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2003 AY Action 04 Text

Resolution #4 to Create a Staff Recognition and Awards Committee

Whereas, the George Peter Award for Dedicated Service (GPADS) is currently unseated in any section of the Employee Assembly’s (EA) charter or any EA sub-committee’s charter; and

Whereas, the charter of the Communications Committee does not currently include responsibility for the George Peter Award for Dedicated Service (GPADS); and

Whereas, the GPADS requires an extensive commitment of any committee’s time; and

Whereas, the Communications Committee has spent the majority of its committee time on GPADS and GPADS-related activities over the past two years;

Whereas, there has been no activity to establish the Leadership Award as recommended by Mary George Opperman, and

Be it therefore resolved that the Communications Committee recommends that the EA create a new standing committee of the EA named the Staff Recognition and Awards Committee to administer the GPADS and other similar employee recognition events; and

Be it further resolved that as of the 2004–05 EA year, the Communications Committee will no longer be responsible for the GPADS.

Be it further resolved that the EA charter be updated as follows:

ARTICLE 7 Committee

In pursuance of its mandate to address not only personnel policy but a broad range of topics of interest to employees, the EA may establish standing or ad hoc committees as appropriate. This Charter hereby creates seven standing committees of the EA, the Internal Operations Committee, the Communications Committee, the Personnel Policy Committee, the Education Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Emergency Grant Fund Committee, the Staff Recognition and Awards Committee and a joint committee of the Faculty Senate and the EA, the University Benefits Committee.

7.8 The Staff Recognition and Awards Committee shall consist of at least two EA members, one of whom shall be the Chair of committee.  These individuals may also serve on other committees of the EA or the UA. The committee shall also consist of at least five at-large members selected by the IOC, and a ex-officio representative from the employee newspaper (presently Paw Print). The Staff Recognition and Awards Committee will be charged with administering all aspects of the George Peter Award for Dedicated Service, will work in conjunction with the Office of Human Resources on the annual Staff Graduate Reception, and will investigate other staff award and recognition opportunities and present proposals for consideration to the EA. The Staff Recognition and Awards Committee will work in consultation with other relevant committees and interested parties.

Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie McConnell on behalf of the members of the Communications Committee

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715