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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20050907 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
September 7, 2005
12:15–1:30 PM
Boardroom Day Hall


Present: William Bryant, Beth Burlew, Joseph DeMarco, Hazel Hall, Leon Lawrence, Inda Mahler, Deb Smith, Cindy Williams

Excused: Donna Goss, Meredith Graham, Patricia Mahoney, Janice Miles


Others present: T. Bishop, P. Korolov, D. Stein

I. Call to order:

B. Burlew called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM.

II. Call for late additions to the agenda

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. Connie Park — Diversity Boulevard

C. Park from OWDELQ gave a short presentation about the event Diversity Boulevard. She said that there will be exhibitors on Ho Plaza on September 27 and asked if the EA would like to be there.

Members discussed and concluded that they would be there and B. Burlew would take care of scheduling members a time to be at the table.

J. DeMarco reported that the EA is scheduled to have a table during Employee Celebration Day and they could set them up the same way. Some items discussed were: description of committees, committee applications, President Address fliers, GPADS information, pens. They discussed the banner and J. DeMarco said that he would take care of getting some stands for it and H. Hall & B. Bryant would take care of getting a tent.

There was also a discussion on changing the EA logo. It was referred to the Communications Committee to work on.

IV. Old Business

A. Committee Assignments
M. Graham sent out an email to all members with the list of committee assignments. Some members mage changes.

B. Burlew took notes and said that she would forward on to M. Graham and it would be redistributed.

B. Social Network Responses
B. Burlew followed up with members to see if they are using their Social Networks to send and receive information. A few replied. As discussed in the retreat, she brought up the use of the email-list and asked members their thoughts. She said that it could be called SI3 (Staff Interested in Issues). There was a discussion and it was concluded that members would think of a name and decide on using an email-list. They agreed to bring their list of Social Network people to the next EA meeting.

C. Event(s) to promote EA Committees
B. Burlew reported that to send out a campus mailng to all staff would be expensive and she did not think that it was a good use of the EA funds. Members discussed and concluded that in addition to the Diversity Boulevard and Employee Day, there will be a write-up in the next PawPrint.

V. New Business

A. Luncheon Topic for Mary Opperman luncheon, September 14
T. Bishop reported that the luncheon scheduled for September 14 is being rescheduled due to Mary Opperman’s calendar. As soon as she gets a date, she will let members know. They would like to meet with her before the President’s Address to Staff.

B. Confirmation on President’s Address
T. Bishop said that the President’s Address is scheduled for October 4, 12–1 pm in James Law Auditorium in Schurman Hall. She said that she is working with the Events Team on the details and will get Cornell Catering to do the same menu as last year.

C. Presidential Search Forum (EA members who attended)
L. Lawrence reported that he attended and thought that there were about 50 other people there. He said that questions were asked by more faculty.

VI. Open Forum

L. Lawrence asked about the hurricane relief and if the EA should do something.

D. Stein said that senior staff are meeting and should be reporting out what action the university will take. The EA can decide after that.

B. Bryant said that Campus Life is waiting to hear as well.

H. Hall and B. Bryant will both be out for the September 21 EA meeting.

VII. Adjournment

B. Burlew adjourned the meeting at 1:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
T. Bishop
Office of the Assemblies

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715