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20100607 EA News

EA E-News - June 2010 A periodic newsletter from Cornell University’s Employee Assembly

Welcome to Vol. 2 No. 1 of EA E-News. This quick glance at current events and future opportunities is designed to keep busy CU staff informed on campus news.

  • The Employee Assembly (EA) elected its new officers for 2010–2011 at its June 2 meeting. Tanya Grove (Department of Theatre, Film & Dance) will serve as chair, Leslie Sadler Meyerhoff (Campus Life) as executive vice chair, Kathryn Coldren (Ithaca experiment station) as vice chair for internal operations, Gemma Osborne (CALS Geneva) as vice chair for finance, and Jason Seymour (CIS) as parliamentarian. These officers and the 2010–11 EA need input on issues that are important to staff, be it in your workplace, professional development interests or campus communications. Send ideas and questions to Tanya Grove at EA meetings are open to everyone, and CU administrators, staff and students are regular guests. For meeting dates and minutes, access <>.
  • The final version of the Strategic Plan - developed through “Reimagining Cornell” - is now accessible at <>. In a related story on that site, Provost Kent Fuchs says collaboration, not centralization will be the watchword going forward.
  • Strategies and questions on ways to reach out to people who may be struggling with mental health challenges remain an important campus education initiative. CU’s <> is updated on a regular basis, and includes news, resources, and answers to topical questions, including “notice and respond” guidance.
  • Campus kudos to several Cornell employees who have been featured on CornellCast’s “Staff Notes” in recent weeks. (Go to <> and type in Staff Notes.) Has one or a group of your co-workers achieved a personal or work-related goal or milestone? Send your campus kudos to for possible placement in the next EA E-News.
  • Bookmark of the month: <> features the “Safety Zone” and off of that, SpecialConditions-L, an electronic mailing list that distributes notification of road closures, construction delays, or other unusual events on campus. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to and type “join” (no quotes) in the body of the message.
  • CU’s new Ergonomics Resource Center is a studio showcasing furniture, equipment and information designed to promote healthier and more productive work environments at Cornell, located within the Sedgwick Business Interiors Ithaca showroom at 379 Pine Tree Road. To learn more about ergonomics services at Cornell, visit the Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Program web site or contact Todd Baker, Lead Ergonomics Consultant at (607) 255–1360.
  • Nominations are currently being accepted for the EA’s George Peter Award, given to Cornell staff members who are great at their job, extend themselves to help others, and go “above and beyond” on a daily basis. Details at <>.
  • A Cornell Recreation Connection New York City day trip is planned for June 12. Info: <>.
  • For news on staff opportunities, events and programs, access <>.
  • Wondering where to go for lunch on campus this summer? Check out what’s open.

To learn more about the EA, or find us on Facebook, visit <> or http://w

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715