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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution Establishing Ad-Hoc Committee to Study Representation on the Assembly

Whereas the Employee Assembly (the assembly) has not amended its charter in five years;

Whereas the needs and practices of the assembly have changed significantly in that period of time, including needs and practices related to the apportionment of seats on the assembly;

Whereas Article II, Section 4 of the charter states the assembly has authority to “establish such standing and ad hoc committees as are appropriate to the performance of its functions”;

Whereas Bylaw 2.4.a of the assembly further states, “When establishing an ad hoc committee, the committee charge shall be written prior to the formation of the committee and the appointing of its members”;

Whereas Bylaw 2.4.b of the assembly further states, “Every ad hoc committee charge shall include a “sunset” clause with a specific date by which the committee is expected to report back to the EA”;

Be it therefore resolved that the assembly establishes an Ad-Hoc Committee to Study Representation on the Assembly and charges it as follows:

The Ad-Hoc Charter Review Committee will review Article III of the charter of the Employee Assembly, identify statements that are inconsistent with current practice, identify current practices not addressed in the charter, propose alternative means of representation of the employee community on the assembly, and prepare a report summarizing the status of charter and recommended changes. The committee shall report back to the assembly at its first regularly scheduled meeting in September.

Be it further resolved that the Chair will staff the committee as needed with members of the assembly and will appoint a chair;

Be it further resolved that Brian Cornell, Hazel Hall, Peter Korolov, Pat Mahoney, and Leon Lawrence initially serve as voting members and Brian Cornell will serve as chair; and,

Be it further resolved that the Director, Assistant Director, and Assemblies Coordinator of the Office of the Assemblies shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Cornell
Employee Representative and Chair of the Assembly

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715