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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20031217 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly
Board Room, Day Hall
December 17, 2003
12:30p.m. — 1:30p.m.


D. Goss called the meeting to order at 12:35p.m.


There were no late additions to the agenda.


The minutes for December 3, 2003 were unanimously approved.


P. Dusseau asked to clarify who is on what committees.

D. Goss read the list of committee membership. Forums: P. Haugen, J. DeMarco, S. McConnell, P. Mahoney B. Smith Jan. 15: D. Goss, M. Esposito, D. Stein, D. Billups, M. Opperman CoR: T. Johnson, B. Smith, M. Smallwood Churchill, D. Martyniak, S. McConnell, T. Anderson, P. Dusseau

D. Goss said that the January 15 event committee has already met.


A. Finance Committee
T. Bishop said that the finance committee voted and approved the communications’ committee’s request for packets and banners.
P. Haugen said that the total expenditure was about $1300. This entails stationary, fliers, folders, envelopes, table stand sign and banner. They are ordering 1000 due to a price break and to have a 2 year supply. Paw Print and GPSA contributed $300 and $350, respectively.
P. Dusseau motioned to approve and M. Smallwood Churchill 2nded.
M. Esposito requested an account balance sheet, saying that they used to get it so they could know the budget.
H. Mandeville said that P. Mahoney was going to present it but she couldn’t make it to the meeting — there is about $12,000 left in the budget.
D. Goss said that she wants to make sure there is enough funding for elections.
B. Transportation Advisory Committee
M. Smallwood Churchill said that TAC met last week. A new chair was elected from the body, and it was one of the students. Transportation Services presented a slideshow that showed an increase of usage of buses. A website has been made available.
C. Faculty Senate
M. Smallwood Churchill said that the faculty senate has a meeting this afternoon but she will not be able to attend due to the weather. They are discussing a resolution about El-Serve re-negotiations with their contract. This is important because Cornell is one of the nation’s largest research institutions and El-Serv is one of the largest suppliers of online journal access.


A. Cornell Sports Saturday
J. DeMarco said that February 7 is the date, and it will be a day full of athletic events and a community meal. The theme is “Beat the Blues”, a play on the school colors for Colulmbia, Yale, and Fairleigh Dickenson. The meal is hosted by the EA and they should gain about $1000 for the Emergency Grant Fund if 850 people show. They need people to show up for the meal, which will be 5–7pm. It’s a good idea to make the EA people more visible and help is needed for the meals.
P. Haugen said they are asking people to commit to the 7th and bringing 1 person to help. She said Beth Kunz is coordinating volunteers to serve and volunteers get a free meal and t-shirt.
M Esposito encouraged a hat or visor for visibility because servers are required to wear head coverings.
S. McConnell offered to investigate purchasing a hat/visor with the EA logo written on it.
B. EA Events Calendar
P. Haugen said the ad hoc outreach committee made a presentation about the PR process a few months ago and they met with the communications committee and made a draft template about what’s possible over the next year. They put together a report on how to use the press on campus to meet needs and what those needs are. The template included a collage interview, announce committee vacancies, a note from the employee trustee, a statement from the chair, goals and tasks, events calendar, president’s address, committee information, election notices, history from the office of assemblies, new things the EA is working on, and cited accomplishments. The goal is EA familiarity.
H. Mandeville said they have a domain now:
S. McConnell said it is good in giving the EA direction and continuity.
D. Stein said the communications committee is thinking of having an insert in the Paw Print in March
S. McConnell said it will be a good opportunity to re-introduce the idea of another committee to hand out awards.
C. January 15th with President Lehman
An agenda was passed around with details for the event.
D. Goss said that Mary Opperman approves this and remarks will be made by President Lehman, not a speech. Questions will be submitted through cards. Scenarios include picking 8 times during the day to see what individuals are doing and it will be narrated, lasting about 20 minutes. M. Esposito will give a summary and President Lehman will respond to the presentation and then Michael will wrap up. She said it is important to recognize the President and to make him visible to the staff.
D. Stein said they are using the forum as “A Day in the Life of Employees.”
M. Smallwood Churchill said she thinks there is too much in the front and suggested letting the President introduce the scenarios.
T. Bishop said they shouldn’t because he is an invited guest.



D. Goss adjourned the meeting at 1:30pm.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715