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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

March 1, 2000 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 1, 2000
12:15–1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I. Call to Order and Introductions

M.Esposito called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.


Present: Dawn Darby, Joe DeMarco, Michael Esposito, Brian Goodell, Tom Hoebbel, Sarah Johnson, CJ Lance-Duboscq, Marlene Reitz, Cheri Woodward

Absent: Andrew Vail

Excused: Denise Howland

Others Present: D. Billups, L. Clougherty, C. Gardner, K. Riley, D. Stein, L. Chappell-Williams.

II. Approval of Minutes

M. Esposito asked that any specific details of the minutes under Business of The Day be deleted from the January 19, 2000 minutes, as they cannot be released until the meal plan is accepted. A motion was made and passed to approve the change to the minutes.

The February 16, 2000 minutes will be voted on at the next meeting.

III. Open Forum

T. Hoebbel announced that he had raffle tickets to sell in support of Maya Thompson, a local fifth grader with leukemia.

D. Stein announced that the Employee-elected Trustee Candidates Forum would be March 3, 2000 and refreshments will be served.

IV. Report from the Chair

Assemblies Leadership Meeting

J. DeMarco reported on the topics of discussion at the Assemblies Leadership Meeting. These topics included increased communication between the administration and Assemblies, a presentation by L. Chappell-Williams, the Shadows 2000 program, and the future direction of the Social Sciences at Cornell.

Opperman/Dullea/Craft Lunch-March

M. Esposito announced that the Opperman/Craft/Dullea lunch is tentatively scheduled for March 20, 2000, but they are currently trying to find a date when all three can attend, as H. Dullea is unable to attend the meeting on the 20th.

March 2nd Reception/March 13th GPADS

M. Esposito announced that the annual reception is March 2, 2000 and he encouraged all members to attend. A quarterly Awards Ceremony will be held March 13, 2000.

V. Business of the Day

Lynette Chappell-Williams, Director, Office of Workforce Diversity, Equity and Life Quality

L. Chappell-Williams spoke about the Employee Assemblies role in the diversity effort. This office was formerly the Office of Equal Opportunity, and was primarily responsible for compliance with Federal, State and local laws, L. Chappell-Williams explained. The office’s name was changed to the Office of Workforce Diversity, Equity and Life Quality and has adopted a more proactive role. Its purpose is to address issues of diversity pertaining to staff, but the office is also working with faculty and students, to give a more University-wide perspective. The new Office of Workforce Diversity, Equity and Life Quality has also assumed responsibility for Work and Family Services. They are working to expand this area, as not all employees fit into the definition of a traditional family. L. Chappell-Williams mentioned a current project of the office, a Bias Activity Response Program. This program will address issues that are not defined as harassment, but nonetheless affect the climate of the campus.

L. Chappell-Williams distributed an outline of what the EA can do to help the diversity effort (addendum to minutes). She asked that at any event sponsored by the EA, diversity be examined. She asked that they be sure to consider employees who don’t necessarily fit the traditional models. She also asked the EA to examine the representation within the group and be sure that it shows the diversity of Cornell.

L. Chappell-Williams mentioned that the EA could support the programs being presented by the Office of Workforce Diversity, Equity and Life Quality. One current project is an assessment of the current campus climate. The office hopes to create a survey, using input from employees, to ascertain an idea of what is the current climate.

The Employee Assembly could also provide feedback to the Office of Workforce Diversity, Equity and Life Quality on the plans to address the campus climate; help to identify worthwhile activities to welcome new employees and; help to identify what the significance of the Campus Climate Committee’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusion is to the staff.

M. Esposito mentioned that one initiative agreed on at the EA Retreat was diversity and inclusion. He also remarked that it would be beneficial for the EA to co-sponsor events with the Office of Workforce Diversity, Equity and Life Quality, as it would be one way to get more involved. M. Esposito asked what kind of commitment a co-sponsorship would entail. L. Chappell-Williams explained that it could be in the form of funding or volunteers, but the most important aspect is having the EA name there for support.

M. Esposito emphasized that he hoped the EA would not let this idea diminish and miss out on any involvement. He explained that this should receive direct attention. He suggested that the EA think of their own programs, in addition to helping with ones run by other groups. D. Stein asked if M. Esposito intended to link with other employee groups to run these programs, or would they be solely an EA effort? M. Esposito explained that, while a concerted effort was needed within the EA, connections to other groups across campus would also be helpful. M. Esposito suggested forming a committee to work on these ideas.

