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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

March 8, 2007 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
12:15 — 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

H. Hall called the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m.

II. Call For Late Additions to the Agenda

P. Korolov would like to talk about Rules of Order after the committee reports and about after Chili Chats part 2 for Supervisors.

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes - September 6, 2006

Minutes were approved with two changes; � Bill Bryant was present � Chili Chat report should be under Communications Committee, not IOC

P. Korolov made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, J. DeMarco seconded. The membership voted and the minutes were approved as amended.

IV. Report from the Chair

Quick around the table for people who attended the extended group meeting that was held this week. Donna asked for everyone’s thoughts. The reactions were mostly positive; � Good � Good input and ideas � Too short � Good to get another layer of feedback however not all participated. � When we had the Chili Chats we did not focus on the groups that cannot attend during the day. 2nd and 3rd shifts that aren’t always able to attend, we need to remember them and focus on them at our next meeting. � On Dec. 20 Steve Golding will be here and Mary Opperman will be attending the meeting. � On the board is Steve’s website to become familiar with what he does.

V. Trustee Report

There will be no trustee report this meeting as Michael Esposito is in NYC.

VI. Committee Reports


Master Plan

Last week was the master plan community workshop. Invitation workshops that involved Cornell staff at all levels, faculty and community members. Over a 100 people attended in four to five workshops. Mina was appreciated our attendance and was very pleased with us finding more people. She thought the staff was extremely valuable. She will be sending a list of new items that Andri will share with everyone. All and all the meeting was a good bonding experience as a group and a group and a good outreach event. In early February there will community forums to be held. Not sure where as of now.

Dennis is very proud to be part of this process. Staff input was invaluable and on par with faculty and Vice President.

There will be more to come in December.

Cornell Medical Center

Tabled until next meeting.


Supervisor RAP

Tabled until next meeting.

Rules of Order

P. Korolov has looked over the rules of order since he is new in his position. First, he wanted to suggest to the membership when someone talks and you have a comment, please raise your hand. When a motion is made with a debate each person has only one chance to put in your opinion and the person who made the motion can have a second chance to speak then after that it can be voted on. If you want to speak again you can make a motion to extend the debate or make a motion to postpone the debate until the next meeting. Also, he asked that everyone say who you are when you speak so it is recognized in the meeting minutes.

A. Goncarovs added how important it is to have some decorum. It is very important to keep our minds in an informal nature and keep the ability to communicate with ease open.

EA Vacancy

A. Goncarovs began with a discussion on how to fill the vacancy since Christine Brown has left her position at Cornell. In the past, the minutes show we have filled vacancies by advertising and soliciting by word of mouth. One very qualified candidate is interested.

P. Beach commented that your practice should match your charter, and the charter can be changed if need be.

D. Stein commented looking years back, when a vacancy is so close to an election, they tend not to fill the position by solicitation. The idea is getting along with the number of chairs you have. Then it is an equal playing field. If this position was filled, it is giving them an unfair advantage by appointing them so close to an election.

B. Vangasbeck commented that this person is from HR. We already have three members from there. We do not want to get to HR heavy.

A. Goncarovs commented that the position that she would be filling would end in 08.

D. Stein commented we would advertise elections when the calendar is set. Open and fair process to advertise it.

J. DeMarco commented mid-term replacement was required to submit the same materials at an election. Run an ad and set a deadline.

L. Lawrence commented that the last time we did try elections they were a failure. We need to encourage more people to participate.

T. Jacobs commented that the way she found out about Employee Assembly was through the Paw Print.

P. Korolov would like to make a motion to add this vacancy for solicitation through Paw Print. H. Hall seconded this motion. All were in favor.

A. Goncarovs asked D. Stein to send a copy of this. We will have to adjust this position, as it will not be a full term position. The position will be advertised.

University Assembly Vacancy

T. Bishop said that they have a staff vacancy seat currently for the Employee Assembly member, we only have one person coming to the UA meeting, please send us a person are way.

A. Goncarovs commented that we need more people on the board to fill these positions. We need to extend our reach further.

P. Korolov asked what is covered?

T. Bishop said that the University Assembly is working on Krause Report, Code of Conduct, and Academic Integrity

H. Hall commented on what a good meeting the University Assembly was. The meeting was very informative and comfortable.

T. Bishop explained the process covers all 4 constituencies.

B. Vangasbeck is very interested.

L. Lawrence said because it was short notice and B. Vangasbeck had other plans that B. Vangasbeck would be able to start membership for the University Assembly in January.

