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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

June 5, 2013 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
12:15 — 1:30pm
163 Day Hall

“Being an active Voice for Cornell Staff”

I. Call to Order

B. Schaffner called the meeting to order at 12:19pm

Members present: N. Bell, A. Capogrossi, B. Cristelli, B. Esty, T. Grove, G. Mezey, L. Morris, J. Rogan, L. Sayam, B. Schaffner, M. Seymour, P. Thompson

Members absent: J. Ambrosetti, R. Blanco, D. Brooks, L. Howell, C. Ferguson, E. Lee

Also present: A. Epstein and A. O’Donnell

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

T. Grove mentioned that she could give an update on transportation.

III. Approval of the Minutes from last meeting

T. Grove motioned to approve the minutes, G. Mezey seconded. Minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

IV. Business of the Day

a) Committee appointments

EA Committees Staff Recognition and Awards Committee — M. Seymour agreed to sit on the committee and B. Cristelli said she would chair.

Personnel Policy Committee — No one present voiced an interest in sitting on the committee. Per T. Grove’s suggestion, B. Schaffner agreed to send an email to all EA members later.

Education Committee — J. Rogan agreed to sit on the committee and L. Sayam said she would chair.

Communications Committee — L. Morris and B. Esty agreed to sit on the committee. L. Morris mentioned that E. Lee had previously expressed an interest in chairing.

CARE Fund Committee — A. Epstein said that HR took over management of the committee but there has been a discrepancy in the interpretation of the resolution that accomplished this; there is a question of whose purview funding management falls under. B. Schaffner proposed the creation of an ad-hoc committee to oversee funding. T. Grove mentioned that she, G. Mezey, and J. Ambosetti have been working on it and the hope is that the EA will own the committee again.

UA Committees Codes and Judicial Committee — C. Ferguson and Police Chief Kathy Zoner will continue sitting on the committee. G. Mezey said he would be the chair.

Campus Welfare Committee — L. Sayam said she would continue sitting on it.

Campus Infrastructure Committee — It was mentioned that D. Brooks would remain sitting on the committee.

University Hearing and Review Boards — G. Mezey said that there is an application process to get on the UHRB.

Campus Planning Committee — A. Capogrossi said he would like to sit on the committee.

Public Safety Advisory Committee — A. Epstein mentioned that the committee has been renamed and restructured; it has been left to the UA but it is still unclear how staffing will be done. B. Esty said he would be interested in sitting on the committee if it sought EA staffing.

Transportation Hearing and Appeals Boards — L. Morris said she would like to sit on the board.

Elections Committee — T. Grove mentioned that C. Ferguson would be happy to continue chairing the committee.

M. Seymour mentioned that a percentage of the payment for the parking passes should be added to the CARE Fund Committee.

V. Report from the Chair

a) Kudos luncheons

B. Shcaffner thanked everyone involved with the EA Kudos luncheon held the previous week at the Statler Hotel — 51 people were present. T. Grove mentioned that the luncheon is growing every year and is getting more expensive — the EA should begin looking into other venues.

B. Schaffner also commended the Kudos luncheon held for eShops. There are videos online showing progress.

b) GPADS (George Peter Award for Dedicated Service)

The event went very well and Ray Coolbaugh was shocked. After speaking with VP Mary Opperman, there was the suggestion to add more nominations and to be more efficient with timing. The EA then talked about options for increasing publicity. They also discussed the differentiation between a Kudos and a GPADS — maybe some people awarded a Kudos are more deserving of a GPADS.

L. Sayam asked if there was a deadline for submittal of a GPADS nomination. A. O’Donnell said no — they just arrive throughout the year. L. Sayam suggested the possibility of publicizing the submittal of nominations at a set period before the awards so as to not only get the word out, but also increase the visibility of the EA.

VI. Old Business

a) Geneva Meeting

T. Grove mentioned that phone numbers should be exchanged and that people should hold themselves accountable for attendance.

b) Cortland to Cornell bus route 7 (late addition to agenda)

Jill Tarbell has requested that the EA draft a resolution and provide committee support for transportation issues. Route 7 is being cancelled and instead, employees will have to take Route 6 to TC3 and transfer to a TCAT to get to campus. B. Cristelli mentioned that busses from TC3 to Cornell are infrequent and always completely packed. The EA discussed their options and will be taking action as soon as possible.

VII. New Business

a) Agenda items for future meetings

The EA mentioned topics of discussion for future meetings: TCAT and transportation, Qualtrics surveys, reaching out to EAs of other universities, Deans Forums, Publicity, and NYC Tech Campus.

A. Capogrossi volunteered to be EA Parliamentarian. G. Mezey motioned for a unanimous appointment and M. Seymour seconded.

VIII. Adjournment

B. Schaffner adjourned the meeting at 1:31pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Chelsea Cheng

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715