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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 17, 2010

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

T. Grove called the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m.

Present- D. Brooks, P. Dongtoe, C. Ferguson, T. Grove, L. Croll Howell, L. Meyerhoff, B. Mc Kinney, L. Morris, G. Osborne, C. Phillips, J. Seymour, G. Stewart

Absent- K. Coldren, T. Denesevich

Also attending � S. An, M. Clarkberg, K. Dessources, A. Epstein, A. O’Donnell, representatives from the Cornell Chronicle (reporter and photographer)

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. Business of the Day

a) Middle States Accreditation Committee

Marin Clarkberg began with an overview of the Middle States Accreditation process. She explained every university is regionally accredited. Cornell’s region is called Middle States. The accreditation process occurs every ten years. She then explained the process has changed a great deal since the last time. This time around, the process includes 14 standards for accreditation. She then shared a PowerPoint presentation detailing the process and the standards with the EA.

M. Clarkberg explained the accreditation process covers all of Cornell’s institutions, including the professional schools and programs. She said a large amount of people are involved in the process. Committee representatives are currently going around to all the assemblies to share news and information, in hopes of receiving adequate feedback.

She also noted one of the most significant points made about the accreditation process is the primary audience is the institution’s own community, and the secondary audience includes external or public constituencies. Thus, the main purpose is to advance university self-understanding and self-improvement. In this accreditation process, there is a particular emphasis on the assessment of student learning. The final report will include suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the university. Although it is highly unlikely Cornell will not be reaccredited, it is likely that we will receive a progress letter.

b) Executive Vice Chair Resolution

T. Grove explained that prior to this year, the executive vice chair and communication chair were one position on the executive board. The two positions were separated at the end of last term. However, T. Grove explained the change was never translated to the president. Now that there is a new assembly, T. Grove proposed that the EA revote on the resolution. She encouraged the EA to look over the resolution. The resolution will be voted on at the next meeting.

c) Membership Expansion

T. Grove began the discussion on the EA membership expansion. There is a new proposal for expansion, which will include an EA body of 6 exempt, 6 non-exempt, and 6 at large representatives, with an additional representative from Geneva. This new membership expansion will be slightly larger than the current membership model, but is not as large as the previously proposed 33-seat membership.

This new EA model for membership is based on the new University Assembly model discussed by A. Epstein. Instead of putting an emphasis on the assembly of all constituencies on campus, the emphasis will be on a wider notice of what the assembly is actually doing so that people can come to EA meetings whenever they have a concern. The plan is to use different tools with University Communications in order to make EA activities more transparent. For example, if the agendas for meetings were out sooner, people would have more time to know and understand different issues of the Employee Assembly, and would be better able to get involved.

C. Ferguson asked if, with the new model, the endowed and statutory groupings were being dropped. T. Grove affirmed that they are. The EA discussed the issue with the per-unit membership model is that interested employees may be in a clump (several interested employees in one unit). J. Seymour explained the 33-member body would be good for the EA, but the question is how to arrive at an assembly this large. C. Philips commented it might be necessary for the EA to implement an incremental growth process.

L. Meyerhoff said she thinks the EA needs to figure out how will better communicate through the many departments and units of the university. She noted the EA does not currently have employees coming to assembly meetings to discuss problems and needs that arise. This is what the EA should be used for.

After discussion progressed, T. Grove explained the EA should come to a final decision by the next meeting. She encouraged members to inform her if they want to discuss the membership expansion more.

d) December 3rd meeting with President Skorton

T. Grove reminded the EA of the December 3rd meeting with President Skorton, and the things that will be discussed. J. Seymour suggested that, perhaps, the EA could seek advice about membership expansion from President Skorton at this meeting.

IV. Report from the Chair

T. Grove asked the EA if anyone is interested in being on the Transportation Advisory Committee. She explained members of the committee do not have to be on the EA.

Furthermore, T. Grove said she hoped the EA would have information on money raised by the United Way at the President’s address. This way they can note the impact of the partnership.

V. Approval of Minutes-

a) November 3, 2010

The EA reviewed the minutes from the November 3rd meeting. Minor changes were made. A motion was made to approve the minutes given the corrections. C. Ferguson seconded the motion. The November 3rd minutes were approved.

VI. Committee Reports

a) UA Sustainability Committee — Linda Croll Howell

L. Croll Howell explained that the UA sustainability committee passed a resolution in support of0 the development of a CU image for sustainability. They also discussed Cornell’s participation in ASSHE STARS. L. Croll Howell noted the EA may be most interested in that there is an employee engagement component of STARS.

b) Personnel Policy Committee — Linda Croll Howell

L. Croll Howell explained that there has not been much movement with the personnel policy committee. She did explain that the Emergency CARE grant has been moving along; several people had contacted her regarding a recent situation.. She explained the funds should be allocated soon.

c) Education Committee — Cili Phillips

C. Philips explained the committee will be meeting in the next couple of weeks.

d) Communications Committee — Leslie Morris

L. Morris explained there will be a committee meeting after next week. The committee will be working on the next EA E-news. L. Morris welcomed involvement of EA members.

e) Trustees — Beth McKinney

B. McKinney explained one year from now is when people who want to run to be employee elected trustee have to start getting things together. She explained if anyone in the EA is interested, or knows of someone who is interested, they should let her know.

She went on to explain there are many renovations and projects going on around campus, including the Barton Hall roof, North MVR, the Plantation’s Welcome Center, the bridges, Milstein Hall, and utilities projects. By next week, the Board of Trustees will be voting on bridge barriers.

She also explained a pressing issue for the university is the large amount of hiring that will need to be done in the near future. The university is expecting huge amounts of turnover in the upcoming year due to so many faculty members retiring. They are planning to hire hundreds of new faculty members.

Lastly, B. McKinney commented on the investment report. She explained investments are doing well. The investment office beat the national average. She also spoke a little bit about the new financial aid match policy.

VII. Old Business

T. Grove explained she had received positive feedback about the President’s addressed. She thanked all the EA members who were involved.

VIII. New Business

There was no new business discussed.

IX. Open Forum

There was no discussion in the open forum.

X. Adjournment

J. Seymour made a motion to adjourn the Employee Assembly meeting. The motion was seconded. The EA meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715