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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

October 6, 2010

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

T. Grove called the meeting to order at 12:18 p.m.

Present- K. Coldren, T. Denesevich, P. Dongtoe, C. Ferguson, T. Grove, L. Croll Howell, L. Meyerhoff, L. Morris, G. Osborne, C. Phillips, J. Seymour

Absent- D. Brooks, G. Stewart

Also attending � N. Doolittle, A. O’Donnell, K. Dessources

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no additions to the exiting agenda.

III. Business of the Day

a) Paul Streeter

Paul Streeter gave an overview of the Cornell United Way Campaign. P. Streeter explained that the United Way is an agency that collects funds for members of the community who are in need. He explained that Cornell represents 40% of the United Way campaign goal for Tompkins County. For this reason, it is important to have the Cornell community aware of the United Way, so they can participate and help campaign goals. P. Streeter explained that meeting the United Way goal is significant because there are so many service agencies in our community. The problem is that only 15% of the Cornell community is currently giving to the United Way. Currently, the United Way focuses on 2–3 events to raise money and awareness. P. Streeter explained that the campaign needs help; and asked the EA to consider a partnership with the United Way, so that they can assist in bringing enthusiasm and awareness to the United Way Campaign. Following P. Streeter’s request, the EA, Paul and Bill discussed the challenges and obstacles that come with raising awareness and money in the United Way campaign. Furthermore, they discussed ways in which they can overcome such obstacles, and make the campaign as effective as possible. P. Streeter emphasized the fact that the main concern is not raising the amount that an individual gives, but rather, raising the level of participation in the campaign (how many people are giving). K. Coldren suggested that an emphasis be put on the personal connection that comes with making a contribution to the United Way. Perhaps there could be a section in the Paw Print in which givers write essays, or share photos expressing their personal experience with giving to the United Way. K. Coldren explained that this would make the process of giving more real; people will see exactly where their donations are going, and how they are helping others.

P. Streeter explained one obstacle is that many Cornell employees live outside Tompkins County, and therefore feel more of a connection to their county of residence, and donate to the United Way in that area. Thus, there must be an emphasis in building pride within the Cornell and Tompkins County community.

T. Grove suggested the United Way should send out a survey with a few simple questions, asking employees if they know about the United Way, if they contribute to the United Way, and if so, if they contribute within Tompkins country or elsewhere. This will give better information on the root of the problem, as well as how big the problem is. T. Grove also suggested organizing a competition between units or departments within the Cornell community. There will be some type of incentive for the department/unit who raises the most money for the United Way.

L. Meyerhoff explained that although is it a difficult time to solicit pride in our workplace, it is an important time to do so.

L. Croll Howell explained that she has had experience with running a United Ways Campaign. She explained that one of the issues is that there are generational differences in campaign efforts; older people feel more allegiance and give more. L. Croll Howell explained that there are two things that inspire giving: (1) modeling behavior for children and (2) personal reasons. Given this, L. Croll Howell explains that emphasis should be put on family activities. Also, if employers give employees time off for community service, participation is likely to increase. L. Croll Howell explained that when she ran a successful campaign in which giving was increased by 40%, employers had allowed time off to employees to participate in activities. For example, an entire department can take off and participate in service efforts together.

In closing, P. Streeter asked the EA to strongly consider a partnership with the United Way. T. Grove explained that they will do so, and also suggested united Way volunteers participating in the upcoming Staff Celebration Day that the EA will be tabling at. P. Streeter explained that he would like to keep conversation going, and would like to have some type of awareness event with the EA within the next year.

b) EA Expansion

J. Seymour gave an update on the EA membership expansion. He explained a tentative time-line of when things should happen. J. Seymour explained that the EA needs to have an approved resolution to modify the membership charter by the last meeting in November so that President Skorton can approve it in December, and communication to department leaders can occur soon after. This way, the new membership charter will be in place for spring elections.

Furthermore, J. Seymour explained that the seat allocation and vacancy sections of the charter need to be modified. He is currently toying with language so that the membership number is not a specific number, and can be expanded or contracted as needed; the charter should have a degree of flexibility. As of right now, it is understood that there are thirty-one different units on campus; every employee fits in to one of these thirty-one categories. The units vary in size. J. Seymour explained that he has been in touch with HR, who has clued him in on certain structural changes that will be occurring in November. Seymour said that the current charter accounts for this information.