M. Reitz questioned whether these plans would fall under the Educational Committee? M. Esposito explained that this project is too large to fall under any one committee.

D. Darby remarked that the entire Assembly should devote time to this issue, instead of just a few members discussing it in a committee.

M. Esposito commented that he doesn’t want these issues to get lost and receive no attention. He feels it needs to be a strong topic for the meetings, through a committee or a specific section that would always be on the agenda.

T. Hoebbel remarked that for the Assembly to make progress, it would have to set specific, time-oriented goals. Once a goal is set, a few of the members could work on the program.

C. Gardner suggested expanding the outreach duties already assigned to the Executive Vice Chair. This gives the topic of diversity both a point person and a spokesperson, and will institutionalize the role of the Assembly with regard to diversity, even when different employees are serving on the Assembly.

C.J. Lance-Duboscq made a motion to amend the Charter, and assign diversity and inclusion responsibilities to the Executive Vice Chair. T. Hoebbel questioned whether that would be too many obligations for one person? C.J. Lance-Duboscq remarked that this person would not do all the work, but would merely bring diversity ideas to the forefront. C. Gardner suggested a group of EA members work on specific text changes that will incorporate these ideas, and then present them to the rest of the group for approval. The motion was amended to say that a group of members would work on a Charter amendment to include diversity responsibilities. This motion was seconded and unanimously passed. S. Johnson, D. Darby, C. Gardner and C.J. Lance-Duboscq volunteered to work on this project.

VI. Old Business

Endorsement of EA Charter

J. DeMarco announced that S. Johnson found several inconsistencies in the Charter that need to be corrected. C. Gardner suggested that, as these are grammatical corrections, the EA approve the charter with S. Johnson’s changes and the addition of the Finance Committee, which has already been approved. A motion was made and passed to accept the Charter as amended per S. Johnson’s grammatical changes and with the addition of the approved charge to the Finance Committee.

EA Budget Proposal

M. Esposito distributed a copy of the budget request letter. He explained that, with their approval, the letter would be sent to Sr. V.P. Craft and V.P. Dullea. All EA members approved the budget and the letter.

Logo Contest Update

J. DeMarco reported that the Logo Contest winner will be out of town, so there would be a delay in getting her to a meeting to recognize her.

VII. New Business

F/T, P/T HR Associate Job Descriptions

C. Woodward distributed descriptions of the new fulltime and part-time Human Resources positions. These positions are a result of the recent reorganization.

VIII. Committee Reports

Campus Climate Committee

D. Darby reported that on March 13, 2000, the CCC is meeting with President Rawlings.

University Benefits Committee

L. Clougherty reported that there will be a meeting next week, where they will discuss the implication of taxation on tuition benefits given to employees.

Student Assembly

T. Hoebbel reported that the SA recently had a forum on diversity. C. Gardner added that there was also a discussion on the affect of separatism on hate or biased-related crimes. She reported that Jacob Holt, from American Pictures, will be on campus on March 6, 2000. He will present a photographic program to increase diversity awareness.

University Assembly

D. Darby reported that the UA met with Andy Noel, Athletics Director, Ezra Cornell IV, a Trustee, a representative from Students Against Sweatshops, and Lynette Chappell-Williams.

Communications Committee

J. DeMarco reported that the two George Peter Award receptions would be held soon. He also reported there would be a meeting to discuss the possible incorporation of Frontline Feedback into this committee.

Employee Education

S. Johnson reported that there would be a meeting the following week.


S. Johnson reported that there would be a meeting the following week.


M. Reitz announced that the CRC will be meeting with Lynette Chappell-Williams and they have a retreat coming up.


M. Esposito remarked that the IOC needs to meet to discuss J. Worden’s position.

Frontline Feedback

S. Johnson reported that the next Frontline Feedback session will be March 2, 2000 at the Vet School and D. Darby is currently planning four more sessions.

Relief Fund Group ad hoc

S. Johnson announced there will be a meeting on March 6, 2000.

IX. Closed Session

A closed session was held from 1:25 to 1:30.

X. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristen Riley

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715