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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 5, 2003 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 5, 2003
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Boardroom

I. Call to Order and Introductions

J. DeMarco, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:17 p.m.


Present: Deb Billups, Joseph DeMarco, Donna Goss, Patricia Mahoney, Lisa Rose, Thomas Shelley, Mary Smallwood Churchill, Brandi Smith

Excused: Christina Bucko, Tammy Johnson, Dawne Martyniak

Others Present: Tammy Bishop, Henry Granison

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

J. DeMarco asked for any late additions.

T. Shelley wanted the UBC Meeting added.

L. Rose wanted the PPC Meeting added.

III. Approval of Minutes

January 15, 2003

J. DeMarco asked if there were any corrections or additions that anybody would like to make to the minutes.

There were some amendments made.

J. DeMarco entertained a motion to approve the minutes as amended.

P. Mahoney made a motion to approve the minutes.

B. Smith seconded it.

IV. Report from the Chair

J. DeMarco had several things to report.

  1. Peer Appreciation lunch was wonderful.
  2. GPADS was well received and was a nice event. Some retirees attended.
  3. On Jan. 30, J. DeMarco and D. Goss met with Paul Streeter to talk about the EA housing suggestions and comments for Work Force Planning and that they could be straight forward or anonymous. About every 10 days the questions would go to Paul to bring to the WFP group and the answers would be posted on the web. It is still a work in progress.

    J. DeMarco met with H. Mandeville and T. Bishop to talk about posting on the web. It is still a work in progress.
  4. Saturday was the Employee/Sports Day. 600 people attended. There was also a hockey game scheduled that night.
  5. On Feb. 4, J. DeMarco and D. Goss met with M. Opperman to talk about WFP. This was the first of once/month meetings that D. Goss has attended as Interim-Vice Chair.
  6. On Feb. 6, J. DeMarco and D. Stein meet to talk about the orientation packet.
  7. It was decided earlier today that M. Smallwood-Churchill would be the EA rep to the Transportation Committee on the UA.
  8. J. DeMarco read the letter that Dean J. Lehman wrote in response to J. DeMarco’s welcome letter.

V. Open Forum

M. Smallwood Churchill asked how is it that all employees do not have access to a computer and who are the ones who don’t have access?

J. DeMarco said that the people who are in trades, custodians, farm, and grounds do not use computers.

M. Smallwood Churchill asked if the EA could draft a statement to get departments to help get something for those people.

J. DeMarco said that maybe a meeting with CIT could help. All employees have a NetID.

T. Shelley said that maybe they should refer this to the Education Committee.

M. Smallwood Churchill asked if there could be something done to get another microphone for the tape recorder.

T. Bishop said all that they need to do is make sure that everyone speaks up.

T. Shelley said that he is on the IOC until G. Pratt comes back.

J. DeMarco introduced the guest. Henry Granison from the Law School was visiting the meeting.

VI. Committee Reports

Office of the Assemblies


Education Committee

C. Bucko was not present, but J. DeMarco said that the minutes from the last meeting are attached to the agenda and that she did a great job on them. He’s excited that this committee is moving forward.

University Benefits Committee

T. Shelley said that this was their second meeting. No one from the EA could make it to the first. At the meeting there was a discussion about pharmacy issues and the concern of the increased cost of health insurance and requirements. Paul Bursic, Benefit Services, is interviewing another pharmacy in conjunction with the current plan. A new pharmacy management system will be online soon. They will consolidate and have only 1 pharmacy plan with 1 company.

D. Goss asked if it would be available to everyone.

T. Shelley said yes, but he is not sure about students.

This committee meets once/month.

Personnel Policy Committee

L. Rose said that they met yesterday, but she was unable to attend. At the last meeting they brainstormed about transportation and L. Rose thought that maybe their rep to the Transportation Committee on the UA could help.

VII. Unfinished Business

VIII. New Business

UBC Charter

J. DeMarco asked for advice on what to do on the charter.

T. Shelley said that the Faculty Senate has it as a standing committee and it is not included in their charter.

J. DeMarco asked if it should be included? If it is, it will be a committee with definition. If it isn’t, they will be leaving it to the wind. He will wrote something up before the next meeting and send it out. They will discuss at the next EA meeting.

Employee Reception

J. DeMarco said that this event was held the last 2 Junes. It is a welcome event for new staff given by the EA. The last one was sparsely attended and there is no record of it. Seems like they spent a lot of money without much of a return. He asked for comments.

B. Smith said that they have a “Buddy Program” at JGSM for new staff.

L. Rose wondered if once/year was enough? People may not attend if they don’t see themselves as a new employee anymore.

J. DeMarco said that there has been no organization for this event.

L. Rose asked if the EA was in the “Welcome to Cornell” orientation

J. DeMarco said that they have asked the EA to attend. Maybe have an EA member attend when there are more staff attending?

T. Shelley thinks that there should be one given by the EA only.

M. Smallwood Churchill suggested having a table set up at the Benefair or the Cornell Store product show.

P. Mahoney asked if the purpose of this was to have a reception or to promote the EA. She thinks that they should be linked together.

J. DeMarco said that a committee should work on this.

D. Goss said that the Communications Committee would be glad to.

Election Update

T. Johnson was not able to attend, but T. Bishop asked if everyone made copies and passed out the fliers. A few people haven’t. T. Bishop also said that she is redoing the entire EA election packet and will meet with T. Johnson. She will send it to the other EA members for comment soon.

J. DeMarco wanted to know what they should do about the open seat.

After a discussion, it was agreed that the EA would fill the seat now rather than fill it during elections.

D. Billups made a motion not to put Leti’s seat up for election - fill the seat now.

D. Goss seconded it.

The motion was passed.

T. Bishop said that she will let T. Johnson know.

Recent Resignations and Prevention

P. Mahoney is worried about the effectiveness of the EA since 2 members just left. What can the EA do to prevent people from leaving?

J. DeMarco said that they should stress the time commitment involved at elections.

L. Rose said that she understands people not having the time and especially for those who have to come a distance. She wondered if they could get a van.

D. Billups said she would look her way to set up a meeting or at another location for April. The EA agreed we would use Red Runner if there were no regular bus available for members to get there.

D. Goss said that they could use RedRunner.

T. Shelley said that they need to tell people that time management is important and they need decide whether it is a good fit for them. The EA needs to be pro-active and let people know what they are getting into.

D. Goss thinks that resigning shouldn’t be as easy as sending an e-mail. There should be a procedure in place.

Employee Assets Assessment

M. Smallwood Churchill said that the Communications and Education committees made comments about her proposal of helping staff with workshops. Both committees feel that if the do something campus wide, it will cause some anxiety among people. Maybe a DDD letter should go out first.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Bishop

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715