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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20050824 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
August 24, 2005
12:15–1:30 PM
Boardroom Day Hall


Present: Beth Burlew, Joseph DeMarco, Donna Goss, Meredith Graham, Leon Lawrence, Inda Mahler, Patricia Mahoney, Janice Miles, Deb Smith

Excused: William Bryant, Hazel Hall, Cindy Williams


Others present: T. Bishop, P. Korolov, D. Stein, Michael Esposito

I. Call to order:

D. Goss called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM.

II. Call for late additions to the agenda

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. Report from the Chair

D. Goss talked about laying the groundwork based on the goals from the retreat.

IV. New Business

A. Retreat Review
D. Goss asked for feedback on the retreat. Members replied with positive comments.

B. Goals Established
D. Goss said that T. Bishop had emailed the members the notes from the retreat and asked if there was anything to add. Members didn’t have anything to add.

C. Update from Michael Esposito
� He will be attending the EA meetings regularly.
� He reported that there will be a Presidential Search Forum next week.
� Working with D. Goss on a strategy to not use the new building at East Hill Plaza as an “employee warehouse”.
� There will be a Fall Trustee Dinner and the EA members will be invited.
� The Chair of the EA is invited to give a presentation to the Board of Trustees and it should be used to present issues.

There was a discussion on the Presidential Search Forum.

D. Committee Vacancies
M. Graham read from the Charter the list of EA Committees and the number of EA members needed for each.
Members discussed ways in getting people on committees.
� PawPrint and PawPrint Flash
� Campus Mail — 1 page flier
� Mary Opperman DDD letter

An ad-hoc committee was formed to work on it. The members are: D. Goss, B. Burlew, J. DeMarco, and J. Miles

D. Goss reported that N. Guest has left the EA and therefore, the executive vice chair position is vacant. She asked for nominations.

B. Burlew was nominated and accepted.

No other nominations were made.

J. DeMarco made a motion to elect B. Burlew as executive vice chair of the EA.

L. Lawrence seconded.

The motion passed unanimously.

D. Goss said that they will advertise the vacant seat in the upcoming issue of the PawPrint.

V. Open Forum

J. DeMarco asked if the President’s Office had a date for the President to speak during staff celebration week.

D. Stein said that they are still working on it.

J. DeMarco reported that it is the 5th anniversary of the diversity statement and OWDELQ has an event planned.

L. Lawrence said that he would follow up with them.

D. Stein reported that the United Way of caring is scheduled for September 15. 2 tons of food was donated last year.

P. Mahoney asked about the wellness benefit and said that they have no access to it in Geneva. Members discussed and asked P. Mahoney to work with L. Lawrence to draft a resolution.

D. Goss reported that Van McMurtry, VP Government and Community Relations, has resigned from Cornell.

VI. Adjournment

D. Goss adjourned the meeting at 1:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
T. Bishop
Office of the Assemblies

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715