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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

June 2, 1999 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 2, 1999
12:15 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I.Call to Order and Introductions

Michael Esposito called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.

Present: T.Calvert, D.Darby (Campus Life), J.DeMarco, M.Esposito, C.Gardner, B.Goodell, D.Howland, S.Johnson (HD), C.J.Lance-Duboscq, M.Overstrom, A.Vail, C.Woodward, J.Worden.

II. Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of May 19, 1999 were approved as amended:

Section V. Old Business, paragraph two to read: Jayne was selected as the EA representative.

III.Open Forum

M.Esposito announced his understanding from Connie Mabry (Commencement Office) that campus members were solicited through an e-mail listserv for commencement ushering this year which resulted in the highest yield of new ushers thus far. He wondered if research on listservs could serve EA goal for improved communication.

B.Goodell noted that not everyone has a computer.

M.Overstrom asked if everyone has an e-mail account.

D.Howland speculated that maybe the commencement correspondence was sent only to people with e-mail.

C.Woodward stated she would contribute gift certificate(s) for dinner at her family-owned restaurant to the George Peter Award for Dedicated Service committee.

M.Overstrom reported Reunion Weekend to be held June 10–13.

J.DeMarco announced the Communication Committee would have the EA display up in the Day Hall lobby display case starting at noon tomorrow (Thursday, June 3).

IV.Announcements and Reports

a. October 12 — Annual Presidential Address to Employees

M.Overstrom reported on the plans thus far for the October 12 presidential address. The plan is to build community interest with food, perhaps pizza and beverages. The location will be Kennedy Hall. She will coordinate with M. Opperman the preparation of a letter to supervisors requesting release time for employees to attend the address. Suggestions or questions should be e-mailed to M.Overstrom.

b. Frontline Feedback

M.Overstrom reported on one of the Frontline Feedback sessions held during this year’s Office Professionals kickoff meetings. The session included questions posed for the purpose of focusing group interest on issues, interests, and concerns in the workplace. Sessions have also been held in the Hotel School, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Campus Life, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, and two other locations. M. Opperman approached her with question of whether there will be continued EA involvement or should OHR assume lead role for the effort. She suggested a lead person from EA to act as co-chair, along with an OHR designee, for focus group activity.

M.Overstrom stated these sessions give employees a voice to express ideas and criticisms and they bring more publicity and visibility for the EA.

C.J.Lance-Duboscq expressed concern that the same things are heard again and again at the sessions and wondered what action(s) will be taken.

B.Goodell stated his impression that employees feel the sessions provide a sounding board. Frontline Feedback is important for that reason.

T.Calvert asked where or how locations are picked and whether the activities are supported by the units that host the event.

M.Overstrom reported the planning committee decided on the location but also scheduled with units by request.

T.Calvert suggested there might be a publicity article in the PawPrint. She asked J.Worden to take this suggestion back to the Communication Committee.

B.Goodell noted the importance of two-way communication. He asked if the Frontline Feedback sessions were only for Office Professionals.

M.Overstrom stated the decision of who to invite was left up to the college or work unit. She noted that the Office Professional job category is one of the largest groups within the Cornell workforce.

A.Vail reported his college (AA&P) invited everyone in the college to its feedback session.

C.Gardner suggested there are many departments represented around today’s meeting table and certainly there is potential for the Frontline Feedback to branch out to other units on campus.

D.Howland spoke of the value of having a focus group within her unit, Campus Life — not only for networking and seeing people you might not otherwise have opportunity to, but also to hear other’s views and ideas which often match your own. She related how this type of activity forces recognition of problems as well as affirmation that we are not alone in our trials. She added the sessions are an opportunity to meet with M. Opperman as well as other employees, and for expression of shared concerns.

A motion was made and carried for the EA to continue it’s participation in Frontline Feedback planning and delivery, with at least two EA members assigned to work with an OHR representative(s).

Membership unanimously approved the motion to continue its participation in Frontline Feedback. M.Overstrom and A.Vail volunteered to be the EA appointees.

V. Old Business

M.Esposito recommended the discussion on Resolution One: Ex-Officio Attendance — Draft 2 be postponed for another meeting. Members agreed.

