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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

April 5, 2000 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 5, 2000
12:15–1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I. Call to Order and Introductions

M. Esposito called the meeting to order at 12:18 p.m.


Present: Trudie Calvert, Dawn Darby, Michael Esposito, Tom Hoebbel, Denise Howland, Sarah Johnson, CJ Lance-Duboscq, Dawne Martyniak

Excused: Joe DeMarco, Brian Goodell, Marlene Reitz, Cheri Woodward

Others Present: T. Anguish, D. Billups, D. Stein, C. Gardner, K. Riley, K. Rourke

II. Approval of Minutes

S. Johnson asked that in the sentence “He also asked if fifty-two days…” under Business of the Day, the word “days” be changed to “weeks”? The minutes of March 15, 2000 were approved as amended.

III. Open Forum

M. Esposito suggested that the EA purchase a tree to plant in the front lawn of Balch Hall, as a memorial for Michelle Evans. D. Stein suggested contacting John Ullberg or the Landscape Planning Committee about doing this.

M. Esposito announced that he has spoken to the Office of Workforce Diversity, Equity and Family Life Quality; CRC; the Lesbian; Gay; Bisexual Resource Center; and the Women’s Resource Center in regards to planning a trip to Seneca Falls, NY, to visit the Women’s History Museum and the Women’s Hall of Fame. He explained that, while this year’s EA does not have monies allocated in the budget, this could be something next year’s EA could pursue. The trip would cost around $750, which would include transportation and admission for approximately sixty people.

T. Calvert announced, in regards to the concern expressed by M. Reitz at the last meeting about smoking signs in bus stops, signs have been placed in campus bus shelters.

D. Darby asked that a resolution regarding supervisor recognition be added under New Business at the next meeting.

D. Darby announced that there were plans to bring Dr. James Loewen, author of Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American Textbook Got Wrong and Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong, to speak at Cornell and asked for the EA’s support in this endeavor. D. Darby stated that Dr. Loewen presents information from his books to elementary and high school children, educators, and business people. T. Hoebbel mentioned that, in the books, Dr. Loewen points out the lies and omissions in United States history textbooks. M. Esposito explained that the EA could not commit to this project this year, as it would not fit in the current budget. He suggested taking the idea to the Education Committee, who could then bring a proposal to the EA when the new budget starts.

D. Stein announced that Paw Print would like to run a picture of the newly elected EA members, and would be contacting them about that shortly. M. Esposito asked that this photo wait until the two remaining seats are filled.

T. Calvert complimented D. Stein and the Paw Print staff on the display in Day Hall.

T. Hoebbel announced that the Perkins Prize was awarded to the Campus Climate Committee this year.

IV. Announcements

Spring 2000 Election Results

C.J. Lance-Duboscq distributed a sheet with the results of the Spring 2000 Elections. The newly elected 2000–2001 members of the Employee Assembly are Deb Billups, Francisco Berry, Timothy Anguish, Sarah Johnson, and Trudie Calvert. C.J. Lance-Duboscq announced that there are still two seats on the 2000–2001 EA that have not been filled.

Shadows 2000 Pilot Program

S. Johnson announced that the Cornell Chronicle is considering doing a photo story on the Shadows Program. She also announced that the final number of participants is twenty-eight.

V. Report from the Chair

Opperman-Craft Lunch-March 20, April 17, May 15

M. Esposito commented that he was pleased with the attendance at the last Opperman-Craft luncheon. They discussed the bus accident, which killed Michelle Evans, and the bus driver who was involved. The smoking policy was discussed and M. Espositio explained that Mary Opperman has a group working on that issue. Also discussed was the leave with pay and volunteer policy, which is still in progress.

VI. Business of the Day

Proposed Vacation Policy (update 2000 discussion)

M. Esposito asked that the ideas from the last meeting concerning the vacation policy be submitted to the Personnel Policy Committee in writing by S. Johnson, C.J. Lance-Duboscq, and B. Goodell.

S. Johnson asked if the PPC submits any issues or concerns brought up in their meetings to Human Resources? M. Esposito explained that there is a person from HR appointed to a particular policy and that person works with the PPC.

M. Esposito asked that EA members review the policy once more and send comments to S. Johnson, C.J. Lance-Duboscq, and B. Goodell.

VII. Old Business

IOC Recommendations to fill EA Vacancy - Endowed At-Large Seat ‘00

M. Esposito explained that the IOC is currently in the process of deciding upon a recommendation for the vacant Endowed At-Large seat. He announced that they have heard from two possible replacements and will announce their decision at the next meeting.

Election of Officers - Secretary/Treasurer and Parliamentarian

M. Esposito explained that there are two vacant 1999–2000 officer positions, Secretary/Treasurer and Parliamentarian. D. Darby volunteered to serve as Secretary/Treasurer. She remarked that she wanted to see the budget approved. D. Darby was unanimously approved as the new 1999–2000 Secretary/Treasurer. C.J. Lance-Duboscq volunteered to serve as Parliamentarian. C.J. Lance-Duboscq was unanimously approved as the new 1999–2000 Parliamentarian.

M. Esposito announced to the two new officers that on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 7:45 am, there is an Assembly Leadership Breakfast that they are invited to attend.

VIII. New Business

Communications Committee - Proposed Award for Supervisors

T. Anguish spoke on the current proposal for an award for supervisors. He explained the Communications Committee was discussing whether this should be an award, or just a way of recognition for supervisors. They also discussed how to distinguish it from the awards already established. The committee decided they are in favor of pursuing this idea. They currently have a rough plan on what the award will be, but T. Anguish explained he is not sure what process the EA needs to take to proceed.

T. Hoebbel remarked about the need to decide whether this will be an award or a recognition ceremony. He commented that a recognition ceremony, instead of an award, would allow them to recognize more people.

M. Esposito expressed the concern that assigning the responsibility of another award to the same people who organize the George Peter Award For Dedicated Service awards will lead to burn out. T. Anguish explained they could ask for different people than those who worked on the Dedicated Service awards, as these others may be more knowledgeable of supervisor duties.

C.J. Lance-Duboscq made a motion to ask the Communications Committee for a proposal concerning an award for supervisors. T. Hoebbel asked if giving this to the Communications Committee would be giving it to the same people who do the Dedicated Service award, which M. Esposito pointed out would not be a good idea. M. Esposito explained that this motion is just asking for a proposal for an award, not for the plans to actually carry it out. The motion was passed unanimously.

IX. Committee Reports

University Assembly

T. Anguish reported that the program document for CURW was presented and approved at the last UA meeting. At their next meeting in April, the Transportation Services Program Document will be presented.

Communications Committee

T. Anguish reported that he has brought up extending Frontline Feedback to the science and technical staff. He explained this may take awhile to organize.

Employee Education

D. Howland reported that the committee is finalizing the EA Mission Statement and Charter amendments.


T. Calvert reported that the Transportation Services Program Document was presented at the last meeting. She mentioned that they proposed a three to four percent annual increase in parking fees. They have also added a service to help motorists who are in trouble. This will be an added duty to those people who issue parking tickets.


M. Esposito welcomed C.J. Lance-Duboscq and D. Darby to the Executive Committee. He asked that they email him their availability, so a meeting to set the next agenda can be scheduled.

Frontline Feedback

S. Johnson reported that they have finished the write-up for the Vet School session.

X. Closed Session

A closed session was held from 1:05pm until 1:30pm.

XI. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristen Riley

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715