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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

August 15, 2012 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
12:15 — 1:30 p.m.
401 Physical Sciences

I. Call to order

T. Grove called the meeting to order at 12:21 p.m.

Present: B. Blanco, A. Capogrossi, B. Cristelli, B. Esty, T. Grove, E. Lee, G. Osborne, L. Sayam, B. Schaffner, M. Stefanski Seymour

Absent: J. Ambrosetti, J. Boodley Buchanan, D. Brooks, L. Croll Howell, C. Ferguson, M. Kitchen, T. Mitchell, L. Morris

II. Business of the day

a. Kathy Burkgren 12:15–12:45

Kathy Burkgren explained the committees that have been developed as a result of the survey. She said they are looking at change tools and trying to find ways to get staff to use them. They are trying to benchmark, align goal, etc and there is still work to do. She then asked the EA members what they have been hearing or feeling themselves. Some of the answers were; imbalance of work loads, kuali problems, gaps with retired/laid off employees. The members also gave many examples of what obstacles and issues they face every day. Kathy explained teams have been meeting and trying to do the LEAN program. The savings have been reported at other universities and organizations as being in the millions. Improving processes needs to be part of everyday work. T. Grove asked if they could do a forum together, and it seems to be favorable.

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting

  • Minutes from June 6, 2012

T. Grove made a motion to approve the minutes. It was seconded. The minutes were voted on and approved.

  • Minutes from June 20, 2012

T. Grove made a motion to approve the minutes. It was seconded. The minutes were voted on and approved.

IV. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the existing agenda.

V. Report from the Chair

a. E.S.R.T.

T. Grove said some of the sub-committees have been meeting over the summer and moving along with their charge. Their goal is to have plans by the beginning of September, and ready for the President to mention in his staff address. If members have any other ideas, please email Tanya directly.

b. Retreat

T. Grove said a list of guests was compiled at the retreat. She noted Paul Bursic from HR will attend in October, Lynette Chappell Williams will also attend to talk about New Destinations. Kyu Whang will come in to give an update on Facilities. We will also make a special note to have Pawprint do regular columns, articles and EA member appearances. We will have EA items online also, in case it gets buried in the printed version. They will also ask to meet with the Board of Trustees once per semester, instead of once per year. Also, would like to have some open forums around campus.

c. George Peter awards update

T. Grove reported there were four events over the spring/summer. All were great events, and very well received.

One other additional item, Jackie in Mary Opperman’s office asked if the EA would like to have a table at the Employee Celebration event on Sat. 10/13. Two people are needed to commit. If anyone is interested in helping, please let her know. B. Blanco said he would.

T. Grove said that L. Croll Howell has an idea for a resolution. The UA and the SA have put forth similar resolutions on gender-neutral restrooms. She feels it would be a good idea if the EA added lactation rooms. Linda has said she would lead the effort if the EA is supportive. E. Lee said he thought this was already in place as a law.

VI. Old Business

There were no old business items.

VII. New Business

a. Discuss Committee Charges

  • IOC—B. Cristelli said most people have been assigned. She was pleased to report that many non-EA staff have volunteered to be on committees.
  • Education—L. Sayam said the committee met four times last year. Their major task was to raise awareness about benefits. They did the survey, and received 71 responses. Flexibility, Supervisor support and Tax implications were the major issues. She would like to get the survey uploaded to view on EA website. She would also like to discuss with those staff members who dropped out of the program to find out the reason. Also, perhaps a list-serve would be helpful.

T. Grove said the Personnel Policy committee is looking for an issue to address this year. Last year, they discussed the bereavement policy.

b. Elect new member

T. Grove said they currently have 1 empty seat and another one may be possible in the coming weeks. She said two of the three candidates who are interested in serving were present. She said we could hear from them in a moment, and encouraged the members to read the handouts about the candidates also. She said she would like to vote on membership next time.

Greg Mezey said he is from the Statler, and gave a bit of info about himself.

Nancy Bell said she was from the Dyson School, and gave a bit of info about herself.

E. Lee said it would be great to have the final candidate attend the meeting next time in order to meet and hear from them.

Nancy Doolittle said she was happy to report the Pawprint deadlines will not fall on EA meeting dates this year.

VIII. Adjournment

B. Schaffner motioned to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715