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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

June 6, 2007 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
12:15 — 1:30 p.m.
G08 Uris Hall

I. Call to Order

D. Goss called the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m.

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda (D. Goss)

There were no late additions to the existing agenda.

V. Old Business

D. Goss changed the order of the agenda to postpone item A and B until there were more members present. She also asked everyone to pick up a copy of the new meeting schedule, and update their calendars with all the meetings for next term.

C. Approve Minutes from 2/21/07 (D. Goss)

D. Stein had one change on p. 3. P. Mahoney made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. H. Hall seconded the motion. All were in favor to approve the minutes as amended.

D. Approve Minutes from 3/21/07 (D. Goss)

P. Mahoney made a motion to accept the minutes as written. B. Bryant seconded the motion. All were in favor to approve the minutes as written.

E. Approve Minutes from 4/4/07 (D. Goss)

P. Mahoney made a motion to accept the minutes as written. H. Hall seconded the motion. All were in favor to approve the minutes as written.

III. Report from the Chair (D. Goss)

D. Goss thanked everyone who came to her presentation to the Board of Trustees on 4/25. D. Stein asked if we could get these remarks up on the EA website, and A. O’Donnell agreed she would take care of this.

Donna also told the group that the Executive committee had met just prior to this meeting and had discussed the EA attendance policy. She asked everyone to always sign in to meetings, and the Office of the Assemblies will be keeping attendance records also. She said that she will be sending out a letter to those who are in violation of the existing policy that is outlined in our charter. P. Mahoney asked for a quick review of what the existing policy was. P. Korolov said that the charter says 3 unexcused absences or 6 excused absences or 9 total. It has been discussed and considered that it would be more appropriate to have the charter changed to read 3 absences in a row or 6 total, and not consider “excused” or “unexcused”, an absence would be an absence. D. Stein asked if there were provisions for medical leaves, and Donna replied that the charter is vague about this particular situation.

IV. Trustee’s Report (M. Esposito)

M. Esposito was unable to attend the meeting today, but D. Goss reported that the President gave a good report and so did the Dean of Faculty. He encouraged faculty to get involved more and to participate with committees more.

V. Old Business

A. Nominations for Officers (H. Hall)

H. Hall read the existing nominees for Chair and there were no other nominations put forward for consideration. D. Goss briefly explained the election process to the group. She then asked that the two nominees for Chair make their statements.

B. Elections of Officers (D. Goss)

1. Chair

Brian Cornell made his statement as to why he wishes to be Chair of the EA, and then answered several questions from the membership.

Peter Korolov then made his statement as to why he wishes to be Chair of the EA, and then answered several questions from the membership.

K. Howell read the responsibilities of the Chair from the Charter. Donna then made additional comments on the issues and challenges of the Chair’s position.

The candidates were removed from the room, a brief discussion was held, and then the membership voted by anonymous paper ballots tallied by the Office of the Assemblies.

RESULT: Brian Cornell was elected Chair of the EA for the 2007–08 term.

2. Executive Vice Chair

Kerry Howell was the only nominee for Executive Vice Chair so she was automatically seated as such. Kerry made remarks to the membership explaining her background and qualifications, and then her plans for the coming term.

3. Vice-Chair for Internal Operations

Peter Korolov made his statement as to why he wishes to be Vice-Chair of the IOC, and then answered questions from the membership.

Sebastian DeGiorgio then made his statement as to why he wishes to be Vice-Chair of the IOC, and then answered questions from the membership.

K. Howell read the responsibilities of this position from the Charter. Donna then made additional comments as to how the Chair interacts with this Vice-Chair.

The candidates were removed from the room, a brief discussion was held, and then the membership voted by anonymous paper ballots tallied by the Office of the Assemblies.

RESULT: Peter Korolov was elected Vice-Chair of the IOC for the 2007–08 term.

4. Vice-Chair for Finance and Secretary

Sebastian DeGiorgio made his statement as to why he wishes to be Vice-Chair for Finance and Secretary, and then answered questions from the membership.

Bill Liddick then made his statement as to why he wishes to be Vice-Chair of the IOC, and then answered questions from the membership.

Torrey Jacobs was also nominated, but was absent from the meeting. There was no statement provided, but Peter and Hazel made comments in favor of Torrey’s candidacy.

L. Lawrence made a motion to extend the meeting by 5 or 10 more minutes in order to get through the elections.

P. Mahoney made a motion to table the remaining agenda items until the next EA meeting on 6/20/07.

The candidates were removed from the room, a brief discussion was held, and then the membership voted by anonymous paper ballots tallied by the Office of the Assemblies.

RESULT: Bill Liddick was elected Vice-Chair for Finance and Secretary for the 2007–08 term.

5. Parliamentarian

Sebastian DeGiorgio made brief comments as to why he wishes to be Parliamentarian, and then answered questions from the membership.

Inda Mahler then made brief comments as to why she wishes to be Parliamentarian, and then answered questions from the membership.

Torrey Jacobs was also nominated, but was absent from the meeting. There was no statement provided, Peter made comments in favor of Torrey’s candidacy.

The candidates were removed from the room, a brief discussion was held, and then the membership voted by anonymous paper ballots tallied by the Office of the Assemblies. There was a tie between Sebastian and Inda.

Sebastian then withdrew his name from this election.

RESULT: Inda Mahler was elected Parliamentarian for the 2007–08 term.

VII. New Business

A. Appointing UA Reps for the 2007–08 term

Due to time limitations, this item was tabled until the next meeting.

IX. Committee Reports

SRAC Communications Committee Finance Committee Emergency Grant Fund Employee Education Committee IOC Executive Committee

Due to time limitations, this item was tabled until the next meeting.

X. Open Forum

Due to time limitations, there was no open forum.

XI. Adjournment

I. Mahler made a motion to adjourn the meeting. P. Mahoney seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 1:51 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715