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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

December 2, 2009 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

J. Seymour called the meeting to order at 12:22 p.m. He then called the roll.

Present-D. Brooks, T. Grove, L. Croll Howell, L. Lawrence, L. Morris, G. Osborne, C. Phillips, J. Seymour, N. LaCelle, A. Mittman, G. Stewart Absent-P. Dongtoe, T. Ostrander

Employee Elected Trustee B. McKinney and GPSA liaison Ben Heavner were also present.

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no Late Additions.

III. Business of the Day

a) Discussion about the Emergency Grant Fund/Care Fund

J. Seymour introduced Pat Mahoney from the Geneva Station who is here to give some history and to help the EA decide what is the best course of action for the fund in the future.

P. Mahoney explained the fund started in Aricebo in 2001. The president of CU at the time, Hunter Rawlings, thought it was a valuable project and gave the fund $25,000. There were several members on the committee at the time that were also part of the Employee Assembly, so it was a good fit. Some of the members left the EA and the EA became disconnected from the fund for a few years. Current EA members took back the fund in 2006 and realized there were many problems. There was a lot to manage, and there were no real policies or procedures in place to guide them. The EGF committee met all through the year last year and reviewed the bylaws for the committee and suggested some changes. The policies were too restrictive and there seemed to be no good way for the committee to receive the applications. This made it hard to turn around an application fast enough to help someone in need fast enough. The group felt unqualified to make some of the decisions they were making. Then last year, HR’s introduction of the “Hardship Fund” was confusing for some people. When this resolution was introduced in May, some EA members felt it was a loss for the EA, and did not agree with the idea.

There was a question about how the committee has done fundraising. P. Mahoney said the auction was a major fundraising event. However, it is a very difficult and large event to run. Since there was over 40K in the fund, the committee did not feel it was essential to hold the auction. J. Seymour shared that he had a similar experience with the Energy Fair last year. L. Lawrence asked P. Mahoney where she thought the fund should reside. P. Mahoney said she felt Lynette Chappell Williams office was best suited to deal with all the aspects of the fund. B. Liddick, a former EA member agreed and said that many changes need to be made on fundraising, distribution, etc. no matter where the fund resides.

P. Mahoney distributed a copy of a new resolution on this subject. J. Seymour explained they tried to do it at the end of the year last year, but it was rushed. He explained they could take the time to discuss it this year, and figure out the right course of action so that everyone felt comfortable. L. Lawrence suggested they come up with a timeline to have the resolution voted on, and said he felt it should be done soon. The members agreed, and J. Seymour suggested February 3rd.

B. McKinney then said she knows the Hardship Fund will not be offered again. She also said that since this fund is ongoing, and such a good thing, we need to capitalize on it. L. Morris agreed.

J. Seymour said in his discussions with Mary Opperman, she said she is happy to have the EA be the face of the fund, and HR manage the fund behind the scenes. There was some discussion on this. G. Stewart said he thought it should be within HR or within the EA, not in between so one organization could not be blamed for the others mistakes.

Informal voting was split on keeping the fund within the EA, or allowing HR to manage the fund.

IV. Report from Employee Elected Trustee

There was no report.

V. Report from the Faculty Senate Liaison

There was no report.

VI. Report from the Chair

J. Seymour reported that he and David had a meeting with Mary Opperman earlier this week to discuss the EGF/CARE fund as had been already discussed earlier in the meeting.

B. McKinney added she has heard there will likely be very small salary improvements for staff this year, and also likely there will be more layoffs.

VII. Approval of Minutes-

a. November 18, 2009

After a brief discussion, a few minor corrections were made to the minutes. T. Grove motioned to approve the minutes as amended. L. Lawrence seconded. The members voted and the minutes passed

VIII. Committee Reports

a) Communications

D. Brooks said they need to discuss getting Employee Representatives on the University Assembly. N. LaCelle said he might be interested. J. Seymour said he might also be willing to participate.

b) IOC

T. Grove said she will be looking at some applications to the George Peter Award, and hopes to have a meeting pulled together soon.

c) PP

L. Croll Howell said they did meet. She wanted to get clarification that it is ok to review. J. Seymour said to go ahead.

d) EE

C. Phillips said she has planned a meeting of the committee next week.

e) Ad Hoc Charter

L. Lawrence said the committee met yesterday with Mary Opperman to discuss their suggestions. He said they are getting closer to having something to show the EA on a proposed membership change.

IX. CU in Transition

B. McKinney said she has attended the forums hosted by the Provost, and they have been fascinating. She encouraged everyone to attend one if they have time.

X. Old Business

There was no old business.

XI. New Business

B. McKinney said this could be discussed offline, but she has heard an issue on employee sick time. Sick time accrual stops at 90 days for someone who never takes sick time. But, those who do take sick time regularly keep accruing time indefinitely. This does not seem like a good way to reward employees who do not miss time from work.

XII. Open Forum

There were no items discussed.

XIII. Adjournment

J. Seymour adjourned the meeting at 1:33 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kalisha Dessources

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715