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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20031203 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly
Board Room, Day Hall
December 3, 2003
12:15p.m. — 1:30p.m.


P. Haugen called the meeting to order at 12:15p.m.


M. Esposito said he would like some time at the next meeting to be an executive session with the EA officers.

S. McConnell said she has a report on the education committee.


The minutes for October 15, 2003 were unanimously approved.

M. Smallwood Churchill said she wants to change the structure of the minutes and would like to work with the Office of Assemblies.


There was no unfinished business to discuss.


A. UA Update
P. Haugen said that the UA is now full. The Cornell Store made a report and are looking at loss prevention to streamline expenses. This includes paper management. The UA is also looking to change the mission of the Committee on Committees.
B. Committee Needs
T. Johnson ran through all of the committees that have vacancies on the UA, SA, and EA and the liaison positions. There was some discussion on the days and times when some committees meet. EA Members signed up to fill some vacancies. T. Johnson will send an e-mail to members with those that still need members and ask that the EA forward to their departments.
C. Education Committee
S. McConnell said that there is a new member on the committee, who was active on the staff council at Iowa. The organizational meeting’s focus was whether the university meets the staff’s educational needs. They decided to institute a web survey. A pilot survey will be done and they will offer a scholarship to help defray the costs of an education.
D. Communications Committee
P. Haugen said that they re-vamped the George Peter award nomination forms. They also changed the evaluation system to make it more efficient. The last award ceremony was well received and well done.
E. Campus Planning Committee
D. Stein said that they are working on site criteria for the new Life Sciences building and decided the building will be in front of Clark.


A. January 14 with President Lehman
P. Haugen said that the January 14th event was discussed with Mary Opperman at their last meeting. The group approved a suggestion to ask President Lehman to make some remarks addressing the employees and to have a social in addition, which would have an open forum with questions submitted in writing.
H. Mandeville said that she is concerned about time and how the work would get done.
P. Haugen said D. Goss has arranged committees to address the work. The charge of this committee will be to come up with a format for at the January 14th event.
B. Call to Engagement
P. Haugen said that at the last EA meeting, they talked about when they would have the Call to Engagement Forums. They decided that the January 14th event would be the kick-off and the forums would be the week of January 19th. Tentatively, President Lehman will attend an EA meeting on January 28th and some feedback will be given to him.
C. Council of Representatives
Pat H. said that a committee has been formed and they are talking about changing the structure of the EA and are looking at the GPSA.
H. Mandeville said that elections are coming up and fliers are being made for the EA which is why the committee is being made. This year is also the trustee election so it is critical to get on this ballot because it only comes up every 4 years. She said that changes need to be approved via community referendum, meaning 20% of the staff needs to vote.
P. Haugen said the discussion board has been put up and she has successfully added a message. Members should use the board for discussion. She said that ex-officio members should have access to the discussion board.
Joe made the motion to let ex-officio members have access to the discussion board and Deb 2nded it.
It was unanimously approved.
D. Logo Resolution
J. DeMarco made a motion to support the GPSA.
H. Mandeville said the SA wrote a letter to the President and his response was to work with Tom Richardson, the new webmaster for Cornell.
Deb motioned to call to question.
It was unanimously approved.


J. DeMarco said that Cornell Sport Saturday is on February 7th. The big change is that CRC is no longer hosting. The EA is now a co-host via the Emergency Grant Fund, who will receive the profits. The EA needs to be in attendance and help out with distributing meals. The meal is from 5:00 — 7:00 pm.

T. Johnson suggested having shirts for the volunteers.

D. Billups said that they need bodies to set up, clean up, and serve — mostly behind the scenes jobs. About 50 volunteers are needed.

P. Haugen suggested that the EA get volunteers for the event.

D. Billups encouraged the EA to attend events to increase visibility. T-shirts are a good idea and can be paid for by the Office of HR. The committee will make decisions and come to EA for approval.

D. Stein said there will be a Holiday Unity Celebration on December 11th at Anabel Taylor, where people from different ethnicities and religions come together to share their holiday experiences. March 24th is Humor Day and he had an idea of staff getting involved, perhaps partner with somebody.

H. Mandeville said elections are during that time and it would be a good way to promote candidates.


P. Haugen adjourned the meeting at 1:30pm.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715