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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20051221 Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Minutes
December 21, 2005
12:15 — 1:30 pm
Boardroom Day Hall


Present: Beth Burlew, Joseph DeMarco, Donna Goss, Hazel Hall, Inda Mahler, Patricia Mahoney, Cindy Williams, Peter Korolov

Excused: William Bryant, Meredith Graham, Leon Lawrence, Janice Miles, Deb Smith


Others present: D. Cameron, D. Stein

I. Call to Order (D. Goss)

Meeting was called to order at 12:25pm

II. Call for late additions to the Agenda (D. Goss)

David offered to give brief overview of revisions to Assemblies website.

III. Report from the Chair (D. Goss)

� Meeting of executive members scheduled for Fri. 1/13 @ Noon; will probably be rescheduled; plan to draft mid-year letter to the President to deliver by end of Jan.
� Talked about drafting resolutions which haven’t been seen yet; will assign writing drafts to move forward

  • Day care issues (w/ Lynette Chapell Williams)
  • Lack of tuition benefits (staff v. dependents, part-time staff)
  • Vacation / sick benefits

� Emergency grant fund guidelines review (Hazel)

  • re: Deb Billups to act as chair
  • EGF committee met last week, discussing what format amount of money might take to offer relief with winter heating bills. (Deb, Janice, Dennis, Eilleen McElvy, Sherri Johnson) Grants probably not feasible, but loans could be done. Need to figure out how to repay, average cost, average amount, etc. (D. Stein) Group will meet again in early January. Will probably still take time. Two EA members on the committee were not aware of the meeting, so membership of committees should have been advised. Will follow up.
  • NYState also has financial assistance available, and EGF is looking into using utility companies to identify who might qualify.
  • EGF realized they will have to update bylaws to let people know to apply within 3–4 months of incident to qualify for aid.

� Regarding interest on EGF $ in EA account, need to identify if it’s okay to put into an interest bearing account.

� EGF considering sponsoring event to raise funds. Thought of comedy cabaret night with donated meals.

IV. Committee Reports

A. SRAC (J. DeMarco)
� Reviewed recent GPADS reception.
� Discussed and are researching name plaque to keep roster of recipients of GPADS.
� EA special appreciation award also discussed.
� meet again in January.

B. Forums - Flyers and Questions (B. Burlew)
� handed out flyer of meeting minutes
� News & Views deadlines reminder — need to allow time for substitute if not going to be available.

  • D. Stein suggest having a backup column on generic topic ready to go in emergency situation. Donna G. volunteered to write one as chair. J. DeMarco volunteered to write GPADS article.

� need to devise 3 questions for the “Chili Chat” forums. ideas for these questions were discussed. Final ideas:

  • Other than $, what keeps you motivated at work?
  • How do you plan for using your vacation time? (theme of effective planning & use of vacation time)
  • Do you let go of work while on vacation?

� Notes were given on the poster for the forums.
� Suggestion to move dates of forums; events on 1/23 and 2/6 will be rescheduled for new dates.

V. Old Business

A. Facilitation Training (D. Stein)
Will move to end of January to accommodate rescheduled forums. New dates TBD based on individual’s availability

VI. New Business

A. 05–06 Budget (P. Mahoney)
� handed out summary. $9400 available. Pat asked to make sure amounts agree with what members are aware of.
� this should be considered a model for ‘06-‘07 budget.
� would EA be able to provide seed $ for EGF event if needed. Pat has increased EGF amount 50% to $100.
� question regarding SEED event funding. Need to confirm it’s necessary
� moved to approve budget as presented. motion passed. budget approved.

VII. Open Forum

A. Once around for all members

VIII. Adjournment

D. Goss adjourned the meeting at 1:32pm

Respectfully submitted,
D. Cameron
Office of the Assemblies

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715