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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

May 19, 1999 Minutes

Employee Assembly Minutes
Wednesday, May 19, 1999
12:15 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
G08 Uris Hall

I.Call to Order and Introductions

C.J. Lance-Duboscq called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.

Present: G.Brandt, L. Clougherty, D. Darby (Campus Life), D. Di Bene, Amelia Ellsworth (TAC nominee), C. Gardner, B. Goodell, T. Hoebbel, C.J. Lance-Duboscq, M. Overstrom, C. Tkachuck, A. Vail, J. Worden.

II. Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of May 5, 1999 were approved as amended:

  • Section II. TAC Committee Member Applicants: correct spelling of candidate name: Eric Hallstead

III.Open Forum

J. Worden announced the Communication Committee plans to produce a revised EA brochure and asked the group for design ideas for a new logo.

G. Brandt reported the merger of Statutory Employee Benefits Services with the Endowed University Benefits Office in Day Hall.

T. Hoebbel announced an exhibit of his photography at the Hartell Gallery under Sibley Dome during the week of May 17. A reception is scheduled for May 21, 3:30–5:00 p.m.

IV. Announcement and Reports

June 7 — Annual Presidential Address to Employees

CJ Lance-Duboscq discussed the unfortunate need to postpone this event due to lack of time and organization.

M. Overstrom agreed with the idea and said her experience with planning and President Rawlings’ calendar tells her it would not be in EA’s or the President’s best interests to start this project so late.

CJ Lance-Duboscq discussed the tentative dates for an address in fall 1999: September 7, 8, 29 or October 12, 13, 31. She noted the Fall semester break falls within the October 12th date.

M.Overstrom brought up fact that other dates in September might be available on the President’s calendar: September 27 and 30.

The EA voted unanimously in favor of Tuesday, October 12, 1999 for this event. C.Gardner will schedule Kennedy Hall. The planning committee is T.Calvert, A.Vail, M.Overstrom, CJ Lance-Duboscq and C.Gardner. M.Overstrom will organize the first meeting.

V. Old Business

a. TAC Employee Representative

Due to the inability of one TAC member applicant to attend the May 5th meeting, the meeting began with a recap of the IOC’s search for two new TAC members.

M. Overstrom reported that the Assembly heard from three candidates (not on EA) and from B. Goodell and J. Worden at the May 5th meeting. Brian will be a UA delegate to TAC and asked to be removed from candidacy as an EA liaison to TAC. Jayne was selected as the EA representative.

The group heard from Amelia Ellsworth, Assistant Director for Long Distance Learning. Her interest in TAC stems from her experience of a lack of communication between what transportation services are available and what can be available. She states she knows of TAC from her own learning. Communication is her priority for the group. Amelia was an undergraduate student at Cornell and is currently working on an MPS degree. She had problems with traffic and with Transportation Services and because of her experience with them chose not to park on or near campus. She raised a question about what EA does and where it fits within the University Assembly structure.

M.Overstrom outlined the structure of the UA and its respective branches of governance, explained TAC and the job of the TAC representative.

G.Brandt made the point that TAC’s program document for 1999–00 was passed by it (TAC) but declined by the University Assembly. This is an example of an outstanding issue for TAC.

M. Overstrom stated the TAC leadership had not been effective in the past two years. The Employee Assembly wants to place strong representatives in TAC. Of two positions, one is to be an EA member and the other a campus-at-large member. Next year’s EA liaison is Trudie Calvert.

C.Gardner announced a meeting on May 28 for the purpose of reviewing the by-laws and the charge to TAC and its current structure. She related that there is a sense of domination within the group by Transportation Services and some members have recommended a change to the composition of the group.

At this point A.Ellsworth was excused from the meeting. A member of IOC will contact her regarding the outcome of today’s EA vote.

Motion was approved to discuss candidates. Curt Dunnam and Pamela Kellogg were eliminated at the May 5th meeting; leaving Eric Hallstead and Amelia Ellsworth.

Membership voted unanimously for Eric Hallstead to become the second EA representative to TAC. A suggestion was made that IOC encourage Amelia Ellsworth to attend TAC meetings to become more informed and perhaps involved as a back-up representative.

VI. New Business

M. Esposito is author of Resolutions One and Two. As he was not present to discuss the proposed resolutions, CJ Lance-Duboscq recommended that a separate discussion with him should take place at a later time.

Discussion of Resolution Two came first.

Resolution Two: Employee Trustee Petitions — Draft 1

G.Brandt expressed his disagreement with reducing the number of required signatures from 200 to 50. The employee elected Trustee is an important representative of the campus body to the Board of Trustees and as such should be visible to many.

C.Tkachuck relayed the difficulty in getting the greater number of signatures, but stated it could be done.

D.Di Bene agreed that this might be possible for some, but what if the employee worked in a unit where work time is constricted? Would the requirement of 200 signatures prevent some from running for this position?

M.Overstrom noted that if an employee is in a regimented job, s/he should not consider running for this office. She asked C. Tkachuck for comments on the requirements of the job.

C.Tkachuck reported that attendance at meetings is very important. It is a huge commitment and includes readings, travel, and working with a mentor (a trustee member). Continued attendance is important. The employee-elected Trustee cannot let matters lapse and needs to take the job seriously. It is important for Cornell that the employee-elected Trustee has a presence. She added you don’t understand all when starting the job, so there is a real need to be dedicated. This is a four-year appointment.