P. Beach commented on the open meetings and if anyone is interested the chair can recognize them. If you have something to say then I encourage you to attend. CJC will make a recommendation to the UA, then to President’s office.

Book Reading Project

D. Stein commented on the availability of “The Builder”. There are some copies available that were printed some years ago. Copies left are $10.00 a piece. Not everyone feels it was the best book on Ezra Cornell’s life, so they are trying to find a better book. It will not be possible to have them by January 11th as it will take some research in finding a better book.

A. Goncarovs asked about the video for PBS American University based on “The Builder” This might be a good opportunity to view for those who have not read the book.

H. Hall suggested Nancy Leonard as she has a lot of knowledge about Cornell so thought she might be a good resource to go to regarding Ezra. Another person would be Elaine Engst although she has a dim view of “The Builder”. This book however, might not be scholarly enough.

L. Lawrence asked to hear more about the video. Maybe we should have this opened for all staff members to view.

D. Stein commented on giving him another week and a half to find something. D. Stein will send out an email of the progress or lack of it.

L. Lawrence suggested getting a list of different books together so that people can decide what books they would like to read. It will be their choice.

D. Stein gave an idea of having a kick off on January 11 for the Reading Project.

H. Hall thought that we would have a birthday cake. We are talking with CU Dining services to have them donate a birthday cake and have a community event in celebration of Ezra’s birthday. Looking to keep costs low.

P. Korolov thought there was enough discussion about this that it should go to committee.

A. Goncarovs thought we should have an impromptu and surprise to launch the Reading Project.

P. Korolov made a motion to create ad hoc committee to discuss all matters related including the book promotion of the 200th birthday celebration, which consists of Andri, Peter, Dennis, Leon and Hazel. Leon seconded this motion.

VIII. New Business

Krause Report and Code of Conduct

L. Lawrence gave an overview on the Krause Report. It is a very controversial report. President Rawlings asked that the Code of Conduct be taken a look at. It terms this code actually effects are: Employees annually about 2%; Faculty 1% and Students 97%. Which totals 100%. This is just a report that is going to be released by Krause. This report is open for discussion and feedback.

At open forum, so many people were giving testimony against it, that none were in favor.

L. Lawrence sent this letter from Andrew Cowan gave a testimony. Leon sent his testimony and a letter from three faculty members who were concerned about this report to all. This will tell you why they are concerned with this report.

T. Bishop commented that the University Assembly owns the Code of Conduct. They are responsible for any changes.

H. Hall commented that in her own personal opinion, 90% of the people attended were upset that the University Assembly was not involved more. People were undermined.

A. Goncarovs thought that some of us might not even have enough background on the Krause report. A discussion ensued regarding the background of Barbara Krause.

T. Bishop commented that the Working Group and University Assembly found out about the deadline for recommendations when we received Skorton’s email. We can make recommendation up to April 2007 for the changes that were proposed.

D. Stein said that the Chronicle article was in Paw Print and in the chronicle on line.

T. Jacobs thought that if you have a good relationship with your supervisor or HR representative will it stop there or if you do not have a good relationship will it go a lot farther than that.

T. Bishop thought that the JA would be removed out of the situation

L. Lawrence thought that the due process was being stripped away from student government along with the right to remain silent and have legal representation will be removed. People need to be more aware of what is going on to find the direction to go in.

P. Korolov asked when this decision would be final?

T. Bishop noted that they are given the minor details of it. They are the group that gave us the changes. T. Bishop thought that every time they meet it would be on the agenda.

A. O’Donnell said that they are actually meeting now from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. They are putting together a timeline, which will be coming from CJC.

B. Vangasbeck commented on how in depth in affects the staff. Please put this on the next agenda.

IX. Open Forum

B. Vangasbeck asked for informational purposes asked what the Chili Chats results were for Childcare.

J. DeMarco said that a George Peter Award for Dedicated Service Award was awarded on December 5 to Tina Henry in CALS. On December 19, the EA is invited to the next award presentation.

P. Korolov commented that there is some disparity between Mary Opperman’s ideas and the Employee Assembly’s ideas about Chili Chat part 2 for Supervisors. We hope to discuss this tomorrow at a Communications meeting. He hopes to have more to report at next meeting.

X. Adjournment

J. DeMarco motioned to adjourn the meeting. P. Korolov seconded this motion. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715