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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

January 20, 1999 Minutes

Employee Assembly Minutes
Wednesday, January 20, 1999
Day Hall Boardroom
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

I. Call to Order and Introductions

Tom Hoebbel called the meeting to order at 12:19 p.m.

Present: C.J. Lance-Duboscq, M. Esposito, T. Hoebbel, T. Calvert, L. Clougherty, C. Hayes, A. Vail, J. DeMarco, G. Brandt, J. Worden, C. Gardner, D. Stein. Also joined by Pam Kellogg and Brian Geddell.

II. Open Forum

L. Clougherty reported that Mary Opperman and Fred Rogers feel we shouldn’t consider having an open forum this year unless we have a compelling topic. C.J. Lance-Duboscq stated that since there were only 3 members present at the Rogers/Opperman luncheon meeting on January 18, this wasn’t exactly a quorum decision,. She feels there is value in having the President address the employees. Gary Brandt stated he is all for the President addressing the employees with a “State of the University” address. M. Esposito expressed concern that we have funding in the budget for the open forum, and if we don’t spend it we may not get funding for it in the future. Tom Hoebbel feels we should not spend the money in the budget for the open forum “just to spend the money”. We don’t want it to end up in a gripe session for employees. G. Brandt feels we should “filter” the questions to the administration by screening the employees’ questions. It was decided to reconvene the forum committee (C.J., Linda, Trudie, Andy).

Joe DeMarco announced the George Peter Dedicated Service Award Reception would be held on January 29, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. in Ives Hall. It had to be postponed on the 15th due to weather.

C.J. Lance-Duboscq announced we would have separate “working meetings” on the 4th Wednesday of every month (except April) to work on specific projects. Attendance is not mandatory.

C.J. Lance-Duboscq stated attendance at Rogers/Opperman luncheons has been very low; we should let the Office of the Assemblies know one week in advance if we are unable to attend. The schedule of Rogers/Opperman meetings will be sent out again.

Gary Brandt displayed the hockey jerseys for this year’s tournament. There are 10 teams competing this year.

C. Gardner reminded everyone to sign the card for George Peter if they haven’t already done so.

III. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of January 6, 1999 were approved with the following correction:

  • Section IV. Old Business, 2nd paragraph, last sentence — when asked whether she would be running for the Employee Assembly again this year, Linda Clougherty stated she was not sure.

IV. Business of the Day

Transportation Advisory Committee — Employee Representative Pam Kellogg gave an update of TAC activities:

  • Printed bus schedules are up at some bus stops as previously requested
  • Public hearing - have been held
  • Blue Light Bus — last bus time changed from 2:00 a.m. to 3:15 a.m.
  • They are working on bus stop lighting; CU Police call about the lighting problems every day
  • Students confused between TCAT issues and TAC issues — they bring issues to TAC that belong to TCAT
  • Traffic light at Caldwell and Rt. 366 is under construction, weather permitting.
  • Feasibility study to realign Judd Falls intersection (to be done by the state).
  • Part-time employees and casual appointments were discussed (211 part-time, 474 casual appointments).
  • Pro-rated parking rates — it is felt by transportation there are very few employees affected. They will “educate” employees with their options rather than reduce rates.
  • TAC is checking into charging retirees; they now have free parking but end up in the outer lots anyway.
  • Spring parking program is being worked out and will be supplied at a later date.

Pam does not feel the committee gets sufficient information to answer the concerns of employees. She also has concerns the committee does not get the information they need.

Pam has concern that the committee makes recommendations, but feels nothing is ever done with them. T. Hoebbel stated the committee should make written recommendations and copy the UA, the EA, and Fred Rogers. Items/concerns need to go through a formal process in order to get action.

Cris Gardner gave an explanation of Article 10 of the University Assembly Charter regarding recommendations on University Assembly committees. Committee recommendations go to UA for approval, then the President for approval. Hal Craft came to TAC and gave the community representatives the responsibility of challenging what the Office of Transportation Services is doing. TAC members should not feel they have to rubber-stamp everything because they have the authority to question policy and procedures and to receive an explanation. She suggested everyone read/review Article 10. If a committee action is not acted upon within 30 days after going to University Assembly, the committee can send it on to the President directly. If the President doesn’t respond within 30 days on a policy matter, then the policy matter referred by the University Assembly becomes University policy.

C. Hayes stated she feels the representatives to these committees do not get enough direction and/or training to represent the employee body efficiently.

TAC meetings are held the second Monday of the month from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, February 8, 1999 in the Day Hall Board Room. Employee Assembly members will attempt to attend.

V. Old Business

a. Referenda for Spring ‘99 Elections

It was agreed the officers and the IOC would meet regarding the referenda and report back to the group at the next meeting. Any recommendations should be sent to the Chair.

b. Outlining Goals — next item “Become more active in development of benefit plans”.

This item was postponed.

c. Charter Revisions Update — report from IOC

J. DeMarco handed out the revised EA Charter. C. Gardner detailed the proposed changes to the Employee Assembly Charter. Members were instructed to read over the charter revisions and amendments will be voted on at the next meeting.

VI. New Business

a. Report on “Dialog on Campus Climate: Diversity/Inclusion” meeting w/Dean Cooke:

T. Hoebbel reported that Dean Cooke wants only two representatives from the Employee Assembly on this committee. The goal is for each college to have their own set of guidelines pertaining to Campus Climate. The next meeting will take place the first week in February. G. Brandt showed interest, but doesn’t have a lot of time to commit. T. Hoebbel feels it will be a time-intensive project. The EA representatives will be T. Hoebbel, C.J. Lance-Duboscq, and David DiBene (alternate). The following people attended the last meeting: Bob Johnson (CURW), Bob Harris (Africana Studies), Jane Mt. Pleasant, John Ford, Lisa Earl, T. Hoebbel, C.J. Lance-Duboscq, and C. Gardner. Dean Cooke will ask for 1 undergraduate student and 1 graduate student to serve on the committee. A motion was made that C.J. Lance-Duboscq and T. Hoebbel be our representatives to this committee with D. DiBene as a backup. It was unanimously approved.

b. Inclement Weather Policy —

There were concerns the University should have closed on January 15th. It was felt we should review the policy and get input from Hal Craft. Findings will be reported in PawPrint. L. Clougherty volunteered to contact Hal Craft, VP of Facilities and Campus Services, and the Office of Transportation to get their input.

c. Dean Cooke is reviewing Athletics strategic plan.

He is looking for an employee representative for a Faculty Forum on February 17th. G. Brandt volunteered to represent the employees in working on the planning of the forum.

d. D. Stein suggested we invite Peggy Haine to give us an update on campus construction.

We haven’t received an update in about a year.

E. C. Hayes distributed the current budget balance.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Charla M. Hayes Secretary/Treasurer Employee Assembly

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715