for committees on the ballot. The insert can also be used to give more press to past events and promote the EA in general.

C.Gardner stated that the ballots will be mailed out the week of March 2. However, it is possible to delay the mailing of the ballots in order for there to be enough time to do an insert on the committees. C.Gardner suggested that the EA could delay mailing the ballots for two weeks and also delay the ballot due date for two weeks, so that there would be sufficient time to work on the publication.

The EA decided to delay mailing the ballots. T.Hoebbel, T.Calvert, G.Brandt, L.Caswell, and C.Hayes volunteered to work on the insert and T.Hoebbel will inform Dean Stein of the changes.

d. InfoBits -

L.Caswell stated that InfoBits will be in the next issue of PawPrint and passed around a copy of the column. She noted there has been fewer ideas for the column coming to her than expected, and so she requested that the members send her any ideas that they can think of.

e. Data Access Policy -

M.Esposito stated that UA is voting on the options for the data access policy. He suggested that the EA also decide which option to support.

C.Gardner noted that the options are rather complicated. She suggested that if the EA decides to vote on the option, that Marjorie Hodges be invited in order to answer any questions members might have.


The minutes were approved as amended: Paul Bursic’s title was changed to Director of Benefit Services, Endowed, and Alice Tjaden was changed to Olive Tjaden.

IV. Announcements and Reports

a. Opperman/Rogers Meeting -

The February 16 Opperman/Rogers meeting was canceled. The next one will be held on March 16.

b. Assembly Leadership Meeting -

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 24. At the meeting, the problem of supervisors preventing employees from running for the EA will be raised.

V. Business of the Day

a.Review of EA Goals - M.Overstrom stated that at the last meeting EA members discussed the goals made at the EA Retreat. It was decided that members would vote by e-mail as to what issues are the most important. The results of the vote were placed on the agenda. She noted that some of these goals could be combined. She suggested that one internal goal and one external goal be formed, and that the EA split up in order to implement each goal.

Daniel Massing, Associate Director in the Patents & Technology Dept., suggested that the EA form goals that are measureable. For example, having a budget is a measureable goal but improving morale is difficult.

C.Gardner noted that both the EA Open Forum and Frontline Feedback are ways used to improve employee morale.

L.CLougherty stated that programs to improve morale are not necessarily finite. There may always be programs working to improve morale, like Frontline Feedback.

Members suggested that the mentor program be revamped. However, it is currently working out of the Career Center and so there is not enough manpower to make a university-wide program that is open to everyone.

D.Massing noted that the Employee Senate of the University of Buffalo once tried to do an employee satisfaction survey. It was not put together well, and so it wasn’t very useful and nothing definitive was done about the results. However, a survey can provide information as to what employees want and so the EA might want to consider doing one.

T.Calvert stated that she does not think that a survey is necessary.  

M.Overstrom noted that morale has been on the rise due to the salary raises and because the administration appears to be listening more to employee concerns.

G.Brandt stated that he agreed with M.Overstrom’s idea of two goals that has separate groups to implement them. He stated that an employee survey can be an important tool if done correctly because it can gather a lot of information. Also, the results of a survey can be used in order to form goals and programs.

T.Hoebbel stated that information gathered from a campus-wide survey may be too varied to be of any practical use.

G.Brandt stated that there can be different surveys for different areas since it is only natural that their needs would not be the same.

C.J.Lance-Dubsocq agreed with G.Brandt on the idea of a survey. She stated that a survey can gather more information that just EA members speaking with employees. She noted that surveys are more useful if multiple ones are done.

M.Overstrom requested that the EA address the topic of internal goals, such as the budget and the formation of a committee on committees.

L.Clougherty suggested that the mechanics of committees be looked at. She noted that by mechanics, she means when the committee meets, for how long, etc. It may be possible that by changing these mechanics that the committee may work better and that more employees can have a seat on them.

M.Overstrom suggested that the EA be split into two groups. One group will discuss internal goals, and select some to work on while the other will do the same for external goals. She suggested that these groups confer over e-mail as opposed to an actual meeting.

G.Brandt stated that it would be important for reports to be given at EA meetings so that members of one group know what the other group is doing.

M.Overstrom asked members to tell her which of the two groups they would prefer to be on. T.Hoebbel, M.Esposito, L.Clougherty, G.Brandt, and C.J.Lance-Duboscq decided to be on the internal group. The external group will consist of T.Calvert, M.Purvis, L.Caswell, and M.Overstrom. D.Marsh, C.Hayes, T.Fraboni, and J.DeMarco will be asked as to which group they would like to join.

In response to questions as to what is expected of each group, M.Overstrom stated that she would like each group to meet by e-mail and appoint a point person. This person woul give reports at EA meetings. Also, she would like the groups to discuss what they will work on, such as the internal group working on the budget.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:34 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715