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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

October 7, 2009 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

J. Seymour called the meeting to order at 12:17 p.m. He then called the roll, and noted there were several representatives from the Tompkins County United Way attending the meeting.

He then called the roll.

Present-D. Brooks, P. Dongtoe, T. Grove, L. Croll Howell, L. Lawrence, B. McKinney, G. Osborne (via phone),C. Phillips (late, but present), J. Seymour, G. Stewart (present but stepped out) Absent: A. Mittman

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions made to the existing agenda.

III. Business of the Day

a) Open Discussion with United Way of Tompkins County Representatives

J. Seymour asked the visitors to introduce themselves.

Tom LiVigne, from the Real Estate Department at Cornell, wants to enlist the help of the EA to boost this year’s campaign for United Way of Tompkins County. Because of the economic conditions, giving is down; corporate entities have cut their contributions, and United Way wants to increase their donation base. While Cornell accounts for half of all donations within Tompkins County, only 17% of Cornell gives.

Richie Moran introduced himself as a former coach that has been involved with United Way for many years, back when it was called the “Community Chest.” He explained many people in the community have been helped by the United Way. He offered to speak to groups to promote this cause.

Tom introduced David Smith, the director of Tompkins Literacy Partners (formerly known as Literacy Volunteers). TLP works with adults who cannot read or write to build literacy. Some of their clients have lost their jobs and need to learn new skills. Another service is ESL, which helped people from 44 countries last year. Volunteers help people study for their citizenship tests also. TLP also works with the Lansing Residential Center and the Lansing Secure Center to serve the youth there.

Tom explained organizations tend to give TLP very specific funding. For example, a grant might have to be spent on books, where United Way money is flexible. He noted there is a waiting list of people, so they need more volunteers. Volunteers can sign up for training, but they must be prepared for a one-year commitment with Tompkins Literacy partners.

Tom introduced James Brown, who explained that giving was down across the country last year. In Tompkins County, donations increased by 3.5%. He said he considered reducing the goal, but decided not to since there has been an increase in need. He noted Cornell has become a member of the Corporate Cornerstone Partners, which is a group of corporate entities that fund the administrative costs. The “Cornerstone” program pays 100% of these costs so donations can go to charitable organizations. This is the second year of Cornell’s three-year commitment. Tom said the easiest way for CU employees to donate is through payroll deductions; either complete the pledge card or go online.

IV. Report from Employee Elected Trustee

B. McKinney said she spoke to Cornell Dining and the price of the $5 Lunch will be increased to $6 for staff. This offer works at “all-you-can-eat” locations and there is also a 10% discount with a Cornell Employee ID at most dining locations on campus. The price change will take effect July 1, 2010.

V. Report from Chair

J. Seymour asked about preparations for the President’s Address and T. Grove explained that she was working on that and filling EA seats.

VI. Approval of Minutes

a. September 2, 2009

J. Seymour asked that members review the minutes and asked for corrections or a motion to approve. L. Lawrence motioned to approve the minutes. T. Grove seconded. The members voted and the minutes passed unanimously.

b. September 16, 2009

J. Seymour asked that members review the minutes and asked for corrections or a motion to approve. L. Lawrence motioned to approve the minutes. T. Grove seconded. The members voted and the minutes passed unanimously.

VII. Committee Reports

a. Executive Committee

D. Brooks said he had a meeting with Mary Opperman, Bain Consulting, and David Harris last week. The Executive Committee will have a final report by December to determine how things should be implemented.

b. Staff Recognition and Awards Committee

T. Grove reported the Employee Assembly Appreciation Award will be given to the staff at Gannett at the President’s address. T. Grove and G. Stewart met with staff and said the response was wonderful.

c. Communications Committee

D. Brooks said he had nothing to report.

d. Finance Committee

There was nothing to report.

e. Emergency Grant Fund Committee

There was nothing to report.

f. Personnel Policy Committee

C. Phillips said she had nothing to report.

g. Internal Operations Committee

J. Seymour stated that one candidate dropped out and another hasn’t responded, so there are three candidates for three seats. All the seats are contract and non-exempt. Candidate Leslie Morris has agreed to take the two-year seat, and the remaining seats are for one year. L. Lawrence recommended a vote by acclimation to elect the three candidates to the three seats.

