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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20041215 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
December 15, 2004
12:15–1:30 PM
Boardroom Day Hall


Present: Joseph DeMarco, Pamela Dusseau, Donna Goss, Meredith Graham, Patricia Mahoney, Janice Miles, Mary Smallwood Churchill, Cindy Williams

Excused: William Bryant, Beth Burlew, Nathaniel Guest, Hazel Hall


Others present: D. Stein, L. Lawrence, C. Park, T. Bishop

I. Call to order:

P. Dusseau, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM and noted that S. Peacock had resigned from the EA. She welcomed 2 visitors to the meeting: Leon Lawrence from the UA and Connie Park from Staff Outreach, OWDELQ.

II. Call for late Additions:

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. Approval of minutes:

J. DeMarco motioned to accept minutes after changes. C. Williams seconded. Minutes approved.

IV. Report from the Chair

P. Dusseau stated that she finished her final session on the Cornell Leadership Development Program and is hoping to implement what she has learned.

President Lehman invited assembly members to his home for a holiday gathering and P. Dusseau spoke with him while there. She said that he expressed interest in doing an event with staff in the Spring. Kathy Okun is interested in doing an introduction event with the staff.

V. Unfinished Business

A. EA Forums
Members task from the last meeting was to meet with their resource team and talk about which event they would be interested in.
1. D. Goss said that she and her team were interested in hosting a forum in Geneva, but were unsure of the focus at this time.
2. J. DeMarco said that he and his team were interested in working on supervisor issues.
3. M. Smallwood Churchill said that she and her team were interested in a forum to maximize staff experience at Cornell.
4. P. Dusseau said that she and her team were interested in working on a forum with Kathy Okun.

D. Goss said that she would like to discuss a timeline for the forums and decide on using the academic year or the calendar year.

J. DeMarco said that he prefers 2 in the Spring and then 2 in the Fall. He also liked having Kathy Okun open up the series.

P. Dusseau said that they should do the event in Geneva this academic year.

D. Goss said that she will map out all of the EA events so that members can see what is going on.

VI. Committee Reports

A. UA Update
P. Dusseau said that the UA has a Campus Safety Task Force to look at safety on campus and Hazel Hall has been appointed as the employee member on that. Susan Murphy has one for off campus and details will be provided later.

P. Dusseau also reported that the UA is working on academic integrity and the possibility of an honor code. Leon Lawrence is working on this initiative and is currently looking at other universities.

M. Graham asked mentioned the spam issue and that the GPSA had written a resolution the previous Monday night, P. Dusseau said that on Wednesday, CIT made an opt-out plan.

VII. New Business

A. EA insert in PawPrint
D. Stein asked members to keep in mind that there is a January 20 edition of PawPrint and that he would need copy by January 14.

P. Dusseau asked members to think about what the goal of this insert would be.

D. Goss said that it is to get people interested in the EA.

J. DeMarco said that it is to generate people to run in elections and get on committees.

B. Burlew said to answer the questions, “Who are we? And Why are we here?”

M. Smallwood Churchill said that it is to link what the EA does with what staff need.

J. DeMarco added that it is to explain the self governance system.

P. Dusseau mentioned that VP Bruce is interested in partnering with the EA to gather feedback from staff about the new website, logo, etc.

The EA went on to brainstorm some ideas for the insert. The next step is for D. Goss, D. Stein and J. DeMarco to meet to make a copy.

VIII. Open Forum

The EA went into closed session.

IX. Adjournment

P. Dusseau adjourned the meeting at 1:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
T. Bishop
Office of the Assemblies

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715