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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 5 Resolution on Motorcycle Permit Rate Increase

Whereas, Transportation Services has proposed a motorcycle permit rate increase from $60 lifetime to $108 annually.

Whereas, the $108 rate is based strictly on 1/3 the perimeter rate. That is to say, three motorcycles can fit in one car space.

Whereas, Transportation Services has not considered, motorcycles are only a viable means of transportation six months per year.

Whereas, Transportation Services has not considered current economic hardships on the community. People ride motorcycles to save money.

Whereas, Transportation Services has not considered the community movement towards green friendly transportation and sustainability. This proposal is in the exact opposite direction. Motorcycles produce far less emissions, use far less gas, cost less to own and operate, etc.

Whereas, the Cornell motorcycle community is very small, there are no substantial profits to be made by the rate increase.

Whereas, current permit holders need to be grandfathered in. They purchased the permit under the agreement it would be $60 lifetime. Cornell needs to honor this agreement.

Whereas, motorcycle permit holders also hold car parking permits, therefore when riding saving space in the parking lots. They should not be penalized for this.

Whereas, In light of compromise the EA is proposing a rate increase to $60 annually. We feel this would maintain our current rider population without unfair, unwarranted taxation. This will also continue to promote sustainability and green friendly practices.

Respectfully Submitted,

David Brooks

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715