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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

August 21, 2002 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I. Call to Order and Introductions

A member of the community, Paige Kennedy, was present from the College of Arts and Sciences where she is an administrative assistant. She has been with the University for about 6 weeks now, and wanted to see what the Employee Assembly is involved in.


Present: Carol Bader, Joseph DeMarco, Donna Goss, Tammy Johnson, Patricia Mahoney, Leti McNeill, Lisa Rose, Thomas Shelley

Excused: Deb Billups, Christina Bucko, Dawne Martyniak, Gregory Pratt

Others Present: Paige Kennedy

II. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of May 22, 2002 were unanimously approved with amendments.

III. Open Forum

D. Stein brought up the Day of Caring coming up on Thursday, September 5, 2002. This event is for staff and faculty to volunteer at various places in the community. Volunteers meet at Stewart Park to confirm their assignments for the day.

D. Stein also reminded the EA members about the monthly column in the Paw Print that is written by a rotating schedule of the members.

Another matter of business that D. Stein requested volunteers for was reading through the Staff Handbook.

J. DeMarco asked for volunteers. D. Goss, T. Shelley, and L. McNeill volunteered to read through the handbook.

IV. Report from the Chair

J. DeMarco gave a brief summary of what happened over the summer. The executive committee met twice. Paul Streeter requested that the EA help disperse any misconceptions that may be spread around campus about the memo that the president’s office will be releasing in the first week of September. J. DeMarco will be sending out that memo to the EA members in the coming week.

J. DeMarco expressed a desire to formalize the presentation of resolutions before the Employee Assembly. He also wanted to bring the Meyers/Briggs test to the EA retreat. Further, he suggested the webcasting for the upcoming President’s Reception on October 16. This would cost $900.

V. Business of the Day

Planning Committees

  • Retreat: The suggestion of mentors for the new EA members was brought up. J. DeMarco also said that the group would need someone to do icebreakers.
  • President’s Address: T. Johnson, J. DeMarco, D. Goss volunteered to work on this committee. J. DeMarco also stated that he thought D. Billups and D. Martyniak would be interested in working on this committee.
  • Employee/ Family Day: This event takes place on October 19. J. DeMarco stated that M. Esposito would be working on this event. P. Mahoney also encouraged the group to get the Geneva employees out to the main campus for this celebration. At this time the idea of bussing Geneva employees to main campus was brought up, and will be looked into.
  • Brown Bag Lunches: D. Goss, C. Bader, L. Rose, and T. Shelley volunteered to organize these events. They were J. DeMarco said that he was hoping that these volunteers could work with Paul Streeter in order to open up discussion on the upcoming memo release by the president. He said that opening discussion in this fashion will keep the rumors to a minimum. The other question that was presented was who would be sponsoring? That will be looked into by the volunteers. Advertising will also be handled by the volunteers, and finding a new name for the event.

VI. Old Business

United Way Representative

J. DeMarco said that there was a new representative needed for this position. He also said that C. Bader has done a wonderful job of it in the past, and then he turned the floor over to her for description.

C. Bader said the it was a wonderful group to work with. Their meetings were typically on Wednesday morning’s from 8:30–9:30 am. These meetings were only once a month. She also said that this would be the minimum time commitment, but you could decide to make as much of a time commitment as you wish. Caroline Ainslie is the person to be in touch with.

VII. New Business

The Employee Assembly Retreat

J. DeMarco once again announced the Employee Assembly retreat coming up on September 6. He asked if the group would like to cancel their regularly scheduled meeting on September 4 considering they will have an entire day together on September 6.

T. Shelley made a motion to cancel the September 4 meeting in observance of the retreat on September 6.

L. Rose seconded the motion.

The motion was unanimously approved.

George Peter Award

J. DeMarco just announced that there would be another George Peter Award in the very near future. The cake and certificate plans will go through Trina Nobles in the Office of the Assemblies.

VIII. Adjournment

J. DeMarco adjourned the meeting at 1:19 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Trina Nobles

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715