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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20070502 Minutes

Graduate Community Initiative Working Group Meeting Minutes May 2, 2007

Attendees: Joe Burke, Kris Corda, Ellen Gainor, Kent Hubbell, Michelle Leinfelder, Susan Murphy, Brendan O’Brien, Sunny Power, Cecelia Sander, Janet Vertesi (via phone), Mike Walsh, Donna Wilczynski, Yu Yu,

Vice President Susan Murphy welcomed the group and introductions were made. Vice President Murphy acknowledged the Vision Statement for a Graduate Community Initiative, which was presented by the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly to the University community. A recommendation of the statement was to create a working group that would review the Statement, it recommendations and create an action plan for moving forward.

The group made recommendations for the member list to invite faculty members, a representative from the Geneva campus, a student with a family/spouse, and a member of the medical hospital.

Janet Vertesi provided background on what led to the writing of the Statement, saying that the change in the housing policy in the Hasbrouck development preempted the idea to raise critical issues related to the graduate students’ experience at Cornell University.

The statement highlights issues critical to the lives of graduate students, including: physical space for the graduate community to gather for academic and social purposes, housing and transportation.

Absent a “center,” the question was raised about a GPSA office and where central space could be found. Kent Hubbell will inventory office space in Willard Straight Hall and advise the group of any options there. Given the master plan and GEIS work already underway, the group will look to them when the issue of a larger space is addressed.

Housing and transportation are essential issues that impact the student experience and will be evaluated as the working group moves forward.

Action planning will be important for students to see that issues from the Statement are being addressed and should send a clear message that students are being included in the process. Ideas on how to keep the Statement in public view and communicate the progress being made were discussed, including looking into Welcome Back activities for the fall, a graduate student reporter at the Cornell Daily Sun and through President Skorton addressing the GPSA in his Sun column.

President Skorton would like an action plan by the end of the year. At the next meeting, the group will discuss a timeline and responsibilities.

Minutes submitted by: D. Wilczynski

Graduate Community Initiative Shortcuts

Contact Graduate Community Initiative

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F