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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 4, 2009 Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
12:15—1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

B. Cornell called the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m.

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. Report from Employee Elected Trustee

B. Cornell stated B. McKinney had passed along some information to him concerning the Board of Trustees meeting in January she attended, where they concentrated on the budget. They discussed the orientation of the Board of Trustees and the governance system. President Skorton is committed to using the governance system to keep all informed and he welcomes advice and guidance, in order to keep staff jobs. She has several leads for the forums.

IV. Report from SA representative

E. Cusick said the Student Assembly had passed a moratorium on any new student groups. This was due to the Office of Assemblies and the Student Activities Office being overwhelmed (900+ groups in existence) and with problems arising from the economical crisis. They are planning to do an audit to consolidate groups. The moratorium will last until the end of the semester. This will allow them time to make new guidelines.

V. Report from UA representative

B. Liddick said they have three resolutions to be passed on to President Skorton. The first resolution looks to staff review boards and the second specifies term limits for the Family Services and Child Care committees. The third resolution is to form a committee on sustainability. The Employee Assembly will be responsible to appoint one staff member to this committee. D. Stein asked about the coordination of similar sustainability groups. G. Stewart said he hoped the person they appoint is an educated representative.

VI. Business of the Day-Visit from Dean Koyanagi on Sustainability (12:30 p.m.)

Dean Koyanagi introduced the Climate Action Plan. He said there were eighty people working on this project. He gave a presentation about the project: 1) Overview of project team, 2) Project Approach, 3) 3 Stage CAP Process and 4) Work plan and schedule.

He said there will be a survey going out to Tompkins county residents on who may be affected. L. Lawrence asked if they are receiving any help from the government. Dean Koyanagi responded they are receiving some help for research. There are some efforts to work with solar-thermal energy. This is difficult because there isn’t enough sun in this area to work with to make it pay off. He also said there is also no current technology to use heat from underground hot water now. He then noted our ash disposal goes to an appointed site where it is buried properly. The press has basic information they use for features on the university’s efforts. The CAP and other things are focused on the Ithaca campus. Wind energy is not discussed due to possible community reactions.

D. Stein asked if they had any ideas for Earth Day yet. Dean Koyanagi said there are no definite ideas. He said he knows there will be a table on Ho Plaza with information. They are looking for other ideas such as alternative sites besides Ho Plaza and webcasts. Ideas can be sent to him at

VII. Report from EA representative to the Faculty Senate

A. Mittman said there have been no recent meetings to report on.

VIII. Report from Staff Climate Survey Steering Committee representative

B. Liddick said there will be focus groups in late February/early March which will serve as models for later focus groups. The methodology team has asked groups for survey questions.

IX. Report from Chair

B. Cornell read an email on the promotion of Leon Lawrence. The members congratulated him. L. Lawrence gave a brief explanation of his new job, and said his new office is located in 227 Day Hall.

B. Cornell said there is a request for President Skorton to address the staff again. At the previous executive meeting they discussed taking a 10 % budget reduction on the remaining budget. A. Mittman and A. Epstein will work on a resolution for this. He introduced a guest from the Veterinarian College who was invited by I. Mahler.

X. Approval of Minutes

B. Cornell asked members to review the Minutes.

  • 1/7/2009 Meeting

P. Mahoney motioned to approve the minutes. B. Liddick seconded. The minutes were voted on and approved as submitted.

  • 1/23/09 Meeting

P. Mahoney motioned to approve the minutes. B. Liddick seconded. The minutes were voted on and approved as submitted.

XI. Committee Reports

a) Executive committee
B. Cornell said the committee talked about future ways to support staff. They have requested the President and they have reserved spaces, but nothing is confirmed yet. A. Mittman asked if the EA should look into how Iowa runs staff membership. The Communications committee can look into “best practices” on this. B. Cornell said they have asked the president, and he has left it to us. P. Mahoney said they have done some research on this.

B. Cornell said the Cost Savings committee has given the president a list of 15–20 suggestions.
b) Staff Recognition & Award committee
B. Cornell said the committee met yesterday. They did not vote but they did discuss a new award where EA members could nominate a staff member for an award. They are working on criteria. There will be a resolution for this in the future. B. Cornell said any input for creation or wording of the award is welcomed.
c) Communications committee
No report.
d) Finance
A. Mittman gave an interim report on the expenses of the President’s Address and Energy Fair. He said as of today, the expenses incurred have been $6,070.51. This includes tentative expenses (Barton Hall and audio arrangements). This total amount may not come from the Employee Assembly budget.

P. Mahoney requested clarification on the 10% voluntary budget reduction and its permanent effects.
e) Emergency Grant Fund
P. Mahoney said the committee is looking at a name change and a change in the guidelines. She explained that Mary Opperman has created a hardship fund therefore, there needs to be communication and clarification if conflicts exist.
f) Personnel Policy
P. Mahoney said the committee has met once and will meet again later this month.
g) IOC
P. Korolov said the Parliamentarian position is open and he is collecting nominations. B. Cornell nominated Gary Stewart and P. Mahoney seconded. P. Korolov will send an email for nominations and will accept them for the next two weeks.

P. Mahoney asked what is happening to resolve their lack of all EA seats being filled. P. Korolov said there are three interested people. He suggested encouraging people to sit in on meetings, go online or both. The communications committee is working on ways to recruit people to the EA and committees.

P. Mahoney motioned to extend the meeting for five more minutes. L. Lawrence seconded.
h) University Benefits
No report.
i) Employee Education
No report.
j) “Ad Hoc” Charter Review
P. Mahoney said there is a meeting next week. They are very close to finishing the first piece.

XIII. New Business

  • Upcoming Forum possibility

No discussion due to time constraint.

XII. Open Forum

No discussion due to time constraint.

XIV. Adjournment

A. Mittman motioned to adjourn. P. Mahoney seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715