J. Seymour asked for a motion to vote by acclimation; L. Lawrence made the motion. G. Stewart asked if the EA is missing anything in the charter with this motion, but J. Seymour stated any remaining employees could fill the remaining seats. He noted the terms would begin immediately, and they would be retroactive because terms are always staggered. Leslie Morris, Tom Ostrander, and Ned LaCelle were voted into the EA unanimously.

J. Seymour said he will do an orientation soon and add the new members to the list-serve, etc.

h. President’s Address Event

T. Grove said she, A. O’Donnell, and B. McKinney have been planning the event. T. Grove will pick up 350 apples on Friday, and needs volunteers around 10:00 AM to help her wash them and be setup by 11:30 AM. She also needs people to help her hand out programs and to provide meal tickets. Volunteers may be needed later to deliver the remaining food to Gannett. There is discussion about the number of meal tickets available; J. Seymour stated the number was 400 last year. T. Grove replied that 75 people attended the last President’s Address a few weeks ago, so even 350 meal tickets might be too many. B. McKinney asked about attire and seating for EA members. T. Grove explained that a section will be cordoned off for Gannett employees and another section for the EA. Everyone should wear business casual, and wear nametags. There was discussion about seating on the stage. T. Grove said no one has to sit on the stage because there will be stairs.

The President’s Address will not be live streamed. It will be publicized in Pawprint, Pawprint Flash, the Cornell Chronicle, and in the Events Calendar. T. Grove encouraged everyone to send information to relevant listserves they have access to. B. McKinney said the Executive Committee sent the President items to discuss, with a focus on how Cornell can care for the community and put less emphasis on Bain consulting.

III. Business of the Day (contd.)

a. United Way Campaign (contd.)

Deputy Provost David Harris, the chair of United Way at Cornell, spoke about the organization. D. Harris asked three questions to explain the Cornell perspective:

i. Why United Way? D. Harris stated that 100% of donations go to member agencies. Donations can be left undesignated so United Way can give to the agencies in need where they see fit.
ii. Why now? The need is greater now due to the financial crisis. Over the next few years, there will be more people in need and fewer people that can help.
iii. Payroll deductions make giving easy, can spread contribution out over a year in small payments. Can designate counties other than Tompkins. Donators can make a pledge online or on a pledge card. D. Harris would also like for people to help him understand why people donate to United Way; to let him know, you can email him at

D. Harris then took questions. J. Seymour asked if people can join at any time during the year and D. Harris replied yes. He said other universities have higher giving rates, around 40% and wants to know why Cornell is behind. T. Grove asked if the campaign will go paperless? D. Harris says that is in progress, but reminded the group administrative costs were covered. The goal for this year is $725,000 and 20% participation. D. Harris wants to connect to faculty because they have the greatest job security and the highest income. He will speak to the UA, GPSA, and the Faculty Senate.

L. Croll Howell said that she ran United Way for a corporation and created a Day of Caring. She organized volunteers to spend a day helping out. This increased contributions by 45%. D. Harris said this could work. He also noted students have been good at soliciting donations. He would like to have GPSA, SA, and an IFC liaison on the Cornell United Way Council. He would also like to start a campaign called “A Dollar Makes a Difference” where people donate a dollar. He would like to see 100% participation.

VII. Committee Reports (contd.)

h. University Benefits Committee

It is currently on hiatus and there has been no word on meetings resuming.

i. Education Committee

C. Phillips said she is getting to it this week.

j. “Ad Hoc” Charter Review

L. Lawrence said the committee has been meeting regularly and is forming a plan.

VIII. Old Business

There were no Old business items reported on.

IX. New Business

There were no New business items reported on.

XI. Open Forum

D. Brooks said Georgetown University contacted him because they want to start an Employee Assembly. L. Croll Howell mentioned an EA cross-university list-serve would be a good idea.

G. Stewart welcomed the new members and said he is glad to have them involved.

XII. Adjournment

N. LaCelle motioned to adjourn. C. Phillips seconded. J. Seymour adjourned the meeting at 1:26 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715