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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20030917 Meeting Minutes

DRAFT Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 17 2003
12:15 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Boardroom


Present: Deb Billups, Donna Goss, Joseph DeMarco, Patricia Haugen, Tammy Johnson, Patricia Mahoney, Stephanie McConnell, Mary Smallwood Churchill, Brandi Smith

Excused: Pamela Dusseau, Dawne Martyniak, Lisa Rose


Others present: T. Bishop, D. Stein, M. Esposito, J. Miles (Communications Committee)

I. Call to Order

D. Goss, chair, called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm.

� Introductions
D. Goss welcomed Janice Miles and Michael Esposito.

� Roundtable: “Why I participate in the Employee Assembly”
Everyone agreed that they participate in the EA to make a difference in the Cornell Community and be a positive voice for staff. T. Johnson added that focus has been turned to internal operations and the Charter and the Charter should be left for interpretation and they should focus outward again.

� Call for Late Additions to Agenda
S. McConnell said that she had an announcement that she will be starting a new job in CALS thanks to D. Billups and QWEST.

D. Stein said that P. Mahoney had a job change as well. P. Mahoney said that it is not official, but she will be moving to the new service center in Geneva as HR Assistant.

D. Stein thanked all assembly members for the food drive.

D. Billups said that she would appreciate any kind of donation to the Emergency Grant Fund. They also need volunteers. The event is October 10 in Biotech.

II. Approval of Minutes

September 3, 2003
D. Goss asked if there were any corrections or additions that anybody would like to make to the minutes.

There were some amendments.

D. Goss entertained a motion to approve the minutes as amended.

J. DeMarco made a motion to approve the minutes.

T. Johnson seconded.

III. Unfinished Business

� University Club Resolution
P. Haugen drafted a resolution in response to Peter Stein’s request for the EA to support the University Club. P. Haugen said that the resolution is only to support the investigation of a University Club and not necessarily the club itself.

There was some discussion and some wording changed.

The resolution passed.

They decided that it would come from the Employee Assembly.

� ComCom Expenditures
P. Haugen said that the committee went back to the drawing board and know that staffing the welcome to Cornell is just not possible. T. Bishop said that she could get the names of those who attended the orientation form OHR. P. Haugen said that they could then just mail the packet to people and ask the EA to do some follow-up calls after people receive the packet. They would need to check with Campus Mail to see if they would do it. P. Haugen asked the assembly if this is the direction that they want the committee to go and will they help with the follow-up.

T. Johnson said that this is a better idea than what they had talked about previously.

There was some discussion of what would go into the packet and who would give what and members said that the committee can take the suggestions and talk about it.

� Education Committee Status
S. McConnell said that the committee has no status. They are not doing anything and there is nothing for them to do. She said that she could come up with some proposals.

There was some discussion as to what to do because this committee is in the Charter. T. Johnson said that they wouldn’t have to disband the committee, just add a new AdHoc committee.

There was some discussion and it was concluded that there were some things that the committee could be doing, but it may not directly relate to the committee.

It was concluded that all committees have a similar problem and that the committee should not be disband and be more creative.

V. Report from the Chair

� Annual calendar of Events
P. Haugen said that there should be a list of events that members should be attending throughout the year.

D. Goss said that H. Mandeville was going to put together a list of events.

� Strategy to increase participation with EA-member ideas
D. Goss said that she spoke with Ayanna Hughey in OWDELQ and she will be the liaison.

� Partnering with other organizations
The CRC has some interest in partnering with the EA and D. Stein will get more information.

� Special Projects (alternate site meetings with HR groups & unit ee’s)
D. Goss said that she had talked about the idea of having a luncheon style meeting with other units to find out what others are doing. This would not be a business meeting. The idea was well received last time. She asked if anyone would like to offer up their unit.

V. Committee Reports

D. Goss asked if any committees other than the Communications committee met. The committees are waiting for a new membership list.

D. Goss said that she has to write a letter to the President every month and she would like the chairs of the committees to write to her and tell her what their committees are doing. Send the reports to T. Bishop.

T. Bishop said that committees are already sending in minutes to her. D. Goss just wants to make sure that everyone sends them in by the 15th of the month.

VI. Open Forum

Cornell Employee Day is October 11 and T. Johnson wanted to know who was volunteering and finding out the price of t-shirts. P. Dusseau was going to check on prices. S. McConnell said that she could get some prices.

D. Goss handed around a resolution that J. DeMarco wrote about adding another employee as a trustee. She told people to read it and they would talk about it at the next meeting.

VII. New Business

� Charter Changes — UBC & EGF
This was resolved at a previous meeting.

� Communication and action method between meetings
This will be added at the next meeting.

� Discussion of how EA members bring concerns of constituents to the EA
M. Smallwood Churchill met someone in her constituency and she asked her some questions. She wanted to know if people are contacting their constituencies, if so, how? They should be talking to them and submitting reports to the EA to find out what people’s needs are.

D. Goss said that people can submit something monthly

M. Smallwood Churchill said that she would like this added to the agenda at the next meeting.

VIII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Tammy Bishop

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715