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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 16, 2000 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 16, 2000
12:15–1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I. Call to Order and Introductions

M.Esposito called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.


Present: Trudie Calvert, Dawn Darby, Joe DeMarco, Michael Esposito, Brian Goodell, Denise Howland, Sarah Johnson, Marlene Reitz, Andrew Vail, Cheri Woodward, Jayne Worden

Absent: Tom Hoebbel

Excused: CJ Lance-Duboscq

Other Present: T. Anguish, U. Asonye, C. Bangs, D. Billups, C. Gardner, C. Harrington, T. McBride, B. McKinney, K. Riley, D. Stein.

II. Approval of the Minutes

J. Worden asked that on page four of the minutes, after the sentence “C. Tkachuck pointed out that the request is modest.” that the wording of the next sentence be changed to “It would be wise for the EA to ask for no less than $10,000.

M. Reitz asked to remove the sentence “This will be a new employee reception.” from the Committee Report for CRC.

The minutes for January 19, 2000 were approved as amended.

III. Open Forum

M. Esposito announced that a Business of the Day section would be added to the agenda for the meeting. C. Bangs, CRC, and B. McKinney, Wellness Program, would each make their presentations during this time.

J. Worden announced that the reception for the George Peter Award for Dedicated Service will be March 13, 2000, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. The annual reception for nominees will be March 2, 2000, from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. EA member attendance at each of these events is encouraged.

J. Worden also announced that she would be resigning from the EA. She plans on finishing a graduate degree and has other committee conflicts relating to her position in the College of Art, Architecture and Planning. She plans to remain active in the Transportation Advisory Committee and in an HR mentoring committee. M. Esposito remarked that J. Worden has done an outstanding job while on the EA. B. Goodell also praised J. Worden for her work on the Transportation Advisory Committee.

D. Stein distributed copies of the front page of the latest Paw Print issue. The lead story discusses the race for Employee-elected Trustee. He also announced that there would be a “Meet the Candidates” Forum on March 3, 2000, from 12:15pm to 1:30pm.

C. Gardner reported that, as a result of the reorganization of the administration, the Office of the Assemblies will be reporting to the Vice President for University Relations, Henrich Dullea. She remarked that this new alignment creates increased opportunities for the Assemblies and improved communications with the administration and the community.

A letter from Charles Harrington was distributed, regarding issues he had spoke about at the January 19, 2000 meeting. M. Esposito asked for discussion about this point. He also expressed hesitation towards passing any resolutions until the policy of the Office of Human Resources is explored. He asked if any EA member would like to work with Mr. Harrington and someone from OHR and formulate a resolution. M. Reitz asked if the Personnel Policy Committee should handle this issue. It was explained that since this does not involve an existing issue, it would not fall under the PPC. D. Stein volunteered to work on this with Mr. Harrington.

IV. Report from the Chair

EA Spring 2000 Retreat

M. Esposito commented that the recent retreat was very successful. The three main issues that the EA will concentrate on for the rest of the year are Campus Climate, Employee Outreach, and the Benevolence Fund.

Leadership Breakfast

At the Leadership Breakfast on February 8, 2000, the Shadow 2000 Program was discussed. The plan is to publicize this program with a campus wide flyer and through email.

Meeting with Executive Staff

On February 22, 2000, there will be a meeting of the Executive Board of each Assembly with the President and his Executive Staff.

Craft/Opperman Lunch Meeting

On February 21, 2000, there will be a meeting with Hal Craft. The arrangements for this meeting may change, but those who will be attending will be notified.

Letter from President Rawlings

M. Esposito distributed a letter from President Rawlings which announced that the Board of Trustees wholeheartedly supported and endorsed the Campus Climate Committee (CCC) Statement on Diversity and Inclusion; Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds.

V. Business of the Day

Cora Bangs, President of Cornell Recreation Connection

C. Bangs explained that she was present at the meeting to answer questions from the EA members about Employee Day/Night. M. Esposito brought up the questions of why EA members were present and what was done with the proceeds. He remarked that, though this event is a fundraiser for CRC, some people felt the people from CRC weren’t playing visible roles. He also mentioned that some wondered why the EA was donating their time when they were also donating funds to the event. C. Bangs responded that the CRC receives no money from the EA. It was noted that the request for money might have come from the Employee Day Committee.

