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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

April 7, 2010 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

J. Seymour called the meeting to order at 12:18 p.m.

J. Seymour then called the roll. Present- P. Dongtoe, T. Grove, L. Morris, T. Ostrander, G. Osborne, J. Seymour, L. Lawrence, C. Phillips, Absent- D. Brooks, N. LaCelle, A. Mittman, L. Croll Howell, B. McKinney, G. Stewart Also attending- A. O’Donnell, A. Epstein, K. Dessources

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were two items added to the agenda. First, T. Grove suggested that the Employee Assembly talk about Gannett’s new Notice-and-Respond program, and how the EA can become involved in it. Additionally, the EA added the Athletic Resolution to the Business of Day.

III. Report from Employee Elected Trustee

There was no report from the Employee Elected Trustee.

IV. Report from UA Representative

The UA representative, L. Lawrence, briefly filled the EA in on current issues of discussion within the UA. There is currently a lot of discussion involving the Cornell Childcare Center. There is a resolution is process addressing issues within the daycare center. There are many shortcomings that are causing parents to pull their children out of the center. L. Lawrence will provide more information about the situation as it becomes available.

L. Lawrence explained that the Sustainability committee is also an important topic of discussion for the UA.

V. Business of the Day

a. Focus Group of staff needed

P. Beach started with a discussion about the call for a focus group of staff to take part in the decision-making process for the bridges on Cornell’s campus. She explained the Rand Corporation is coming to the university to make recommendations on what might work best for a long-term solution for restricting access on bridges. P. Beach emphasized that input and ideas from the Cornell community are extremely important. On June 4th, the temporary fences on most of the bridges will have to come down, as required by the city of Ithaca. This means that plans for long-term solutions must be made. P. Beach is, therefore, soliciting volunteers to become actively involved in this process.

J. Seymour asked P. Beach what office is facilitating this focus group. P. Beach explained the Cornell facilities department was the main organizer. P. Beach asked for a show of hands to see which EA members were interested in participating in the focus group. Several EA members expressed interest in being on the group.

P. Beach also noted she is actively involved with programs dealing with the mental health of students, and is happy to answer any questions concerning these programs. T. Ostrander asked if there has been an increase in students using mental health services since the tragedies on campus occurred. P. Beach said there has been an increase in Gannett services recently. There has also been more walk-around counseling in dorm halls, as well as Greek residences. P. Beach explained there have been ten deaths this year, six of which have been due to suicide. Four of these suicides have occurred on campus.

L. Lawrence then asked a question regarding the Notice-and Respond program at Gannett. P. Beach explained that Notice-and-Respond is a formal program that is quite powerful and influential.

b. Notice-and-Respond

T. Grove began a discussion about how EA members can become involved in the Notice-and- Respond program. Gannett is currently looking for more people to help facilitate this program. There is a training program that each person needs to go through in order to be qualified. T. Grove is looking into organizing a training program for this summer. She strongly encouraged the members to participate in the training. T. Grove explained this program could also help provide support to employees, in response to the current situation of budget cuts and layoffs.

J. Seymour asked T. Grove if she is willing to reach out to Gannet and see what options are available for the members in regards to training programs.

P. Dongtoe said that we must not simply focus on the suicides that have occurred, but rather, focus on moving forward to make Cornell a safer community for students and faculty.

P. Beach explained she is on the communication team for student health crises. She would like to continue helping the EA take a leadership role in these mental health efforts.

c. Athletics resolution

Next, the assembly went over the athletics resolution. This resolution is an official declaration of congratulations acknowledging staff involved with athletics. L. Morris motioned to approve this resolution. The motion was seconded by G. Osborne, and passed by a hand vote of 7–0−1.

VI. Report from GPSA representative

Although B. Heavner could not be present at the meeting, he sent an email to Jason Seymour on GPSA business. J. Seymour read the email aloud, that the GPSA has been very busy trying to wrap up the semester. Their final meeting will take place on Monday April 19th. There are two resolutions that will be discussed at this meeting. One concerns the Ad Hoc mental health committee while the other pertains to electing representatives to the GPSA. Also, the E-board for next year will be voted on at this meeting.

VII. Report from Faculty Senate Liaison

There was no report from the Faculty Senate Liaison.

VIII. EA Finance update

There was no EA finance update

IX. Report from the Chair

There was no report from the chair

X. Approval of Minutes-

a. March 3, 2010

T. Grove motioned to approve minutes, with one small change. C. Phillips seconded. The members voted and the minutes were approved.

XI. Committee Reports

a. Executive Committee

There was no report from the executive committee. They have not been able to meet recently because of work conflicts.

b. Staff Recognition & Awards

T. Grove explained a George Peter Award presentation was on Monday. She commended J. Seymour on his great job speaking at the ceremony. She also thanked A. O’Donnell for her efforts in coordinating the event. T. Grove then explained the committee is going to start looking at the next round of applicants. Currently, there are only two applications. T. Grove suggested EA members work to encourage more nominations.

c. Communication

D. Brooks was not present to give an update on the communication committee.

d. Personnel Policy

P. Dongtoe had nothing to report. She noted the next personnel policy meeting is going to be April 23rd.

e. Internal Operations

T. Grove explained there are currently nine candidates running for the six positions. The members discussed ways in which the community is hearing about the elections. T. Grove noted that elections are being advertised on Facebook, through email, and in the PawPrint.

f. University Benefits

There was no University Benefit update.

g. Employee Education

C. Phillips explained that at the meeting held recently, changes in employee benefits were discussed, as well as ways to communicate benefits to employees. She said she is going to send out this information to all the members shortly. She also said the committee intends to participate in the SEED event in the summer.

L. Morris suggested the EA participate in the “I am Cornell” program.

J. Seymour then asked about the “Ad Hoc” Charter review committee. T. Grove said they hadn’t met lately, but will start up again soon.

XII. Cornell in Transition update

There was no Cornell in transition update.

XIII. Old Business

There were no old business items discussed.

XIV. New Business

There were no new business items discussed.

XV. Open Forum

J. Seymour reviewed the EA calendar. He explained we are trying to set a meeting with Allan Bishop from HR to discuss layoff policies. The tentative date is May 5th. Also, there is a meeting scheduled with President Skorton on May 19th. He asked the members email him any questions they may have.

J. Seymour briefed on the EA summer retreat. He said the goals set last year will be reviewed to see what has/has not been accomplished.

L. Lawrence suggested that EA goals be reviewed monthly, instead of annually.

The members of the assembly went around the table and gave a brief update on their lives.

XVI. Adjournment

T. Grove made the motion to adjourn the meeting. T. Ostrander seconded. J. Seymour adjourned the meeting at 1:21 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715