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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20030903 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 3, 2003
12:15 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Boardroom


Present: Deb Billups, Donna Goss, Joseph DeMarco, Pamela Dusseau, Patricia Haugen, Tammy Johnson, Stephanie McConnell, Dawne Martyniak, Mary Smallwood Churchill

Excused: Patricia Mahoney, Lisa Rose, Brandi Smith


Others present: H. Mandeville, D. Stein

I. Call to Order

D. Goss opened the meeting with announcements. Stephanie name has changed to McConnell. Both Stephanie and Pam were married this summer. Tammy will be back soon.

Hope made some announcements. OA has moved to 109 Day Hall and OA hopes to have a file with historical info for assemblies to use.

Donna made some comments. Communication Comm is working on many projects. She also announced that the President’s Address to Employees was not going to be held 10/14 as the President had asked to meet employees in a less formal setting.

II. Call for Late Additions to Agenda

III. Approval of Minutes

IV. Report from the Chair

� Annual Calendar of Events
The President’s Inauguration is on 10/16 from 2–3 pm in Barton Hall. All Assembly execs will march in the procession and it is hoped that other members would attend the event itself. Also staff will be encouraged to attend and the EA will need to help get that word out. If at all possible for staff to come, they are encouraged to come to the event itself or watch the procession. Hope mentioned Ithaca Times interview with Pres. Lehman. She will send that web link to EA members.

Hope explained that the Advance will not be held but we expect the pres to meet with each assembly this fall. Hope is meeting with Pres. Lehman on 9/18 to discuss how he wishes to engage the Assemblies this year. She will discuss whether or not the leadership meetings traditionally held monthly will continue. She will also set up a schedule for him to meet with each Assembly. Hope also mentioned the Trustee open sessions and will let assembly members know when they are.

There was a long discussion about what the EA would like in regards to having a President’s Address and most felt it was important for the President to address staff each year. Hope will convey the EA’s sentiments.

V. Unfinished Business

� ComCom Expenditure
Pat Haugen reported on welcome to Cornell plans, engaging GPSA, EA, and PawPrint in providing gifts to new employees. Each has made a commitment of funds. Follow-up would be made with employees 6 months after they had attended an orientation. Coffee mugs, etc would be distributed to new employees but not at each orientation (as we couldn’t afford to cover each session). EA members would attend sessions one a month.

Question of whether this has to go to the Finance Committee first. Communication will make a formal recommendation and ask for approval from the finance comm and EA.

There was a lot of discussion of what this might mean, with only some employees receiving gifts. There are weekly sessions but only one could be covered. Some people felt this was problematic when only some people get mugs, other not. What about partnering with CRC, PawPrint Board, others to be able to cover those other sessions? What about having the materials there even if no member could attend? Still problematic?

There was a question of whether or not this would be done every year or if this was a one year request. Also sessions are off-campus so this could present a difficulty for assembly members to attend. One thought is to start this way and see where it goes. Could OA help? What about having the committee go back to committee and bring back a completely thought out plan, with finances, member responsibilities, schedule, etc. sorted out. Decision was made to table the discussion and reformulate how this would work since the request was made for one session and now the EA may be considering all sessions. Rethink a strategy to make this work.

Dennis talked about Day of Caring on 9/11. The focus is to commemorate 9/11 by having a food drive. Also will need volunteers for Employee Day.

VI. Open Forum

VII. New Business

VIII. Adjournment

Be prepared to answer this one question in an informal discussion: why you want to be on the EA?

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715