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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20050105 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
January 5, 2005
12:15–1:30 PM
Boardroom Day Hall


Present: William Bryant, Beth Burlew, Joseph DeMarco, Pamela Dusseau, Donna Goss, Nathaniel Guest, Hazel Hall, Patricia Mahoney, Janice Miles, Mary Smallwood Churchill, Cindy Williams


Unexcused: Meredith Graham

Others present: D. Stein, L. Lawrence, H. Mandeville, T. Bishop

I. Call to order:

P. Dusseau, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM.

II. Call for late Additions:

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. Approval of minutes:

M. Smallwood Churchill motioned to accept minutes. C. Williams seconded. Minutes approved.

IV. Report from the Chair

P. Dusseau stated that she met with Mary George Opperman on January 4 and talked about the forum series and its relation to OHR. She also met with Connie Park from OWDELQ and talked about the EA partnering with her. She will be meeting with Linda Haas Manley from OWDELQ on January 6 to talk about life balance. She will be meeting with Kerry Kerfoot-Howell, CU Wellness, next week.

V. Unfinished Business

A. EA insert in PawPrint
D. Goss passed out a mock-up of the insert and went through it with the members. She will be asking the EA committee chairs to do a short write-up about their committee. Final draft of the insert is due to Dennis Stein on January 14.

VI. Committee Reports

There were none.

VII. New Business

A. New Member
J. Demarco said that the IOC advertised the EA vacancy in the last edition of the PawPrint. There is a staff person interested and the IOC will be interviewing that person.

B. Blog Topic/Question Brainstorming
There was a discussion about the blog and what the topic would be. Members decided that a blog wasn’t going to fit their needs and will be using a message/discussion board instead. T. Bishop will set it up.

C. Creating a formal list of “Social Network” contacts
P. Dusseau asked members to bring a list of their contacts to the next EA meeting. She will need their name and unit.

D. Event Planning: Dates for a President’s event and Geneva event
P. Dusseau asked members what they thought about doing a picnic with the President in May and Kathy Okun to do something in Geneva in June. Members thought that those were great ideas.

E. Additional Employee Trustee Seat
P. Dusseau said that she is going to meet with Michael Esposito to talk about the next steps that the EA should take.

H. Mandeville asked about having 1 endowed trustee and 1 contract trustee.

P. Dusseau said that she will bring that up.

F. Mary Opperman Luncheon Agenda
P. Dusseau reminded members of the luncheon next week. VP Tommy Bruce will also be attending. Members brainstormed some topics for the luncheon and agreed on talking about the style guide and PawPrint communication.

G. Meeting Evaluation Form
P. Dusseau handed out an evaluation form and asked that members fill it out. She will have them at every meeting.

VIII. Open Forum

Mary Smallwood Churchill said that she received a flier about Sports Saturday and that it will be on January 22.

IX. Adjournment

P. Dusseau adjourned the meeting at 1:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
T. Bishop
Office of the Assemblies

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715