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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

October 20, 2010

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

T. Grove called the meeting to order at 12:18 p.m.

Present- D. Brooks, P. Dongtoe, C. Ferguson, T. Grove, L. Meyerhoff, B. Mc Kinney, L. Morris, G. Osborne, J. Seymour

Absent- K. Coldren, L. Croll Howell, T. Denesevich, C. Phillips,

Also attending � K. Dessources, N. Doolittle, A. O’Donnell

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. Business of the Day

a) EA Expansion

T. Grove asked C. Ferguson to read his proposal for EA expansion. This proposal seeks to expand diversity within the assembly, not just expand its numbers. C. Ferguson emphasized inclusion and neutrality. T. Grove asked how diversity could be achieved through an alternative way of expansion. She explained the EA needs to see a model to better understand this idea. C. Ferguson suggested the EA consult with ODE and brainstorm different ways in which EA expansion can be used to encourage diversity.

B. Mc Kinney commented it would be impossible to include representation of all ideas in the Employee Assembly. She also said all ideas do not necessarily have to come from Employee Assembly members; any employee at Cornell should have a way to be able to voice their opinion.

The assembly went on to discuss the pros and cons of different structures of membership. They compared representation by geographic presentation versus representation based on another status. They also discussed whether larger units at Cornell should have a proportionally equal number of representatives. T. Grove explained to the EA that M. Opperman has cautioned against having more representatives for bigger departments because the EA is not a representative body (they represent employees as a whole, not employees in different departments).

G. Stewart explained the EA has been having this discussion for a decade, and that the expansion is a step in a forward direction and is necessary.

J. Seymour suggested the EA go through with the 33-member plan for now (one employee per unit), and in a few years, maybe consider two employees per unit, one exempt and one non-

exempt. This would enable the EA to begin building relationships across the units, and then the EA can push for greater diversity.

A. Epstein then addressed the EA, emphasizing the real solution to increasing diversity is to increase transparency and publicity of EA issues. This can be achieved with the new expanded membership, as well as with the current membership. The EA must take advantage of the opportunities to get things out in the open. A. Epstein suggested attention be directed to this, and not necessarily to restructuring membership.

In response, J. Seymour explained the EA strives for publicity, but it often fails. For example, the EA holds public forums, and very few people show up. J. Seymour explained it is hard to get the word out, and difficult to spread news throughout the campus. The new membership structure will serve as a partial solution to this problem by improving communication. The new structure will ensure that one individual from every part of campus has a representative that will serve as a liaison between the EA and their unit.

C. Ferguson asked why this up-coming expansion (rather than latter ones) cannot include one exempt and one non-exempt employee from each unit. L. Meyerhoff explained there is a grey area now in policy surrounding non-exempt employees. Given this current dilemma, such a structure would be difficult.

N. Doolittle shared her opinion, explaining that although the new model might lead to an EA of all exempt employees the first time around, the point is it will increase transparency and better expose employees to the EA. N. Doolittle’s only concern was that such a large body would make meetings, and reaching consensus, more difficult. J. Seymour explained with the new EA, meetings would definitely need to be structured differently. There would likely be 2 meetings per month — one a more detailed voting or executive board meeting, and the other a more general discussion body meeting. Also, he noted stricter adherence to Robert’s Rules would need to be followed in order to get anything accomplished.

Moving forward, L. Meyerhoff made a motion to continue with the proposed unit representation expansion model for the EA. T. Grove seconded the motion. The EA voted, and the vote was passed by a vote of 7–1.

T. Grove told the members if anyone is interested in being more involved in the expansion process, they should speak to J. Seymour, the head of the committee.

b) Internal Operations Chair

T. Grove explained there is currently a vacancy on the executive committee. Due to schedule conflicts, K. Coldren has resigned from the IOC chair position. T. Grove asked anyone who is interested in this position to contact her.

c) Meeting with Mary Opperman on November 3, 2010

T. Grove explained that M. Opperman will be coming to the next EA meeting. She asked the members if there were topics they would like to speak about with M. Opperman. T. Grove said

she intends to suggest further discussion on BAIN.

N. Doolittle informed the EA there is going to be a series of forums on spans and layers coming, presented by M. Opperman. D. Brooks said he thought the EA should attend these forums or at least send representatives. J. Seymour researched the event, and announced the first one will take place on Tuesday, October 26th from 12–1 pm in Biotech G10.

d) United Way event brainstorming

T. Grove asked the EA members if they had any further thoughts or comments on partnering with the United Way. B. McKinney said she has mixed feelings on the issue. On one hand, the UW is a great organization that she herself gives to. On the other hand, she explained people can resist or react badly when they feel forced or coerced to give.

D. Brooks suggested the EA bring the United Way to the upcoming President’s Address, possibly consider a raffle or prize drawing, with proceeds going to the United Way. The EA brainstormed different prizes they could offer for the raffle.

IV. Report from the Chair

T. Grove thanked L. Meyerhoff, P. Dongtoe and L. Croll Howell for their participation at the Staff Day event this past Saturday. T. Grove explained she did not think the event was very successful or a useful one for the EA. She said she felt the members who worked the table did not have the chance to communicate to visitors about EA issues since it was more a family event so people with their families were not in the right frame of mind to discuss the EA.

V. Approval of Minutes-

a) October 6, 2010

The EA reviewed the October 6th minutes and made a few minor changes. A motion was made to approve the amended minutes. The motion was passed and the October 6th, 2010 minutes were approved.

VI. Committee Reports

a) UA Sustainability Committee — Linda Croll Howell

L. Croll Howell was not present to give a report.

VII. Old Business

T. Grove explained that the EA decided to give the Staff award to all first responders, which includes the Cornell Police, Crisis Management, and Environmental Health and Safety.

VIII. New Business

The was no new business

IX. Open Forum

P. Dongtoe mentioned that events for Sustainability Day are currently going on at Ho Plaza. The EA should get involved.

X. Adjournment

J. Seymour made a motion to adjourn the EA meeting. L. Meyerhoff seconded the motion. The EA meeting was adjourned at 1:27pm.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715