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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

May 7, 2003 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 5, 2003
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Boardroom Day Hall

I. Call to Order and Introductions

J. DeMarco, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:16 p.m.


Present: Joseph DeMarco, Tammy Johnson, Patricia Mahoney, Dawne Martyniak, Stephanie LaLonde, Lisa Rose, Thomas Shelley, Mary Smallwood Churchill, Brandi Smith

Excused: Deb Billups, Christina Bucko, Donna Goss

Others Present: Michael Esposito, Dennis Stein

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

J. DeMarco asked for any late additions.

M. Smallwood Churchill had an update about ex-officio members.

III. Approval of Minutes

April 16, 2003

J. DeMarco asked if there were any corrections or additions that anybody would like to make to the minutes.

J. DeMarco entertained a motion to approve the minutes as amended.

P. Mahoney made a motion to approve the minutes.

B. Smith seconded it.

IV. Report from the Chair

GPAD Reception

Jackie Gilbert from the Food Science Lab was the recipient. The reception was very nice. George Peter attended. It will be on the front page of the PawPrint tomorrow.

Hats Off to Hunter

Event was last Monday in the Arts Quad. J. DeMarco helped judge the hats! President Rawlings daughter attended as well. Was a great event.

Meeting with Mary George Opperman

J. DeMarco met with Mary George Opperman on Tuesday and discussed next weeks luncheon, a proposal from the Education Committee to take over the Supervisor Award and that it be changed to Leadership Award.

Assembly Reception

Was held yesterday afternoon in Willard Straight Hall. This was President Rawlings last reception for the Assemblies. There were speeches given by the Assemblies and J. DeMarco presented the president with a full size cut-out of him palming the basketball from the President’s Address and a video tape of Hats Off to Hunter.

Opperman/Dullea Luncheon

Will be next week and will be an important and interesting luncheon. D. Goss and P. Mahoney will be giving presentations regarding Workforce Planning. H. Dullea will be talking about the status quo.

Town Meeting

D. Goss is working on the Town Meeting. She has spoken with Caroline Ainslie’s representative and are trying to get a date and location. Might be after commencement.

Trustee Presentation

On May 23, J. DeMarco will be giving a presentation in front of the Board of Trustees in Sage Hall at 3:45 pm. There will be 10 tickets available in the Information & Referral Office on a first come first serve basis. J. DeMarco will send out an email.

V. Open Forum

B. Smith wanted to know who HR people can go to for help with RecruitSoft.

L. Rose said that that information is in the notebook that was given in the training sessions.

D. Stein said that if they have particular questions, they need to go to M. Opperman’s office. This is not something that the EA can help with.

D. Stein invited everyone to the May 16 Staff Graduate Reception at AD White House from 4:00 — 5:30 pm.

VI. Committee Reports

Education Committee — Education Success Stories

S. LaLonde said that the Education Committee is working on putting together some articles for the PawPrint highlighting employees who have taken advantage of various education opportunities at Cornell. The committee has been gathering some “stories”, but not enough. They need some help from the EA to gather information. The articles will alternate - individuals and groups. She passed out a survey for people to pass along to people. S. LaLonde will email it on to the EA as well.

Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)

M. Smallwood Churchill said that the chair, Patrick, is resigning because of the workload. B. Smith had sent an email to her regarding motorcycle parking and lack there of. The committee will not be meeting in May, so she is going to take this straight to transportation.

There are problems in the bus shelters in A-lot (bees, etc.) and should be upgraded.

There will be an annual review of those people who hold Handicapped permits.


M. Smallwood Churchill said that there are several presidential appointment committee members and several ex-officio members on TAC.

T. Shelley said that there will be a meeting for the people who expressed interest in being on the committee for the University Club.

VII. Unfinished Business


M. Smallwood Churchill asked who their constituencies are.

T. Johnson said that they have been chosen and will be effective July 1. Everyone will be getting a new membership list with this information on it.

T. Johnson said that M. Smallwood Churchill had also asked who decided that there would not be an election. She said that she as Chair of IOC, Hope Mandeville and Mary George Opperman decided.

T. Shelley said that the committee that is reviewing the charter will discuss how election/non-election procedures will be in the future.

Geneva Meeting Details

J. DeMarco sent out an email saying that B. Smith and S. LaLonde have offered to drive.

S. LaLonde asked about times.

J. DeMarco said we will leave campus around 11:00.

P. Mahoney said that the meeting will be delayed until 12:30ish. Lunch will be at 12:00. The director, Dr. Hunter, has agreed to cover the cost of the lunch. There will not be a tour, but she is open for suggestions.

J. DeMarco said that they should meet at Day Hall. He will ask Hank Dullea and Mary Opperman if they would like to attend.

P. Mahoney said that she will send out an email to everyone.

VIII. New Business

Welcome Reception for Lehman

M. Esposito said that they should do something early.

J. DeMarco said that September might be a good time.

M. Esposito said that he will send out an email to those who are interested in helping to plan the reception and they will go from there.

D. Stein said that the Lehman’s inauguration will be October 16.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Bishop
Office of the Assemblies

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715