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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 19, 2008 Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
12:15—1:40 p.m.
105 Stimson Hall

I. Call to Order

J. Seymour called the meeting to order at 12:25 p.m.

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. New Business

a) President’s Address and Energy Fair Review
B. Liddick said he had a few comments. He said if they were to hold this event again they would need some organizational improvements in the areas of vendor layout, electric needs, automobile/gas rules to name a few.

A. O’Donnell said there were about 700 people in attendance for the day. B. McKinney said it would be good to know how many people came for each event (Energy Fair vs. President’s Address). L. Lawrence said some people have limited lunch hours so that may have contributed to the low attendance. J. Seymour said they didn’t get out their message as it was initially intended. B. Liddick said he invited people who he supervises, and they did not come. He concluded that it was either apathy or too much work that kept people from attending. L. Lawrence said he believes the event should be partnered with other relevant events in the future.

B. McKinney thought it was good the President’s address was online right away. J. Seymour asked if we could get the number of hits this link had. J. Seymour said they struggled to get the work done because they were not able to work on it as part of their daily jobs. He agreed that partnering with another organization next time would be a good idea. B. Liddick said they would need a documented format for the event if there was a next time. He volunteered to compile a report if people could send him their notes and information from their portion of the event. L. Lawrence asked how attendance should be determined? B. McKinney said the best way to count is a raffle or tickets. J. Seymour said the EA would have to pay Cornell Dining for the shortfall in food purchases since they did not reach the minimum amount of sales. A. Epstein commented there was a problem with their cash register in the beginning of the event.

Emily Cusick, the new SA Liaison, was in attendance and the members introduced themselves.

b) EA Supporting Suggestion Box
B. Cornell and B. McKinney are on the committee to review the Electronic Suggestion Box results (non-personnel cost saving committee). They will report concrete ideas in mid-December based on the suggestions.

B. Cornell and B. McKinney were asked to help gather more suggestions from the staff. They are looking for the EA to set up forums the first week of December. Locations are still to be determined. She suggested a fun angle such as “Forum S’more ‘em” or brown bag lunches. She would like to get a location soon for the forums, within the next week. A. O’Donnell asked about the budget. B. McKinney said there was no budget. L. Lawrence said he thought the s’mores idea was not serious enough for the event’s mission. A. Mittman said there is $1,000 in the budget for unplanned events. B. Liddick stated they might obtain a free room from one of their own departments. A. Epstein suggested the Communications Committee handle this. A. Mittman said they could draw people in by not having a forum but by including some sort of speech or announcement. B. McKinney will get more details from Betsy Shrier. G. Stewart said this is a big project and we would need help to do it right.

c) Brown Bag Economic Forum
Nothing further to report. See part b).

d) Discussion about Evaluating EA’s Priorities
B. McKinney said things have changed since the EA’s summer retreat. We should have handouts at a future meeting and revisit our priorities soon.

e) Holiday Films at Bailey Hall
J. Seymour said the EA had been asked by Andy Page to co-sponsor this event in Bailey Hall. A. Mittman said they could use some of the $1,000 for unplanned events. A. O’Donnell asked if there were any more details, and J. Seymour did not have any further information. General opinion was that the EA would not support this event this year.

IV. Report from the Chair

J. Seymour said B. Cornell is now chairing the Staff Recognition and Awards Committee. Marcia Sawyer won the George Peter Award at a luncheon last week. They are planning to have another meeting in January to select another winner.

V. Report from Employee Elected Trustee

Nothing to report.

VI. Report from SA Liaison

Emily Cusick said the SA was discussing their elections rules, textbook prices, and gorge safety.

VII. Report From UA Representative

B. Liddick said the main topic for the last meeting was gorge safety. Kathy Zoner from CU Police and Todd Bittner from the Plantations came to the meeting to discuss enforcement of rules and alternatives to swimming in the gorges. They are planning to do a review of their charter. They will have an open meeting this afternoon with updates on CJC, Campus Planning and TAC.

