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20100415 EA News

EA E-News - April 2010 A periodic newsletter from Cornell University’s Employee Assembly

Welcome to Vol. 1 No. 2 of EA E-News. This quick glance at current events and future opportunities is designed to keep busy CU staff informed on campus news.

  • Don’t forget to cast your vote in the Employee Assembly 2010–2011 election, quickly and securely online, at <>. The e-ballot will be available through 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 23. Check out candidates’ statements and referendum details at <>.
  • The annual Jennie T. Farley Office Professionals Celebration is 1:30–2:30 p.m. on Wednesday (April 21) in Bailey Hall. Remarks by President Skorton and Vice President for Human Resources Mary Opperman, plus entertainment, door prizes and dessert. Reservations will be accepted through the end of business Monday (April 19) via <>.
  • Per custom, staff volunteers are needed (and appreciated) on Slope Day, this year May 7. For details on a variety of opportunities and the “Top 10 Reasons to Volunteer on Slope Day,” access <>.
  • An update on the university’s strategic plan, to be released this spring, will be the focus of an Initiatives Coordination Office Public Discussion at 4:30 p.m., Thursday May 10, B45 Warren Hall. Details and updates on CU’s “reimagining” initiative available at <>.
  • Strategies and questions on ways to reach out to people who may be struggling with mental health challenges remain an important campus education initiative. CU’s <> is updated on a regular basis, and includes news, resources, and answers to topical questions, including “notice and respond” guidance.
  • Campus kudos to the nearly 300 staff members who celebrated anniversaries of 25 or more years of service to Cornell at the 55th annual Service Recognition Dinner. Has one or a group of your co-workers achieved a personal or work-related goal or milestone? Send your campus kudos to for possible placement in the next EA E-News.
  • Nominations are currently being accepted for the EA’s George Peter Award, given to Cornell staff members who are great at their job, extend themselves to help others, and go “above and beyond” on a daily basis. Details at <>.
  • The EA is seeking staff members who would be willing to represent the EA on the University Assembly <>. Contact EA Chair Jason Seymour at jjs87 for details.
  • Cornell Recreation Connection New York City day trips are planned for May and June. Info: <>.
  • The Office of Human Resources has gone to great lengths to make its home page and related links more user-friendly. It’s worth a look at <>.
  • Bookmark of the month: <>. Big Red facts and FAQs.

For news on staff opportunities, events and programs, access <>.

To learn more about the EA, or find us on Facebook, visit <> or

Thanks for your interest, and Happy Spring.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715