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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 3, 1999 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 3, 1999
12:15 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I. Call to Order and Introductions

M.Esposito called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.

Present: T. Calvert, D. Darby, J. DeMarco, M. Esposito, B. Goodell, T. Hoebbel, D. Howland, S. Johnson, CJ. Lance-Duboscq, M. Overstrom, A. Vail, C. Woodland, J. Worden

Others present: Dennis Stein, Cris Gardner, Kristen Riley, Gary Brandt

II. Approval of Minutes

M. Esposito’s revision of the attendance record is not reflected in the October 20 minutes. C.Woodward pointed out that her name is misspelled on page four. S. Johnson said that she distributed a proposal the Relief ad hoc Committee wrote to Fred Rogers, and this is not reflected in the minutes.

C. Gardner asked that the approval of the minutes for October 6 be delayed until more adjustments can be made.

The minutes for October 20 and October 6 will be voted on during the next meeting.

III. Open Forum

M. Esposito announced that D. Darby has volunteered to write an article for the EA News and Views portion of Paw Print and asked that she submit it to D. Stein by Friday. Also noted was M. Overstrom, and D. Howland, and J. Worden volunteered to write articles next semester.

IV. Report from Chair

a. Assemblies Leadership Meeting, November 2, 1999

M. Esposito explained what was discussed at the Assemblies Leadership meeting. The State Budget still has not been passed, as there is still a deficit of two to three million dollars. To provide for this deficit, some state positions might not be filled, or there is the possibility of lay-offs.

The compensation of both endowed and state employees was discussed. The University is attempting to raise compensation, but no figures have been released.

Susan Murphy talked about the West and North Campus Housing Projects. The West Campus conversions will be helped by a one hundred million-dollar gift.

The Campus Climate Committee Statement was also discussed.

b. Rogers/Opperman Luncheon, November 15, 1999

A list of questions to be presented at the luncheon was distributed. M. Esposito suggested that whoever writes a question should also do the research and be prepared to present it. C.Gardner asked that the questions include as much information as possible, instead of being general topics. D. Darby explained that she suggested one question on the handout, but it isn’t what she had said. C. Gardner suggested she revise the question to make it clear as to what she would like to discuss and include that on the handout.

V. Business of the Day

a. Budget Recommendations

J. Worden explained that the Budget Committee had anticipated higher funds than actually exist. The recommendations presented are what the committee considers are of the highest necessity for the remainder of the year.

The proposed allocation to the Communications Committee is $830. This is for the Annual Reception in March and an increase in GPADS receptions. M. Overstrom asked whether the increase in receptions is supported. J. DeMarco explained that it is, because the idea for the increase came from the GPADS sub-committee. A motion to approve the allocation to the Communications Committee was made by M. Overstrom. A. Vail seconded. The motion to allocate $830 to the Communications Committee was approved with one abstention, by D.Darby.

The proposed allocation for the Employee Education Committee is $250. This is for activities related to SEED, the Employee Degree Program reception, the TC-3 Degree Program reception, and yet to be determined community awareness efforts. D.Howland explained that there are plans to develop, with the Campus Climate Committee, a survey to take to the work units. A motion to approve the allocation to the Employee Education Committee was made by A.Vail. J.DeMarco seconded. The motion to allocate $250 to the Employee Education Committee was unanimously approved.

An allocation of $250 for advertising costs was made for the EA (proper). M.Esposito said that it is not necessary to vote on miscellaneous EA costs, just the committee expenses. There were no objections.

The Cornell Campus Hockey Group was allotted $500 for their annual tournament, the same amount as for the previous year. G. Brandt distributed the final report for last year’s tournament. A motion to approve the allocation to the Cornell Campus Hockey Group was made by J.DeMarco. C.J.Lance-Duboscq seconded. The motion to appropriate $500 to the annual hockey tournament was approved with one abstention, by A.Vail.

b. IOC Recommendations

The IOC met and is recommending three employees for the Trustee Nominating Committee. These people, all of whom accepted, are Linda Clougherty, Carol Halseff, and Dennis Stein. The IOC is recommending that the EA approve these appointees. A motion to approve was made by D.Darby and seconded by A.Vail. The motion to appoint Linda Clougherty, Carol Halseff, and Dennis Stein to the Trustee Nominating Committee was unanimously approved.