VIII. Report from EA Representative to the Faculty Senate

A. Mittman said he has been to two meetings. The first meeting included a discussion about the email sent around about the university policy on expressions of political opinions. The second discussion was about finances at the university. D. Harris, S. Golding, M. Opperman and P. Streeter gave information on the efforts and financial aid changes.

IX. Report from Staff Climate Survey Steering Committee Representative

B. Liddick said he sent out an email with attachments. The committee is set up as a Steering Committee and a Climate Methodology Committee it has been formed as a committee within the committee. He explained the timeline of having focus groups formed by March 2009, a test survey out by August 2009, the real survey out by October 2009 and a final report to the President by February 2010. He is concerned that CU finances will impact the survey process but said he was sure it will still move forward as a baseline for the future. EA and FS would be interested in feedback. B. Liddick said the faculty and students have been surveyed but not staff.

X. Approval of Minutes — October 15, 2008

J. Seymour asked the members to quickly review the minutes from October 15, 2008.

P. Korolov made a motion to approve the minutes. B. Liddick seconded. The minutes for the October 15, 2008 meeting were voted on and approved as submitted.

XI. Committee Reports

a) Executive committee
Nothing to report.
b) Staff Recognition & Award committee
Nothing to report.
c) Communications committee
Nothing to report.
d) Finance
A. Mittman is seeking the last of the expenses in order to get the final numbers for the Energy Fair and President’s Address.
e) Emergency Grant Fund
Nothing to report.
f) Personnel Policy
Nothing to report.
g) IOC
Nothing to report.
h) University Benefits
Nothing to report.
i) Employee Education
Nothing to report.
j) “Ad Hoc” Charter Review
Nothing to report.
k) “Ad Hoc” EA Membership Review
Nothing to report.

XII. Business of the Day

a) Update from VP Mary Opperman-1:14 p.m.
J. Seymour said B. Cornell had three points of interest he asked Mary to report on:

1) Economic and CU Financial update
2) What can the EA do to help?
3) Ideas for future forums

M. Opperman said the President has spoken a few times on this, however, the magnitude of the changes are still unknown. The information from SUNY indicates the financial situation on the federal, state and university levels are not good. The state situation is most urgent because it affects what is occurring now. State colleges and central administration are meeting to prepare. The budget for next year will come out in mid-December. She said the crisis on Wall Street affects gifts, endowments, and many other things. She said the new financial aid plan has added even more pressure on the university. There is a meeting coming up where deans of colleges and Vice Presidents will discuss cost cutting. Indications are there will be a hiring pause through 2010. Mary said there have been 55 layoffs so far and there are more to come. She asked people to cut spending. She warned the membership that salary increases are being looked at as a cost cutting measure. She said they are hopeful that after 2010 the situation will improve.

P. Korolov asked if the situation is the same or worse after having been further informed. She responded this year won’t be bad, but next year will be worse. She said that B. Cornell and B. McKinney could do their part on their respective committees. She then told the EA to answer questions as honestly as possible, but to try to avoid causing panic or cynicism. L. Lawrence asked if compressing the workweek from five to four days would save money? M. Opperman responded that some places are looking at this option to save on overtime costs. She said it would save money if we could completely close down but Cornell cannot do that due to the students needs, research projects, and animal care.

She explained they were not looking to balance this problem on the backs of the staff, but she did want to be clear that no faculty will be laid off. M. Opperman said the hiring pause is what is saving money not layoffs. Staff must change the ways they do things in order to streamline jobs. She is aware this is tough to do but we must build a unified effort. She also added some buildings might be put on hold or perhaps not be built due to the financial issues. B. McKinney asked what could everybody do? M. Opperman answered that the community must significantly cut costs and widely publicize this effort to all.

XIII. Old Business

B. McKinney said she was planning to bring information on the “smoke free campus” project to a future meeting of the UA.

XIV. Open Forum

No discussion.

XV. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 1:38 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715