L. Morris asked if larger units would receive more representatives.

J. Seymour explained that every unit, despite size, would receive only one representative. He added that Geneva (although they are technically part of another unit) would be considered an independent unit due to their size and proximity.

K. Coldren asked if the EA would appoint a member in a unit if no one from that unit runs in the election.

J. Seymour explained that that issue comes up in the language on vacancies. In the charter, the EA explains that they can either appoint a representative, or have the unit appoint a representative. For representatives who are appointed, the term of service will be one year instead of two. However, J. Seymour is hoping that President Skorton’s approval of this charter will result in a low level of vacancies.

C. Ferguson asked for clarification on the purpose of expanding EA membership. His concern was whether or not an expanded EA would truly target unrepresented employees at the University. His argument was that there should be an emphasis on diversity. J. Seymour explained that the point of expansion is to encourage better unit representation in hopes that the EA becomes a more powerful body as a result. C. Philips suggested that diversity training would be helpful with this expansion process.

IV. Report from the Chair

T. Grove explained that the EA meeting with Mary Opperman is coming soon. She urged the EA to email her with questions that they would like to ask M. Opperman.

V. Approval of Minutes-

a) September 15, 2010

The EA members reviewed the September 15th minutes. One clarification change was made to the minutes. L. Meyerhoff made a motion to approve the minutes. L. Morris seconded the motion. The September 15th minutes were approved.

VI. Committee Reports

a) Communication (Staff Celebration Day)

Leslie Meyerhoff went over who is volunteering for Staff Celebration Day. More EA members are needed for the EA table. G. Osborne and L. Morris will be doing the display for the event. At the EA table, there will be water bottles and pamphlets with information on resources for staff.

b) Care Fund (Linda Croll Howell)

L. Croll Howell explained over the past five years, people have applied to receive the Care fund, but did not meet qualifications. Two weeks from now, a group will meet and discuss a proposed plan for the Care fund. At this point, it should not take long for the committee to get together a plan. L. Croll Howell explained that the committee is looking to broaden criteria for eligibility to receive the fund. Many of the cases that have arisen have been ones of financial negligence, which is why the money is yet to be allocated. Overall the goal is to give away the money soon. L. Croll Howell would like to have an announcement in the next EA newsletter about the Care fund.

c) Internal Operations Committee

K. Coldren explained that she met with A. Epstein. K. Coldren explained that committees are still small. She encouraged EA members to sign up for committees that they are interested in. She distributed a sheet of paper with a list of the current committees and members. K. Coldren explained that committees do not need to be filled solely with EA members; EA members can appoint a member outside of the EA to serve on a committee. K. Coldren stated that she wants to get a better idea of the committee goals for this EA term. She suggested that more discussion on committees could take place at the EA summer retreat.

d) Award to Staff

T. Grove explained that she is looking for more submissions for possible recipients of the President’s award to staff. She currently has two recommendations. T. Grove explained that someone had emailed her suggesting that the award go to all staff. Her concern, however, is that this might detract from the purpose of the award. Instead, the EA plans on sending out a certification in the spring for all staff.

VII. Old Business

L. Meyerhoff explained that she had a conversation with Continuing Education in which they explained that everything is HR policy, not their policy. However, Continuing Education explained that they could remove the social security number requirement from the form. Continuing Education would like to go paperless, but HR is refusing. C. Philips added that she is trying to have an employee Education meeting soon.

L. Morris explained that she is glad that the EA newsletter went out. Furthermore, she explained that she did receive feedback on the newsletter.

VIII. New Business

T. Grove explained that President Skorton has found time to meet with the EA. The meeting will be Friday December 3rd, 2010 from 9–9:45am.

IX. Open Forum

There was nothing discussed in the Open Forum.

X. Adjournment

L. Meyerhoff made a motion to adjourn the EA meeting. L. Morris seconded the motion. The Employee Assembly meeting was adjourned at 1:18 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715