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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

May 4, 2011

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
Geneva Experiment Station

I. Call to Order

T. Grove called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.

Present-D. Brooks, P. Dongtoe, C. Ferguson, T. Grove, L. Croll Howell, L. Meyerhoff, G. Osborne, J. Seymour, G. Stewart

Absent- K. Coldren, T. Denesevich, L. Morris, C. Philips

Also Attending- J. Boodley Buchanan, L. Sayam, B. McKinney, A. O’Donnell

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the meeting.

III. Business of the Day

a)Planning for the President Skorton and VP Opperman visit on 5/18

T. Grove said she will give them some questions in advance, but also wants to have a true conversation with them. G. Stewart suggested with invite people to come to a meeting with DJS/MGO sometime. Leslie Meyerhoff or Tanya Grove could facilitate, and have it be a real open meeting. Afterward, EA e-news and the EA Facebook page could provide a contact email.

b)CARE Fund Fundraising

B. McKinney said they had a great meeting earlier this week. Ruth Merle Doyle and Gemma Osborne are the co-chairs. They are considering 2 dates for the fall auction — Oct. 7th or 21st. There was discussion on who to ask for donations, who to involve in the event planning and several other details. G. Osborne reported there have been 24 apps and 13 awards. The fund is almost out of money.

c)Summer retreat planning

The members discussed the summer retreat. Some details will need to be firmed up-the date, location, topics, facilitators. T. Grove said the EA will need to build an action plan for next year. G. Stewart suggested a leadership development component. T. Grove said she would like to do the “Staff Notes” thing again. L. Meyerhoff agreed, but asked that this be discussed to determine what should be said.

d)2011–2012 planning

Discussed when officers would be elected and possible guests to invite to EA meetings.

e)Communicating our work to the campus

T. Grove said that Tommy Bruce would like information from all the assemblies for publishing in the Chronicle.

g)UA Appointments

Jim Blair has asked to be reappointed for another 2 year term. L. Lawrence is retiring.

IV. Report from the Chair

T. Grove said she had her monthly meeting with Mary Opperman the day before.

f)Parking Restructuring — Joe Lalley (2:30)

Joe Lalley from Transportation Services presented draft #44 to the EA. He said the plan aims to make things simpler, reduce confusion, and reduce the number of different permits available. Two important points were that A lot will remain free, and the new garage on Forest Home Drive will be online soon. He also reported there have been a few adjustments to the motorcycle permits, most notable that the lifetime M permits will still be valid with the bike as long as they are re-registered by 1/1/2012.

V. Approval of Minutes

a)April 6, 2011

b)April 20, 2011

The minutes were tabled until the next meeting.

VI. Committee Reports

a)Elections Committee - Curtis Ferguson

The Elections Committee report was tabled until the next meeting.

VII. Old Business

There was no old business discussed.

VIII. New Business

There was no new business discussed.

IX. Open Forum

There was no open forum for this meeting.

X. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715