M. Esposito announced that there is a vacancy on the Board of University Health Services. Anyone who has a recommendation should inform M. Esposito, M. Overstrom, or C.J. Lance-Duboscq.

c. Meeting Organization

J. Worden put forth a motion to create an Organized Planning Committee to work with the Chair and elected officers to create the EA agendas. This committee would be comprised of the elected officers and they would meet prior to the bi-monthly meetings to decide on the agenda. M. Overstrom pointed out that the officers use to meet to make the agenda, but time constraints eventually left the task to the Chair. If a person wanted to make an addition to the agenda, they would have to do so before this committee’s meeting. J. Worden explained that the purpose of this committee would be to take some burden off the Chair and to open the meeting up to more constituent concerns, by having additional people involved in creating the agenda. The motion to create an Organized Planning Committee as described above passed with six in favor, 3 opposed, and 2 abstentions. C. Gardner suggested that the committee establish clear meeting times and inform the other members through e-mail. M. Esposito will contact the officers about this committee.

M. Esposito pointed out that not enough people responded to his e-mail to approve today’s agenda. A. Vail explained that last spring there was a motion not to conduct EA business over e-mail, so that isn’t necessary.

VI. Old Business

a. Fall Advance

S. Johnson asked if any plans had been made expanding on the action items set forth by the Advance. It was explained that this meeting would be used to discuss these goals. Four aspects to be discussed are Communication, Respect for One Another, Forums for Needs & Concerns, and Promoting Dialogue with the Town. S. Johnson expressed a desire to start working on these goals in whatever way is practical. C. Gardner suggested that these goals be discussed more in depth in the officers’ meeting. M. Esposito invited D. Darby and T. Hoebbel to the officers’ meeting to help develop the next steps to be taken in these goals, which can then be brought to the EA. Any others suggestions can be e-mailed to M. Esposito.

b. Foundation and Communication Groups Proposals

M. Overstrom suggested that because of their similarities, the goals of the Advance and of the EA Retreat could be combined. A. Vail suggested that at the officers’ meeting, it be discussed as to how these goals could be merged. M. Esposito stated then that the Foundation and Communication Groups Proposals should be postponed until after that meeting.

VII. New Business

a. Discount Card

D. Stein forwarded to M. Esposito the name of the contact in the Commons Group, with whom the possibility of a staff discount at local merchants could be discussed. This person, Gary Ferguson, will be invited to a meeting. D. Stein handed out a guest column for the Ithaca Journal written by Gary Ferguson and a copy of the PawPrint editorial suggesting the discount. D. Stein suggested that this is a way for the EA to advance town/gown relations. He explained some of the details that need to be discussed including to which businesses to extend the discount (downtown or any) and how often the discount would occur.

M. Overstrom asked if the Downtown Partnership would work on the EA’s behalf with the merchants. D. Stein said that is something that the representative would be able to address.

D. Stein remarked that many area businesses would be interested in this program, because of the large market Cornell encompasses.

M. Overstrom pointed out that not many employees shop regularly on the Commons and would most likely like to have the discounts extend to the mall as well. She stated that if the EA takes any action on this proposal, it should include all areas. S. Johnson noted that the discount may be an incentive to bring more people to the downtown area.

G.� Brandt suggested using Cornell Credit Union as a model, since they have established a discount with some merchants. They may have a list of merchants already participating in a discount program. D. Darby also pointed out that there is a book with discounts for students, and this could also be used as a starting point.