C. Bangs commented that the roles of many CRC volunteers were not always visible, since they were working behind the scenes in the kitchen. M. Reitz pointed out that the CRC is the caterer for the Employee Day, and, in the past, had to bid along with Dining for the event. She also explained that all the EA members are also members of the CRC, so they were working in two roles.

C. Gardner remarked that, for this event, the CRC is a service provider, so members may not be visible, but she assured those assembled that they were present, but oft times behind the scenes. She also emphasized that the funds generated are put right back into programs CRC sponsors for the community.

M. Esposito will meet with D. Stein and C. Bangs to discuss ways to improve communication between the EA and CRC.

Beth McKinney, Wellness Program

B. McKinney announced that, during the month of March, the Wellness Center would be sponsoring a program titled Spirituality in the Workplace. She mentioned that any publicity ideas that EA members might have would be appreciated.

B. McKinney defined spirituality as “connectedness” to the self, to others, and to the world. The Wellness Program has put together some programs that deal with the three kinds of “connectedness.” Programs developed include: Astronomy Night on March 9, 2000 or March 16, 2000; a seminar will be given on “connectedness” toward others and forgiveness on March 20, 2000; Linda Star will present a seminar on spirituality in the workplace on March 21, 2000; free massages will be given in the Biotechnology building on March 22, 2000; a presentation on Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine will be given on March 23, 2000; finally, Sequoia Trueblood from the Choctah nation will speak about healing ourselves and our community.

T. Calvert recommended covering all these activities in Paw Print. D. Stein mentioned including an interview with Sequoia Trueblood.

VI. Old Business

Logo Contest

J. DeMarco distributed the four entries for the EA Logo Contest. After the completion of the other areas of Old Business, the members of the EA voted on these entries. Each entry was assigned a number. A motion was made and passed to vote by ballot. D. Stein pointed out that entry number One would not reduce well. M. Esposito remarked that the inclusion of the Cornell seal on entry number Two could present a problem, as they would need to obtain permission. D. Darby observed that the detail on entry number Four could be hard to see when reduced. The members of the EA voted by ballot and logo entry number Four was chosen as the official logo of the EA.

Endorsement of January 2000 EA Charter

M. Esposito asked that all members review the January 2000 EA Charter and verify all changes made. Endorsement of the Charter will be done at the next meeting.

2000–2001 EA Budget

J. Worden reported that the $1000 increase in the budget was incorporated into category number five, Employee Appreciation Week. But, this money could be used for any activity. J. Worden also explained that category number five name will be changed to Employee Appreciation Activities.

M. Esposito reminded everyone that this budget reflected suggested amounts, and they may change during the 2000–2001 year.

M. Reitz suggested changing the title of category five to “Outreach.” C. Gardner explained that the official title now is “Employee Appreciation Activities,” but could be changed if the members wish it. B. Goodell proposed changing category five’s title to “Employee Activities.” The proposal passed, with one opposition.

No changes to the budget were suggested, so it will be submitted to the administration for approval.

VII. New Business

EA Statement of Support for the Shadow 2000 Program

M. Esposito explained that in the Shadow 2000 Program, faculty, staff, and students will shadow one another for two hours, so as to increase awareness and understanding within the University. M. Esposito presented a resolution expressing the EA’s support of this program. It was moved and seconded to accept the resolution as presented. The motion was passed unanimously. The text as approved reads as follows:

Shadows 2000 Affirmation

Whereas: The Employee Assembly is committed to creating and sustaining an understanding of and appreciation for an inclusive environment, and

Whereas: the Cornell environment includes a diversity of personalities, ideals, cultures and backgrounds, and

Whereas: the interaction of diverse populations will help to foster an inclusive environment with understanding and respect for all populations,

Be it therefore resolved: that the Employee Assembly lend its support to the joint assemblies Shadows 2000 Program, and

Be it further resolved: ‘ ’that the membership of the Employee Assembly volunteer as participants in the Shadows 2000 program during the week of April 10-April 14 if available, and

B it still further resolved: that the membership of the Employee Assembly encourage friends, colleagues and constituents to participate in the joint assemblies Shadows 2000 Program.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael V. Esposito
Employee Assembly

EA Budget Committee Change

M. Esposito announced that he and J. Worden have written a revision to the Charter that formally creates an EA budget committee. J. Worden added that this revision will incorporate the EA into the regularized budget process.