VI. New Business

a. EA Approval of IOC Recommendations for Filling of Two 1999–2000 Employee Assembly Vacancies

M.Overstrom reported the IOC had reviewed application materials from two EA candidates, Dawn Darby of Campus Life and Sarah Johnson of Human Development and Family Studies. Both were invited to today’s meeting to present themselves and for final approval (vote) from the Assembly.

D.Darby began employment as a temporary employee in Athletics and then moved to Campus Life. She is a member of CRC and founded the organization, NICHE.

S.Johnson came to Cornell in 1990 as a graduate student. She has worked at the university since 1997 and now runs an infancy lab.

M.Esposito asked D.Darby and S.Johnson if the two are aware of the requirements of EA membership. Each member is expected to attend meetings, serve on two committees, as well as help at events such as Employee Night at the Court and Employee Day.

A motion was made and carried unanimously to approve the IOC recommendation for addition of D.Darby and S.Johnson to 1999–2000 EA membership.

M.Overstrom asked all to note e-mail for the two new members: and

VII. Business of the Day

a. Summer Meeting Schedule

M.Esposito expressed need for officers and members of IOC to meet regularly throughout the summer to schedule workshops and a retreat for the next year. He will call the first meeting.

b. Retreat/Workshops

M.Esposito spoke of the workshops to be planned for EA members, as well as officers of EA committees and other invitees, for the purpose of presentation and instruction on Parliamentarian procedure and Roberts Rules of Order, team building, and leadership training. The annual retreat is for EA members and is usually held in late summer or before the fall semester.

c. Budget Update

J.Worden reported on her desire to tighten up procedures for spending against budget to aid accounting and reporting for the Secretary/Treasurer as well as the Assemblies Office while also providing a means of accountability to our funding source (Sr.V.P.Rogers). From this point forward, requests to expend against the budget should be put in writing to J.Worden preferably one month, and no later than two weeks, before the scheduled activity. Cost projections, invoices, receipts should accompany the request. Requests for items described in the EA budget agenda and which meet budget guidelines will be approved. Those requests which exceed the proposed budgeted amount, but which meet budget guidelines will be approved in consultation with the requestor and other EA officers. Requests for items not found in the EA budget plan and not meeting budget guidelines will likely not be approved. The Student Assembly and the GPSA have budgets budget committees. These groups have and use budget guidelines. An ad-hoc budget guideline committee consisting of C.J.Lance-Duboscq, A.Vail, M.Esposito, J.Worden, and a designee of the Office of Assemblies will convene shortly to establish budget guidelines. At a later EA meeting the sub-committee will present these for the voting body to approve. Starting with the next budget year, the ad-hoc committee will also assist the Secretary/Treasurer with budget development that follows the university budget cycle.

C.Gardner spoke of how the SA lumps funds under broad budget categories. This can provide flexibility to an approved budget.

d. Goals and Objectives for 1999–2000

M.Esposito polled the group for goals for the next year. Those carried from last year’s goals include the Presidential address and the Campus Climate Committee. We need to remain involved in the latter.

J.DeMarco added cafeteria benefits and a sick or leave bank policy. A code appears on the non-exempt paychecks so it seems this could be done.

M.Overstrom stated communication should be strengthened with M.Opperman and F.Rogers.

M.Esposito added the relief fund group (comprised of M.Overstrom and T.Hoebbel) which will investigate the administration of an emergency fund.

M.Overstrom added revitalization of Frontline Feedback. It was agreed that there might be carry-forward of items (goals) from last year.

C.J.Lance-Duboscq stated transportation and town/gown issues should be addressed.

B.Goodell added the need to continue work on transportation issues.

VIII. Committee Reports

a. University Assembly

M.Esposito raised the need to fill one vacancy on the University Assembly. He described UA activities and the role of the representative as well as the responsibilities. Last year the UA took on an added requirement for review of code of campus conduct and its related boards for processes and appeals.

D.Darby volunteered and was appointed to fill the vacant seat on the UA.

b. University Benefits Committee

T.Calvert reported on a UBC meeting she attended. Two doctors were to have made a presentation on HMOs but instead the meeting was more about their personal frustrations with costs and fees.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jayne A. Worden 1999–2000 EA Secretary/Treasurer

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715