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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20040218 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly
Board Room, Day Hall
February 18, 2004
12:15p.m. — 1:30p.m.


Present: Tim Anderson, Deb Billups, Donna Goss, Joseph DeMarco, Pamela Dusseau, Tammy Johnson, Patricia Mahoney, Stephanie McConnell, Dawne Martyniak, Mary Smallwood Churchill, Brandi Smith



Others present: T. Bishop, D. Stein, H. Mandeville,


T. Johnson called the meeting to order at 12:15 p,m.


Sports Saturday and Office of the Assemblies reports were added to the agenda under committee reports.


Feb 4, 2004
There were some changes.

The minutes were approved.


There was no unfinished business.


Sports: J. DeMarco reported that Sports Saturday was successful and the place was full of people. The only problem was that toward the end of the event, they ran out of plates and chicken. The root of that problem was a bad ticket count. They ended up making $1827.45 that will be given to the EGF. They sold a total of around 760 tickets. There was an excellent turnout of EA member and their families and there were plenty of volunteers. They had ideas for improvements to be made for next year; the committee had a follow up meeting to discuss the event and will continue to discuss these improvements.

OA: H. Mandeville suggested that the EA talk about what to do at the next event with the president. The main issue with thinking about a time to do it is the venue. The Statler and Kennedy were identified as the two best possibilities, but the problem is that the big rooms in these buildings are used for classes. They also talked about receiving feedback from the administration. They decided that they should have a meeting with Mary Opperman, either inviting her to a meeting or setting up some sort of luncheon. The Next EA meeting is March 3. They favored the idea of a luncheon rather than trying to meet with her at an EA meeting.

P. Dusseau said the problem with meeting so soon is that they need to have enough prep-time to gather opinions on what exactly they want feedback on so they can make an agenda in order to make sure that this meeting is productive and directed.

T. Johnson said it would be a good idea to send an email to the listserv and the executive committee will meet to discuss possible dates.

H. Mandeville said that the goal is to define exactly what it is the EA wants to know.

S. McConnell said they should identify specific frustrations and feedback instead of just asking for interaction. She recommended that it be handled electronically.

It was brought up that the meetings with Mary George Opperman and the chair are February 27 and March 25.

They decided they would check back in three weeks about progress and dates for the Mary George Opperman luncheon.

T. Johnson said she will send a “call for questions” reminder email

Transportation Advisory Committee: M. Smallwood Churchill said the committee met last week and Andrew the planner from transportation facilities presented a document on transportation principles, especially including parking. The committee decided that the document needed to be more focused on working towards achieving a goal; they need to decide what they need for transportation and parking before any of the new projects on campus begin. She said that currently there are about 30,000 people on campus and only 10,000 parking spaces; as these new projects are completed, the number of people on campus will increase dramatically. She asked for any suggestions to be brought to her attention.

Cornell United Religious Works: D. Stein said that they had their first meeting last week and they are in the midst of a major controversy because the ultra-conservative Jewish group Chabad wants to be affiliated with CURW, but Hillel, a more broad based Jewish group already is affiliated with CURW. The concern is that if this ultra-conservative Jewish group also becomes affiliated with CURW, it will no longer be under the broad-based umbrella and it will send the wrong message to incoming Cornell students that Cornell is not necessarily tolerant. The committee is struggling with the decision to affiliate themselves with Chabad or not and he said he would keep the EA updated.


C. IOC: Janice Miles
T. Johnson said that the IOC met and recommends Janice Miles to be seated the EA.

Several people commented on Janice Miles and her qualifications for the position.

S. McConnell made a motion to appoint Miles to the vacant seat.

J. DeMarco seconded the motion.

The motion passed with unanimous consent.

A. IOC: Executive Vice Chair
There was a discussion and Pam Dusseau was announced as the new Executive Vice Chair.

B. IOC: EA Representative to the UA
Stephanie McConnell was announced as the new member of the UA.

D. Elections
At this time, one packet for EA elections had been taken out and six packets for Employee Trustee had been taken out.

Everyone was reminded to pick up their packets and pay attention to the events and deadlines found on the calendar, especially the meeting on the 23rd of this month. Flyers were given out to encourage people to run.


The Leadership meeting was held yesterday and reports were given.

The EA was asked if they would like to see a Slope Day presentation discussing the issues surrounding slope day and the new proposed format of having faculty and staff there and hearing their ideas on the subject.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:32 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Gilbertson
Office of the Assemblies

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715