M. Esposito will contact Gary Ferguson and invite him to a meeting. The Assembly will then proceed on this issue based on his recommendations. The suggestion was made to contact Tompkins County Area Development to broaden the program beyond downtown. G. Brandt suggested inviting David Stewart from University Relations to talk about any initiatives he has knowledge of.

b. Diversity Statement

D. Darby explained that the Campus Climate Committee has developed a statement and is bringing it to the Assemblies for comments and endorsement. The CCC is hoping this can be a statement broad enough to be used by all involved with Cornell to open dialogues and begin education on the issue of diversity. C. Gardner explained that this is a statement of sentiment to set the tone for what the University stands for. Any comments on the statement should be sent to D. Darby and T. Hoebbel. The statement reads:

Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds:
Cornell’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusiveness

Open Doors
“I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.” This statement, made by Ezra Cornell in 1865, proclaims Cornell University’s enduring commitment to inclusion and opportunity which is rooted in the shared democratic values envisioned by its founders. We honor this legacy of diversity and inclusion and affirm our policy of non-discrimination and equal access to opportunity.
Open Hearts
Cornell’s mission is to foster personal discovery and growth, nurture scholarship and creativity across a broad range of common knowledge and affirm the value to individuals and society of the cultivation of the human mind and spirit. It defines our resolve to attract and welcome individuals from every segment of society. Our legacy is reflected in the diverse composition of our community, the breadth of our curriculum, the strength of our public service, and the depth of our commitment to freedom, equity, and reason.
Open Minds
Free expression is essential to this mission, and provocative ideas lawfully presented are an expected result. However, an enlightened academic community connects freedom with responsibility. Cornell stands for civil discourse, reasoned thought, sustained discussion and constructive engagement without degrading, abusing or harassing others. Cornell is committed to maintaining a supportive environment that opens doors, opens hearts and opens minds.

VIII. Committee Reports

a. Advisory Committee on Work and Family Services

Nothing to report.

b. University Benefits Committee

C. Woodward’s name should be included.

c. Student Assembly

T. Hoebbel reported that much time in the Student Assembly has been devoted to the Student Activity Fee funding for 2000–2002.


C.J. Lance-Duboscq will continue to serve as a liaison to the GPSA.

e. University Assembly

D. Darby reported that the CCC Diversity Statement was presented at the last meeting of the University Assembly. G. Brandt added that the three TCAT representatives for Cornell would meet twice a year with the Transportation Advisory Committee to go over policy and policy changes.

f. Faculty Senate

Nothing to report.

g. Communications Committee

J. DeMarco asked the Assembly how it wanted to reward the winner of the Logo Contest. Options include just giving them the prize, or with a reception. M. Overstrom suggested bringing the winner to an EA meeting and providing lunch. A. Vail pointed out that the winner might not be an employee and, therefore, would not be interested in attending an EA meeting. D. Stein remarked that a reception would be good, because it could bring in people from other areas.

h. Employee Education Committee

D. Howland announced she was elected chair of the Committee and Barbara Taylor was elected Vice-Chair.� S. Johnson should be included in Employee Education Committee e-mails.

i. PPC

B. Goodell should be included in PPC e-mails. S. Johnson announced that Anita Harris asked that people review the benefits web pages and send comments.

j. CRC

M. Overstrom announced that the Christmas party is coming soon. The Halloween party was also a big success.

k. IOC

M. Esposito reminded everyone that if they had an idea to fill the vacancy on the Board of University Health Services, they could contact him.

l. TAC

J. Worden reported that the General Manager of TCAT, Rod Ghearing, came to the last meeting to address issues and concerns. In next Monday’s meeting, there will be a report on the status of North Campus parking.

m. Executive

M. Esposito announced that there will be a meeting with IOC and others to discuss the Assemblies’ Advance.

n. Frontline Feedback

M. Overstrom announced that there are four meetings scheduled for Employee Feedback program, two in November and two in December. There is a possibility of adding groups from the Library system and Vet school. If any EA member wants to attend, they should email M.Overstrom for specifics. Members were encouraged to participate.

o. Relief Fund Group ad hoc

S. Johnson reported that there has been no response from Fred Rogers to her email.

p. Budget ad hoc

Nothing to report.

IX. Adjournment

M. Esposito adjourned the meeting at 1:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Kristen Riley

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715