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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

June 4, 2008 Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
12:15—1:30 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

B. Cornell called the meeting to order at 12:25 p.m.

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

B. Cornell called for any late additions to the agenda. There were none.

III. Business of the Day � Officer nominations and elections

B. Cornell suggested they move the entire meeting into “executive session.” There was some discussion about what type of meeting this would be, and whether or not guests would be allowed to stay. B. Cornell asked what was done last year, and A. O’Donnell said the recorder was used, but turned off when the candidates left the room, so the discussion was kept confidential. P. Korolov made a motion to do the same process this year and turn the recorder off during the discussion about the candidates. I. Mahler seconded. The membership voted in favor of this 8 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain. A. Mittman was absent from the meeting, and did not send in an absentee ballot.

B. Cornell then turned the facilitation of the officer elections over to P. Korolov.

P. Korolov explained how the election process would go, then answered a few questions from the members to clarify the process. P. Beach suggested that where there is only one candidate, the other assemblies vote by acclamation, so they may want to do that also.

� Chair — Nominee: Brian Cornell B. Cornell made a statement on his past year as Chair, and spoke about his plans for the coming year. He answered some questions from the members, and then left the room. The membership discussed Brian’s candidacy. P. Mahoney made the motion to elect Brian as chair by acclamation, L. Lawrence seconded.

B. Cornell was made Chair of the EA for a second term.

� Executive Vice Chair — Nominees: Jason Seymour, Peter Korolov J. Seymour made his statement on why he would like to be elected to the position. P. Korolov made his statement. Both candidates answered some questions from the members, and then left the room. The membership discussed both candidates, then voted by anonymous paper ballots. A. O’Donnell tallied the ballots and gave the results to B. Cornell to announce.

J. Seymour was elected as Executive Vice Chair of the EA.

� Vice Chair for Internal Operations — Nominees: Peter Korolov, Julie Magura P. Korolov made his statement on why he would like to be elected to the position. J. Magura made her statement. Both candidates answered some questions from the members, and then left the room. The membership discussed both candidates, then voted by anonymous paper ballots. A. O’Donnell tallied the ballots and gave the results to B. Cornell to announce.

P. Korolov was elected as Vice Chair for Internal Operations of the EA for a second term.

� Vice Chair for Finance & Secretary — Nominee: Alan Mittman A. Mittman had previously accepted this nomination, but was not in attendance to give a statement. P. Korolov made the motion to elect Alan as Vice Chair for Finance & Secretary by acclamation, J. Seymour seconded.

A. Mittman was made Vice Chair for Finance & Secretary of the EA.

� Parliamentarian — Nominees: Hazel Hall, Julie Magura H. Hall made her statement on why she would like to be elected to the position. J. Magura then made her statement. Both candidates answered some questions from the members, and then left the room. The membership discussed both candidates, then voted by anonymous paper ballots. A. O’Donnell tallied the ballots and gave the results to B. Cornell to announce.

H. Hall was elected as the Parliamentarian of the EA.

B. Cornell then thanked the members of the Office of the Assemblies, and outgoing EA members Donna Goss and Kerry Howell for their efforts over this last year.

H. Hall said that she and P. Mahoney would like to be co-chairs of the Emergency Grant Fund Committee. They will get together with Deb Billups to get the information to start planning the auction.

IV. Adjournment

B. Cornell adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715