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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

May 5, 2010 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

J. Seymour called the meeting to order at 12:16 p.m.

J. Seymour called the roll. Present- D. Brooks, P. Dongtoe, T. Grove, N. LaCelle, A. Mittman, L. Morris, T. Ostrander, G. Osborne, J. Seymour, L. Lawrence, B. McKinney, C. Phillips Absent- L. Croll Howell, G. Stewart Also attending- GPSA liaison Ben Heavner, A. O’Donnell, A. Epstein, K. Dessources. Two newly elected EA members were also present: Curtis Ferguson and Trisha Denesevich

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the existing agenda.

III. Business of the Day

a. Budget Discussion

The business of the day was a discussion led by A. Mittman on the EA budget for the 2009–2010 fiscal year. He explained the EA began with a budget of $9,400. He explained the EA can expect the same amount for the next term. He then said the purpose of this discussion was to get EA chairs thinking about modifications that can be made to budget allocations. A. Mittman went through the expenditures for each committee. According to the current state of the EA budget, and the short period left until the fiscal year is complete, it is clear the EA is right on target with their expenditures. Afterward, A. Mittman asked the members if they had any questions.

D. Brooks asked when the EA will have totals complete from the 2009–2010 term. A. Mittman explained totals should be ready by the end of the fiscal year, which is May 31st. Totals should be calculated within the next three weeks. D. Brooks asked if the EA is able to reallocate funds between committees. A. Mittman explained funds could be reallocated. P. Dongtoe asked if this budget information would be posted on the EA website or sent out to EA members via email. A. Mittman agreed to email the budget information out to the Employee Assembly members.

IV. Report from Employee Elected Trustee

B. McKinney explained that fifty-four trustees had a retreat in New York City. Two topics were discussed at the retreat: (1) the strategic plan (2) some of the task force reports. The point of the retreat was to give Cornell administration feedback on strategic plans. The results of this retreat should be apparent soon.

B. McKinney went on to say there are two pressing issues on Cornell’s campus currently: one is the budget, and the other is the recent suicides. She explained there were two panels held recently on suicide prevention. She emphasized this suicide cluster (one suicide after another) happens not only to students, but can happen to staff as well. A. Mittman explained that, given the situation, EA members should all take part in Gannett’s Notice-and-Respond program. T. Grove explained Linda Croll Howell is working on scheduling this training for the EA. B. McKinney explained that Notice-and-Respond is a great training program and encouraged everyone to go through it if they can.

B. McKinney said that she is part of the Trustee Nominating Committee. She explained there was a good election for a new graduate trustee recently. She noted that the university accreditation is coming together, the committee is working on the final report now. She explained there has been no movement from Human Resources about the CARE fund. She encouraged the EA to follow up on this. J. Seymour explained L. Croll Howell is currently following up on the CARE fund. D. Brooks explained there were two applicants for the CARE fund, but neither fit the current criteria. B. McKinney said she believes there should be an effort to rewrite criteria soon. The criteria was supposed to be revised in February, it’s now May.

VI. Report from GPSA representative

The GPSA has concluded their term. B. Heavner had no news to report.

VII. Report from Faculty Senate Liaison

A. Mittman said there he had no report from the faculty senate since they have had no meetings.

VIII. EA Finance update

A. Mittman said the finance update was discussed in the Business of the Day, and he had no further updates.

IX. Report from the Chair

J. Seymour gave an update on the recent elections. He explained he and G. Stewart were reelected to the EA, but T. Ostrander and N. LaCelle were not. J. Seymour then explained A. Mittman and L. Lawrence had not run again, so they would be leaving the EA at the end of the term. He took the opportunity to give out certificates of appreciation to EA members. He gave a special recognition to L. Lawrence, who has served on the EA for nine years. He also announced and welcomed the four new EA members who will be serving on the assembly next fall: Curtis Ferguson, Kathryn Coldren, Trisha Denesevich and Leslie Sadler Meyerhoff.

X. Approval of Minutes- April 21, 2010

There were minor changes made to the. A. Mittman motioned to approve the minutes as amended. T. Grove seconded. The members voted and the minutes from the April 21st meeting were approved.

XI. Committee Reports

a) Executive Committee

D. Brooks said the executive committee met last week. Their goal, as a committee, is to focus more on positive events moving forward. D. Brooks explained the committee is discussing separating the vice chair and communication chair in the EA. D. Brooks explained the tasks are a lot for one person. T. Grove agreed and explained that dividing these two positions would be useful, especially if the Employee Assembly is planning to expand. T. Grove asked what such a change would entail. A. Epstein explained this would mean a charter change. J. Seymour explained that the Employee Assembly should peruse this change, and asked if anyone was opposed to this change. He said he thought that it should be presented as an issue for the new Employee Assembly. J. Seymour asked if anyone was interested in the position of Communications person. L. Morris said she would be. There was discussion on whether or not this resolution should be presented to the current EA, or the new EA. J. Seymour did not think it was good to have a resolution at the very conclusion of the term. T. Grove suggested that the resolution be proposed, and if it seems controversial, It can be postponed.

b) Staff Recognition & Awards

The Staff Recognition and Awards committee had nothing new to report.

c) Communication

D. Brooks passed around a copy of survey questions. He asked the Employee Assembly for feedback and input.

d) Personnel Policy

P. Dongtoe explained there was a meeting last Wednesday with the Personnel Policy committee and the ODS office. The discussion was about flexible work policy. She explained the committee will be working with the ODS office in the future. They are scheduled to meet once a month.

e) Internal Operations

  • i. Elections update

T. Grove explained an employee had stepped forward to fill one of the vacant spots on the UA. J. Seymour asked if there were any objections to appointing to the UA, and there were none.

f) University Benefits

There was no University Benefit Report.

g) Employee Education

C. Phillips said she is working on the upcoming SEED event. She explained she is setting up a survey on employee education for this event.

XII. Cornell in Transition update

For the Cornell in Transition update, L. Morris said she heard recently that two 20-year employees were laid off in the Vet School.

XIII. Old Business

There was no old business reported.

V. Report from UA Representative

L. Lawrence said President Skorton was at the last meeting. Discussion at the meeting was about issues faced by foreign students. First, it is very difficult for foreign students to receive financial aid, and furthermore, when foreign students graduate, the process of getting citizenship in America is difficult. President Skorton also said giving has gone way down. Lastly, he said there will be a few more layoffs coming and the majority of construction is on hold.

XIV. New Business

J. Seymour reminded the members to send in questions they have for President Skorton by next Monday. He explained the June 2nd meeting is going to be very full with A. Bishop and M. Opperman coming, and the election for new officers also. J. Seymour asked the EA if the meeting could be extended until 2 o’clock. The EA agreed the June 2nd meeting could be extended for an additional 30 minutes.

XV. Open Forum

L. Lawrence announced he has begun to phase into retirement by working 4 shorter day workweeks until May 31, 2011, when he plans to retire from Cornell.

XVI. Adjournment

D. Brooks made the motion to adjourn the meeting. L. Morris seconded. The EA meeting was adjourned at 1:29 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715