J. DeMarco requested the removal of “Senior” from “Senior VP Administration.”

The motion was made and seconded to pass the charter revision as amended. The motion was passed unanimously. The text as approved reads as follows:

Proposed EA Charter Revision

Employee Assembly Finance Committee

The Employee Assembly Finance Committee (EAFC) shall consist of the following: four (4) members of the Employee Assembly (EA), including Vice Chair for Finance and Secretary who shall chair, and three (3) members of EA committees not on the EA. Members shall be endorsed by the IOC and the EA. Five (5) members shall be considered a quorum.

The EAFC shall be charged with the responsibility of creating, maintaining, and monitoring the EA’s annual budget.

The EAFC will consult with membership and committees of the EA to determine the amount of funding needed each year. The committee will propose an itemized budget to the EA for approval no later than January 15th of each year. Pending approval by the EA, the adopted budget will be forwarded to the VP Administration and CFO for review. Upon recommendations of the VP, the EAFC and EA may modify the budget.

At the beginning of each fiscal year, the EAFC shall solicit spending proposals from each committee of the EA. The deadline shall be no later than October 15. The EAFC will review the spending proposals and then present to the EA, for approval, it’s recommendations for committee spending based on the availability of funds.

The EAFC shall have discretion to allocate no more than two-hundred and fifty dollars ($250) per item of general expense without prior approval of the EA.

Other requests for funding by the EA or it’s committees shall be considered based on the availability of funds once the annual budget has been approved. Such requests shall be submitted to the EAFC no later than one month before the funds are needed and must include the following:

1) A detailed description of the event including the time, place, organizer(s) and the reason for the event and an estimate of the number of employees expected to attend. Include signature(s) of the event organizer(s) and the person/s requesting the funds.

2) An itemized budget for the event including a listing of all other proposed (approved and pending) funding sources.

3) The exact amount of funding requested of the EA.

4) Any documentation or attachments the requester(s) feel will contribute to the decision-making process, including publicity items, schedules, program, articles, or other information on the event.

A copy of the above shall be sent by the requester to each of the following: the EA chair, EAFC Chair, and a designee of the Office of Assemblies. Funding requests of an imminent nature must follow the above procedure with as much advance notice as is reasonable. When necessary, the EAFC may request the EA Chair to call an emergency meeting of the EA for the purpose of voting on a funding request.

A simple majority vote is needed to approve any EAFC actions or recommendations, prior to presentation to the EA. Any funding allocated, not requiring EA approval, a 2/3 vote of the EAFC will be required to approve the expenditure. All budget requests submitted to the EA will require the approval of 2/3 of the members present to pass.


VIII. Committee Reports

Advisory Committee on Work and Family Services

C. Woodward reported the committee is currently trying to schedule a meeting. She also explained that there has currently been a great deal of reorganization within this administrative area.

Campus Climate Committee

M. Esposito reported that they have discussed certain areas of campus that they would like input from employees about. The Employee ad hoc group of the CCC is devising a survey for these areas.

University Benefits Committee

C. Woodward’s name should be included.

Student Assembly

C. Gardner reported that the Student Assembly has changed and added some meal options for next year and has passed a Pet Policy for the dorms. This new pet policy prohibits all pets but fish in all dorms, except the Ecology House, starting in the year 2001.


No report.

University Assembly

No report.

Faculty Senate

No report.

Communications Committee

J. DeMarco reported that there has been discussion about incorporating Frontline Feedback into the Communications Committee.

Employee Education Committee

D. Howland passed out the Employee Education Committee’s mission statement and asked for the EA’s endorsement. It was motioned and seconded to endorse the sentiment of the statement and leave grammatical changes to the Employee Education Committee’s discretion. The motion was passed unanimously. The text as approved reads as follows:

Provide information and recommendations to staff for development opportunities; broaden staff awareness and encourage their participation; advocate for staff development and growth; recommend options to the administration and identify barriers that may be present in existing or future programs.


No report.


No report.


M. Esposito reported that the IOC has been involved with the EA Spring 2000 elections.


J. Worden reported that there will be a meeting on March 13, 2000 to discuss the program document.


No report.

Frontline Feedback

A. Vail reported that D. Billups and S. Johnson are now officially co-chairs of the committee. He also reported that they have finished their fourth event and there is another scheduled for early March.

Relief Fund Group ad hoc

S. Johnson reported that they have continued to review models, definitions, and criteria.

Budget ad hoc

This is now the EA Finance Committee.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristen Riley

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715