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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

June 6, 1999 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 16, 1999
12:15 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I. Call to Order and Introductions

M.Esposito called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.

Present: G.Brandt, T.Calvert, D.Darby, J.DeMarco, M.Esposito, C.Gardner, B.Goodell, T.Hoebbel, D.Howland, S.Johnson, D.Stein, A.Vail, J.Worden.

II. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of June 2, 1999 were approved as amended:

S.Johnson is in the department of HD, no longer HDFS.

III. Open Forum

T.Calvert commended the Communication Committee for the EA display in the Day Hall case.

C.Gardner reported the Office of Assemblies is missing some composite pictures.

G.Brandt announced the SEED (Staff Educational Exploration Day) event to be held on Wednesday, July 28, 10AM-3PM inside a tent on the Ag Quad. Vendors and representatives from local colleges will have information tables. This is an opportunity for the EA to solicit interest and provide information.

J.DeMarco announced the Paw Print will be published twice during the summer months: July 15 and August 2, and then resume its bi-weekly schedule. The baton passed from C.J to Michael at this meeting so article from new chair will appear in August release.

Employee Day is scheduled for Saturday, September 25.

J.DeMarco mentioned the Staff Handbook is out and the committee of contributors should be thanked for a good job. Kathy Shaff was the organizer.

IV. Business of the Day

a. October 12, 1999 — Annual Presidential Address to Employees

M.Esposito reminded everyone of the October 12 Presidential Address. The plan continues to be building employee interest with food, perhaps pizza, and beverages. The location will be Kennedy Hall.

J.DeMarco noted the event is being advertised as an annual address.

b. Budget

J.Worden reported the ad-hoc budget committee has not met since the first time, but the goal is to meet at least once during the summer to develop budget guidelines. These guidelines will be drafted for review by the full membership at one of the first meetings in September. We received a confirmation from Cathy Dove that funds from the 1999 fiscal year will be carried forward to the 2000 fiscal year. This commitment is from one-time funds. If the EA is to request ongoing funds in future, we will need to follow the standardized University budget process.

EA Members C.J.Lance-Duboscq, A.Vail, M.Esposito and J.Worden are members of this ad-hoc committee. Anyone with questions or interest in joining this group should talk with J.Worden.

c. Retreat/Workshops

M.Esposito reported the retreat/workshop ad-hoc committee met on June 8 to discuss a retreat and workshops for the EA membership. Two workshops were proposed but it was decided to combine one with the retreat. A.Vail, J.Worden, and C.Gardner met with Roxi Bahar-Hewertson about planning a retreat around team building, medicine wheel, Hoffman Challenge course, and MBTI group composite for a full-day program. Chet Warzynski has agreed to facilitate as well as one facilitator from Cornell’s Outdoor Program. J.Worden reported on several dates in August when both Roxi and Chet are available. It is hoped that as many members as possible can attend the retreat. At a later time there will be a follow-up session to check in with our progress, possibly with R.Bahar-Hewertson or C.Warzynski facilitating. Another workshop will be held in September on parliamentarian procedures and Roberts Rules of Order. This session might be opened to chairs of EA committees as well as chairs of other Assemblies committees. A.Vail is the contact person.

d. Re-evaluation of Committee appointments

M.Esposito queried members on status of committee appointments. Appointment changes are:

  • D.Howland Campus Climate Planning Committee

University Benefits Committee

  • S.Johnson Employee Education Committee

Personnel Policy Committee Relief Fund Group ad-hoc committee

  • A.Vail Personnel Policy Committee
  • B.Goodell Personnel Policy Committee

Relief Fund Group ad-hoc committee

G.Brandt questioned what was the purpose of the Relief Fund Group ad-hoc committee and whether a report was made to the public regarding the ballot referenda for the Emergency Fund. T.Hoebbel reported there was an article and pictures about the Arecibo Fund. C.Gardner suggested a Paw Print article regarding the outcome of the referenda vote and to solicit employees who are interested in pursuing the establishment of such a fund.

e. Campus Climate

C.Gardner reported on the Campus Climate Planning Committee helping to plan the Assemblies’ Annual Fall Advance to be held on Tuesday, August 31 at the Robert Purcell Community Center. President Rawlings will address the group. This year’s focus will be on campus climate. The planning group is working to identify a speaker for the event who has been engaged in organizational change. The PEWS group, for organizational processes, is working with the Assemblies Office on the Assemblies leadership on planning goals and follow-up for the Advance.

V. Committee Reports

T.Calvert questioned the Communication Committee’s status with the EA brochure, which was scheduled to be prepared for handout at the Presidential Address.

J.DeMarco reported this is the next major project. The Committee will be meeting over the summer and the brochure will be a priority item.

T.Hoebbel reported on a one-day retreat for Campus Climate Committee on July 26 for some restructuring and reassessment of what the committee is doing.

VI. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jayne A. Worden 1999–2000 EA Secretary/Treasurer

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715