B.Goodell reported he has no issue keeping the number of signatures at 200. He stated the trustee would represent at least 3000 employees so the person should get to know them. The requirement for 200 signatures is a way to create more visibility for the candidate.

D.Di Bene agreed that 200 signatures is good, but added that hopefully there is support from the work supervisor and department.

M.Overstrom suggested a need to create publicity for the employee-elected Trustee, in recognition of the dedication, time, and hard work that is required. She suggested that J.Worden take the suggestion for some kind of publicity, e.g., a PowerPoint article, to the Communication Committee.

‘ ’ ‘A motion made and carried to end discussion and vote on Resolution Two.

The Employee Assembly unanimously voted NOT to approve the decrease in petition signatures for the employee-elected Trustee to 50. The number of signatures required is to remain 200.′ ’

B.Goodell asked C. Tkachuck about committees on campus that she had to vacate once she became the employee-elected Trustee.

C.Tkachuck reported she had to drop off all Assemblies related organizations to take the office.

Resolution One: Ex-Officio Attendance — Draft 2

T.Hoebbel asked for clarification.

CJ Lance-Duboscq stated since the author was not present discussion should be postponed.

G.Brandt mentioned the subject came up at a Faculty Senate meeting due to a similar issue of failure to have or maintain ex-officio membership.

CJ Lance-Duboscq reminded the group that it is possible to take the matter up with the designee or office(s) that has appointed ex-officio members to the Assemblies or committees.

C.Gardner spoke of the ex-officio appointees to EA. A representative of the Office of Human Resources is appointed by the President to serve as a resource person. (In the past this was Pete Tufford.) The editor of PawPrint, and the employee-elected Trustee are ex-officio members. During Mary George Opperman’s tenure, D.Stein has served in two roles — that of editor of PawPrint and as OHR representative.

CJ Lance-Duboscq discussed the difficulty of filling both roles.

C.Tkachuck suggested that the employee-elected Trustee come to a meeting during which, for added value, s/he would give a report to the EA or a response to a question, so as to be involved in part of the discussion. As employee-elected Trustee she cannot be involved in EA business and she is not a voting member.

A motion was made and carried to postpone the vote on this resolution.

VII. Business of the Day

a. Day Hall Display Case

M.Overstrom reported she had scheduled the display case for June.

T.Hoebbel referred to December meeting minutes that said M.Overstrom deferred the task of setting up the display to the Communication Committee.

C.Gardner reminded those assembled that there is a full EA meeting on June 2 to discuss next year’s schedule and suggested agenda topics for next year may be useful for the display.

VIII. Committee Reports

a. University Benefits Committee

L.Clougherty reported an affirmative vote by the Faculty Senate on the resolution introduced last month by the UBC. An Ivy League review has begun, hopefully to pressure TIAA for a preferred administration of the plan. Scott Maynes will arrange a meeting with F.Rogers, M.Opperman, D.Randel and other administrators.

A.Vail reported there are problems with what Cornell is asking the vendor to do and the requirements of 403b retirement services.

L. Clougherty also announced that Cornell has added a new vendor to its health benefit plan but she is not sure how locked CU is into this decision.

G. Brandt related there are very few vendors who offer services to administer 403b plans.

A motion was made and carried unanimously to endorse the UBC’s recommendation to request the immediate withdrawal and transfer of TIAA funds.

b. Communications Committee

J.Worden reported the Communication Committee would begin soliciting artwork for an EA brochure logo. She asked for suggestions or artwork from EA members.

c. Campus Climate Planning Committee

T. Hoebbel reported the Campus Climate Planning Committee is planning a Fall 1999 retreat. There are many wrinkles including the decision of who is the horse and who is the cart.

G.Brandt reported that the Office of Assemblies is about to close down and need to finish work on organizing this event. G.Brandt offered to lend support. He reported that C.Gardner has a program design, hammered out from the planning meetings.

M. Overstrom reported the retreat is August 31 at a location to be announced.

L.Clougherty wondered if the Campus Climate Committee has used the resources of organizations, e.g., the Anti-Defamation League, to help formalize thought about the purpose of diversity and campus climate. She would be interested in seeing this happen.

T.Hoebbel reported that Bob Cooke (Dean of Faculty) is in favor of an interactive theatre group presentation format.

C.Tkachuck stated that the Johnson Graduate School of Management started this past year to do diversity training and believes this is something the JGSM should return to.

d. Personnel Policy Committee

L.Clougherty questioned whether everyone had seen the Personnel Policy Committee Annual Report from L.Gregory-Mix. Several members reported their satisfaction with the report.

f. Employee Education Committee

G.Brandt reported that Maureen Brull of CCTS announced to OHR managers that she is planning a one-day employee degree info fair. He asked J. Worden to take this to the Employee Education Committee.

g. TAC

B.Goodell reported at the May 10 TAC meeting, the proposed changes to by-laws that could not be voted on due to lack of quorum.

G.Brandt thanked CJ for her year of service as the EA Chair.

Members said good-bye to D.Di Bene who leaves soon for California.

L.Clougherty asked when new committee members of the EA would be invited to a meeting?

CJ Lance-Duboscq referred this to the IOC.

D.Di Bene suggested Gwendolyn Dean, new LGBT Dean, be contacted to see if she is interested in participating on campus governance.

The meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jayne A. Worden 1999–2000 Secretary/Treasurer

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715