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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20050504 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
May 4, 2005
12:15–1:30 PM
Boardroom Day Hall


Present: William Bryant, Beth Burlew, Joseph DeMarco, Pamela Dusseau, Donna Goss, Meredith Graham, Nathaniel Guest, Hazel Hall, Leon Lawrence, Patricia Mahoney

Excused: Janice Miles, Mary Smallwood Churchill, Cindy Williams


Others present: T. Bishop, P. Korolov, D. Stein, D. Smith

I. Call to order:

P. Dusseau, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM.

II. Call for late additions to the agenda

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. Approval of minutes

Minutes from April 20 were approved.

IV. Report from the Chair

� P. Dusseau passed out the EA Trustee Report and asked members to email her with questions or comments. She will be giving a speech to them on May 27 and if members want to attend, they need to contact Tammy Bishop.

� At the last leadership breakfast, Tommy Bruce said that the Chronicle was going through a redesign and will save a space for the assemblies to write articles. The last leadership breakfast will be on May 5.

� Janice Miles will be unable to attend the remainder of the EA meetings this year. She will return in the fall.

� PawPrint is hosting the Past EA chairs Luncheon on May 17.

V. Unfinished Business

A. Education Committee
M. Graham is the chair of EduCom and asked the EA for permission to be inactive and possibly disband.

L. Lawrence asked what the committee does.

M. Graham said that the major things are is it helps with the Staff Graduation Reception and SEED (Staff Education Exploration Day).

T. Bishop said that before M. Graham took over as chair, the committee had some other things going on. They were working with Benefits to create a survey to staff asking them about education benefits. They had also discussed having an EA scholarship to help with extra expenses of taking a class. While Cornell covers the tuition, it does not cover books, supplies, etc. Employees also must pay the taxes on the monies received for the tuition.

The members discussed the possibility of having the committee be inactive and it was decided that M. Graham would talk with Maureen Brull to do some fact finding about the education benefit and also the child tuition benefit.

VI. Committee Reports

A. Finance Committee
P. Mahoney reported that as of March 31, the EA had a balance of $8683. They will be receiving $9400 in October from the University. She will bring a statement to the next EA meeting.

B. Personnel Policy Committee
N. Guest said that the PPC met last week and talked about 2 policies. The Stewardship and Custodianship of Electronic Mail ( and the Religious Accommodation (

C. Emergency Grant Fund
It was reported that the fund had given an award to an employee last week.

VII. New Business

A. End of Year Get Together
P. Dusseau asked members what they thought about having a reception instead of a luncheon to thank their peers for allowing them to be a part of the EA and also to thank anyone who had helped them out this year either by partnering or giving a presentation. It would be a combination of a “Thank you” and a kick-off for next year.

There was a discussion and everyone agreed. P. Mahoney suggested inviting their committee members as well. All agreed.

B. Exec Elections
It was decided that P. Dusseau would run the election. The election will be held on June 1. Members need to send any nomination to P. Dusseau by May 20.

C. Sustainable Workforce Initiative
P. Dusseau spoke with Linda Gassar who is the chair of that committee. She is looking to get feedback from other employees. D. Stein said that he is on the committee and would be glad to speak with members. H. Hall, M. Graham, P. Mahoney and D. Goss were all interested in meeting with him.

D. End of year wrap up

E. PawPrint 25th Anniversary
D. Stein reported that on June 7 there will be a celebration in the Arts Quad.

VIII. Open Forum

P. Mahoney reported that President Lehman and Kathy Okun were at Geneva last week. K. Okun would like to return in the fall.

B. Burlew reminded members that she is working on the EA flier to be published in the fall.

L. Lawrence made mention that the EA may want to host a talent show for employees and a Kite Day. He also reported that Isaac Kramnick is finishing his term as Vice Provost.

P. Dusseau said that the Diversity Council will be hosting a Week of Diversity in September.

IX. Adjournment

P. Dusseau adjourned the meeting at 1:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
T. Bishop
Office of the Assemblies

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715